Thursday, June 30, 2022

Farmajo and his previous government should be held accountable for embezzling public funds.



The Minister of Finance, Abdirahman Duale Bayle, appeared before the House of Representatives for two consecutive days to ask about the 2022 Budget and the last four years' accounts, which have so far gone unreported and have not been corrupted by Farmajo's government.

Bayle, who was appointed Minister of Finance on March 21, 2017, has been in office for almost five-and-a-half years. more than one and a half million accounts are missing, It is clear that Farmajo and his group have embezzled so much and should be held accountable.

Bayle, however, argued that he had submitted the annual budget to the Speaker of Parliament, and that they would take responsibility for it, but Speaker of the Upper House Abdi Hashi Abdullahi said in front of him that he had not shared any documents.

For the past five years, Minister Abdirahman Duale Bayle has been abusing public property and has been accused of embezzlement at various times, facilitating Farmajo's embezzlement of public funds.

Last year, Farmajo and Bayle sent thousands of dollars to Sahra Ahmed, Bayle's nephew, who lives in Australia, to campaign, but the Liberal Party, of which she is a member, found out that she received money from Somalia and they rejected the race for the South East Parliament seat in Melbourne.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The army has intensified its fight against al-Shabaab


Alshabab and Government

The Somali federal government has sent new forces to Hiran region, central Somalia, to participate in the ongoing military operations against Al-Shabab in the region.

The forces were flown from Adam Adde International Airport in the capital, Mogadishu, to the airport of the city of “Giri El” in the Galgadud region, where they are expected to be transferred to the Hiran region of Hirshabele State.

The army has intensified its fight against al-Shabaab, As Farmajo and Fahad Yassin try to disrupt security in Somalia, using al-Shabaab as a ploy to destabilize the new government, they have launched a series of bombings in the Hiran region.

The forces sent to Hiran canton will work to remove mines on the road linking the city of "Beledweyne", the capital of Hiran region, to the town of Mataban, where movement between them has become difficult due to the heavy mines planted by Al-Alshabab militants.

The dispatch of forces and the intensification of military operations in the region came after a series of bombings and terrorist operations against the government forces operating in Hiran region, the latest of which was the convoy of the provincial governor, Ali Jiti Othman, with an explosion that resulted in the deaths and injuries of soldiers and the injury of two journalists.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Villa Somalia says it is repatriating troops from Eritrea.


Villa Somalia

Somali presidential spokesman Abdikarin Ali Kaar, speaking at a press conference at the presidential palace, spoke about the situation of soldiers training in Eritrea.

He said the troops were financially strapped, and confirmed that they had completed their training a year ago, It is clear that the soldiers are being held hostage and, as already mentioned, took part in the civil war in Ethiopia.

Soldiers have also been involved in crimes against humanity during the civil war in Tigray region, according to international reports.

It is clear that the number of trained soldiers in Eritrea is around 10,000, they took part in the Ethiopian civil war, many of them are missing, Farmajo & Fahad Yassin could not convince the parents of the children and the Somali people and that is why  Farmajo handed over the file to 5,000 soldiers so as not to capture the missing number.

Recently, the parents of the boys who were taken to Eritrea staged a rally in Mogadishu, asking the new president to help them find their missing child for several years.

The spokesman said that the Somali government plans to repatriate the troops soon, and that the Somali government is ready to sit down with the parents of the young men, to provide them with better information on the condition of their sons.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Farmajo is still lying to the Somali people



Farmajo issued a call to the Somali people to celebrate Independence Day from June 26th to July 1st and to strengthen unity.

It is clear that Farmajo is still living a dream and he thinks he is in power. He is also talking about patriotism and unity by further dividing the country,  yet divides between supporters and opponents, which is opposed to working for the unification of the people he claims.

Speaking on Independence Day from June 26th to July 1st,  Farmajo said, "I congratulate the people of Somalia, wherever they are, on the 62nd anniversary of the independence of the Northern Regions on June 26th." of great value to the sovereignty and unity of our country.

The struggle for independence, the unity of our country and the unification of the Somali people has been spearheaded by the Somali people in the northern regions of our country.

But Farmajo was the first to escalate the crisis between the federal government of Somalia and Somaliland, while in his speech on the 7th independence he called for the unity of the Somali people, praising the people of Somaliland.

Farmajo was also the President who worked to abolish federalism and eliminate the role of regional governments and establishing a dictatorship, but he spoke differently and discusses the unification of states.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Laftagareen sets foot on a dictatorial path.



Abdiaziz Laftagareen's administration in the South West has banned political meetings in the areas under his control, as the remaining time for Laftagareen is limited, with five months and 20 days left.

The security minister of the South West administration Mohamed Isaq Abdi told a news conference in Baidoa that no one will be allowed to hold political meetings.

He said the areas in the South West were in a difficult situation due to the drought, and it was clear that Abdicasis Laftagareen was using the drought situation to derail the presidential election in the South West administration.

 Laftagareen  has taken a step towards dictatorship in the South West, deciding to ban political meetings, with limited time intending to cancel the presidential election in the South West with five months to go and 20 days.

Laftagareen retains the power of the South West Administration and sets foot on a dictatorial path, determined to never relinquish power. The question is, will Laftagareen learn a lesson from the Farmajo incident?

Friday, June 24, 2022

Farmajo is using his supporters to disrupt the new government.


Farmajo and Hassan

Former director of the Heritage Institute for Political Research Abdirashid Khalif Hashi has for the first time strongly criticized Farmajo and his supporters for starting a war against the new government of President Hassan.

Farmajo and his group have chosen to carry out propaganda and attacks against the new government, in order to undermine the work of Hassan Sheikh's government.

When reformers took over the country, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo paved the way for an old road, and the Prime Minister took the road. These measures are good for the government.

But Farmajo and his supporters have launched an attack on President-elect Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and new Prime Minister Hamsa, trying to disrupt the work of the new government so that the public does not feel that Farmajo has failed the previous administration.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was attacked and falsely led by NN factions supporting former Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, and within two months launched a fake attack on a new government.

Now that Hassan has ruled as an elder and has not been charged with murder and any other crime in the country, he should now be punished for his crimes in the country farmajo and brought to justice.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

IMF praises somalia's success in debt forgiveness



The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Committee on June 17th finalized the second and third review of the extended loan system (ECF) in Somalia.

The commission's decision will enable the immediate disbursement of SDR 14 million (approximately US $ 18.8 million), bringing the total cost to Somalia under ECF and EFF to SDR 271.4 million (approximately US $). 384.3 million).

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said that Somalia has passed the key criteria for debt relief from poor countries, making it the 37th country in the world to reach this level of debt forgiveness.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has praised Somalia's achievements in debt forgiveness, saying it has worked hard to get there and urged the country's financial institutions to be transparent in all steps.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's government managed to end the IMF crisis in less than a month after taking office, and it became clear that Farmajo was to blame for Somalia's economic woes.

Corruption and misappropriation of public funds during Farmajo's rule were among the reasons for the crisis in Somalia, where the drought-stricken poor could not be tackled, leaving the government's coffers empty.

Farmajo misappropriated government funds, bribed, and distributed them to lawmakers he wanted to vote for.  Farmajo should be prosecuted for his crimes and rampant corruption in the country.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Hassan Sheikh's government is working to finalize the country's constitution, which Farmajo's government failed to do.


The Upper House of Parliament

The Senate of the Federal Parliament of Somalia held its regular meeting in the capital Mogadishu, chaired by Speaker Abdi Hashi Abdullah.

The Upper House of Parliament has approved the members who will represent the Constitution Review and Oversight Committee, which has been under review, to became as a comprehensive symbol of public of the Somali people.

The members who will represent the House of Elders are five members, namely, 1. Senator Abdi Hassan Awale (Qaybdiid) Galmudug - 2. Senator Iftin Hassan Iman (Baasto) Jubbaland - 3. Senator Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail (Fartag) Jubbaland - 4. Senator Salah Ahmed Jama, -Somaliland, and 5. Senator Hassan Hussein Haji, South West.

The review of the Constitution revolves around a number of important issues, such as; electoral process, federal affairs, devolution, justice, security, women's and youth rights, the status of Mogadishu and the separation of powers and revenue between the DF

The two Houses of the Federal Parliament [Upper & Lower House] and the State Parliaments, the Ministry of Constitution at the Federal level and their counterparts at the state level, and other agencies are working together to review and consult with the public Somali.

During his presidency in Somalia, Farmajo did not worked to finalize the constitution and establish a Supreme Constitutional Court so that he could not find anyone to challenge his dictatorship. However, the finalize the constitution is one of the main issues facing his government. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Minister of Finance said Farmajo left the state treasury empty.


Farmajo and bayle

The Minister of Finance of the Federal Government of Somalia, Abdirahman Duale Bayle, has dismissed a statement posted on social media by Farmajo's propaganda group.

The minister accused the individuals of spreading politically motivated propaganda that the previous administration had left money in the government's coffers to cover the budget for the next six months, which he described as nonsense.

The Minister of Finance of the Federal Government of Somalia, Abdirahman Duale Bayle, announced that the new government inherited an “empty” treasury, hinting that the exorbitant money had been stolen during the Farmajo regime.

Minister Beyle, denied what he described as baseless allegations that appeared on social media that he said that Farmajo left behind the government treasury full of money, and confirmed that Farmajo left the treasury empty of funds.

Bayle said loudly that there was no more money in the government's coffers than the salaries of employees and the armed forces, which will be paid on the twenty-fifth of this month.

The minister further said that local revenue is very low, as the government collects taxes only in Mogadishu where the airport and port act as nerve financial centres.

The minister announced that the salaries of the next five months are not currently in his hands. 

Last month, the finance minister presented the federal budget of $918.7 million to the Cabinet, which was approved and now awaits parliamentary approval, an increase of $247.7 million over last year's budget, which was $671 million.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Turkey bans Somalis from staying in turkey, so why turkey stay in Somalia?



 Harassment of Somali merchants continues in the Turkish capital, Ankara, where police on Friday ordered the whitewashing of the sign of a Somali restaurant called "Saab".

Turkish police claimed that the colors used in the banner were used by Kurdish militants, who are considered terrorists by the Turkish government, and the police obstructed the opening ceremony.

The government of the Turkey is in plans to afflict the Somali community in the Turkey's capital, which has formed restaurants, cafés and clothing areas, and became the target of the country hatred against Somalis.

Somali businessmen, said they have received a legal license for the business, emphasizing that the police do not have a "legal basis" but to violate.

Traders also said, "We have been detained for nine months for this [harassment]." The police pushed other Somalis who opened their businesses to go bankrupt, we did not rely on institutions and individuals, but we relied on the law, and the Turkey government does not consider it legal.

As a result of the persecution, some Somali businessmen were quick to sell their property, leading to several restaurants being taken over by Turkey nationals, so turkey racist Somali businesses.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Important events that FAHAD YASSIN hid to talk about


Fahad yasin

During President Farmajo's five years in the country there were major offenses, the most important of which people were waiting for Fahad to speak or be asked not to include in his recent interview.

They are unlikely to be forgotten but they appear to be events that Fahad Yassin did not want to talk about. In this article, we will summarize some of the events that shook the country and the government and that Fahad went into hiding and needs to be asked again.

The biggest crime under President Farmajo's regime is the extradition of a Somali national to the Ethiopian government. The attack on Abdikarin Sheikh Muse Qalbi-dhagax has shaken Somalia's system of government, It is a case that no one can skip when he wants to report on President Farmajo's administration. Fahad did not discuss the Qalbi-dhagax issue.

Former Governor of Banadir Region En. Abdirahman Omar Osman Yarisow and some district officials of Benadir region were killed at the Mogadishu city hall, Footage captured by hidden cameras as the government handled increased internal suspicion. Fahad is hiding from this topic.

After Siyad Barre's government, an attempt to assassinate a politician for his political views took place in December 2017, President Farmajo's group raided the home of Abdirahman Abdishakuu Warsame, a politician who was strongly opposed to the government. Fahad Yassin was then the director of Villa Somalia and is believed to have masterminded the attack, Fahad was not questioned about the incident.

Incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has been attacked twice during the Farmajo regime. it was an immunity, a legal violation and a threat to the sovereignty of Somalia, No one has been prosecuted for this heinous crime. Fahad chose not to talk about it.

Fahad Yassin's biggest political defeat is seen as losing the seat. The controversy over his seat has been going on for some time and is not something to be forgotten, Fahad did not speak and was not asked why he lost his seat. But in the interview he attacked anyone who had played a role in losing the seat.

Mukhtar Robow Ali Abu Mansour was detained by NISA in Mogadishu for several years. The man, who was arrested while trying to run for the presidency of the South West, and so government shoting dead protesters in Baidoa, Fahad did not discuss why Mukhtar was arrested or the responsibility of the civilian population.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Hassan Sheikh's new government has restored international support, following the fall of the dictatorial Farmajo government.


Hassan Sheikh

The Ministry of Defense of the Federal Government of Somalia received military equipment provided by the European Union Mission to Build the Capacity of the National Armed Forces.

Somali Land Forces Commander Major General Mohamed Tahlil Bihi said that the equipment is of special importance in developing the capabilities of the army, noting that the success of the armed forces is due in part to the use of modern military equipment and advanced weapons.

It is noteworthy that the European Union is an important partner for Somalia, as it provides great support to the Somali government in the political, security and development fields.

The Somali army is continuing military operations to pursue and liquidate terrorist cells in areas where Al-Shabab militants are still present in the south and center of the country.

While the army is currently battling al-Shabaab, Farmajo was using troops trained abroad, along with their armed support, to use them against opponents, rather than fighting al-Shabaab.

Also the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia,  Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, received the Head of the World Bank office in the country, Christina Svensson, and discussed with her the strengthening of cooperation between the Bank and the Somali Federal Government.

Svenson indicated that the World Bank will support Somalia with $100 million in the next 12 months to implement priority plans, and commended the Somali president's determination to reorganize the country's financial system.

This shows that Somalia has regained the trust of donor countries, the World Bank and its allies, following the fall of the dictatorial Farmajo government.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Farmajo and his supporters are the real enemy of Somalia


Farmajo and Fahad yasin

As for the real enemy of the stable situation in Somalia, it is the remnants of the former president, his electronic flies, and his dealings with the mafia.

The  electronic insects had caused a (paid value) noise on social media due to the defeat of Farmajo, supporters of former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, known by the acronym CBB " Cyber ​​Bugs ", have launched attacks and organized campaigns against the new president.

These campaigns launched by Farmajo's supporters, are the true face of the Farmajo's group whose content of its publications and tweets made it clear that it does not have an iota of patriotism, as they wish to bring calamity to Somalia after Farmajo's departure.

As well the defeated electorally-defeated group Farmajo, Fahad Yassin and "Hassan Ali Khairy" is dealing with the terrorist Al-Shabab and mafia groups to carry out organized crimes in Somalia to destabilize security and stability under the rule of the new Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud.

It is also no longer a secret, that many suspicions have been raised about the relationship of Farmajo's ally, Fahd Yassin, with the Mujahideen Youth Movement, which is classified as terrorist, and which is active in most of the country, and former leaders of the agency warned against this President-elect.

then the elected president needs to reconsider the structure of the army and its divisions because it has recently become involved in the country’s political process, as it was used as a mechanism to silence the opposition instead of protecting the country’s security.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin are working to incite violence in Gedo region.


Farmajo iyo fahad yasin

One of the civilian planes operating in the country, the administration of Dolow district has blocked the journey of individuals from Gedo region to the district .

The district commissioner informed Fly National management that they could not bring Dolow, Mohamed Abdullahi Gardhub, who had previously returned to the town in the southwestern Gedo region of Luuq.

Mohamed Abdullahi Gardhub, a member of former Jubaland security minister Abdirashid Janan who defected to the federal government last year, was also the first to defect from Ahmed Madobe.

Most of the districts in Gedo region are controlled and chaired by military officers appointed by kullane Jiis, who are still under the command of Farmajo and his group and appear to have continued to harass the people of the region in recent years.

Farmajo and Fahad want loyalist forces in Gedo to use military force against Kenyan troops to provoke tensions along the border, to distract the public from past crimes, following the failure of Fahad Yassin's interview.

Although Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe recently said he was standing for a solution to the Gedo region, no action has been taken since Farmajo vacated office, and it is unclear what decision the government will take in the region.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Fahad Yassin should be prosecuted for his role in the Tigrayan war.


Fahad Yassin

Former NISA director Fahad Yassin Haji Dahir, who was questioned about the Somali troops being trained in Eritrea, said they were right.

Fahad declined to say how many troops were sent to Eritrea, proving that some Somali soldiers had died in the Tigrean war, and that Farmajo and Fahad Yassin were being held incommunicado but would be brought to justice.

Fahad Yassin said, "Can you tell me what Ethiopia needs from 100 million Somali troops? It recruits hundreds of thousands of troops in one night. It is unreasonable to say that Ethiopia needs several thousand Somali troops." undergoing training.

But he cannot mislead the Somali people and it is clear that Ethiopia used Eritrean troops, including Somali soldiers, in the Tigrean war, contrary to what Fahad Yassin claimed and that Ethiopia really needed troops at that time for fighting.

International reports have previously confirmed the involvement of Somali forces in the Tigrean war, The parents of the children should sue farmajo and Fahad who took their children to war in another country and some of them died.

The government should also thwart Fahad Yassin's attempts to sow discord after the defeat of him and Faramajo and his flight from the country to avoid prosecution.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Fahad Yassin is a liar and should be prosecuted


Fahad yassin

At a press conference in Mogadishu, lawmakers specifically representing Ikraan Tahliil, a missing officer for several years, spoke out strongly against Fahad Yassin's claims.

The former NISA commander has blamed Ikraan's assassination on Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, NISA director Mahad Salad and al-Adala, who have been at loggerheads for some time.

NISA Director Mahad Salad said in September 2021 that Fahad  Yassin was the Al-Shabaab who killed Ikraan Tahliil, Fahad Yassin said in an interview that he knew Ikraan, she was unemployed and other conflicting reports.

Fahad seemed to be a man who could not balance the news coming out of his mouth, If he hadnot spoken, would he have done so? And other words that have created a sense of community in the community.

Senator Samsam, one of the lawmakers who spoke at the event, said Fahad did not distinguish between political rivals and the Ikraan case, and that he was angry with government officials.

 Talks with Fahad Yasin and Yasin Farey are aimed at confusing the Ikraan Tahlil case, and nothing has been done about it, so the girl and the others who have been abused for the last 5 years should get justice .

Finally, the Somali people called on President  Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to set up a neutral commission to investigate the Ikraan case, investigate the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Fahad yasin is to be returned to the country to be convicted by the offenders.



The former NISA commander, Fahad yasin was attacked by the President of the Jubbaland Region Ahmed Madobe.

Former NISA commander, who has been interviewed, spoke about the dispute over the government led by former Somali President Farmajo and the Jubbaland regional president said as a foreign project created in Somalia.

Fahad Yasin who has worked for Qatar, who sponsored the government of Somalia, and mixed al-Shabaab and government,  he said,  Ahmed Madobe he was a man who is not in the interest of Somalia, but stay in the Kenyan government.

Fahad yasin continues to attack the new Somali government to be protected by the offenders during the time farmajo president, and their supporters are trying to weaken the work of President Hassan Sheikh.

The Somali people are demanding that the fahad yasin are returned to the country to be sentenced to the crime, and the former President Farmajo to the public for their five-year success.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Fahad Yassin is a fugitive from justice who is trying to avert his crimes.


Fahad Yassin

Fahad Yassin's interview will be Fahad Yassin's first interview since he entered politics, especially in the last five years, in which he has held various positions, including Director of the Presidency, Deputy Director of NISA, Director General of NISA and the Nation. Security Adviser, He has committed many crimes during that time.

Fahad sent a number of messages to the interviewer, the first of which was that the country had been taken over by an invading group, and that the leadership of the government was in the open, as he said in an interview that intelligence officials did not share it with the intelligence director.

The secrets that Fahad yasin is demanding not to be shared with Mahad Mohamed Salad, the current director general of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), are 11 points.

It is the assassination of AUN Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow), the assassination of AUN MP Amino Mohamed Abdi, the assassination of AUN General Mohamed Nur Galaal, the case of Ikraan Tahliil Farah - absent officer, betrayal of Abdikarim Sheikh Muse Qalbi-dhagah, NISA merger and Al -Shabaab, NISA Intelligence Liaison with Qatar, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Tripartite Agreement, Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Youth in Northern Ethiopia, Ports Signed in Ethiopia, Unscheduled Funds Used for Politics.

Fahad, who had been hiding from the camera for less than 30 days after his defeated party, gave his first interview, said he was preparing for a political coup in the next four years 

Fahad Yassin is working on a joint venture between Farmajo and the Qatari group in Somalia seeking revenge for anyone who caused his ouster,  Qatar's allies are waging a coup against the new president by spreading chaos and terrorism, trying to overthrow the new president and his government.

The new Somali government must act swiftly and not allow fugitives like Fahad Yassin to disrupt the peace and try to disrupt the country's security, Hassan Sheikh should arrest Fahad Yassin who has committed serious crimes in the country through Interpol.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Qatar's allies continue to incite violence against the new president by spreading chaos and terrorism, trying to overthrow his government.


Fahad and farmajo

Fahad Yassin, known for working with Qatar, known in Somalia as the Doha man, gave an interview and attacked Somali President-elect Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, insulted the new director of the Mahad Salad and threatened him and threatened NISA officials, boasting of links to al-Shabaab.

Fahad Yasin's confession that he is a member of al-Itihad, proves that he has links to al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab as Alshabab has defected from them.

Fahad Yassin is working on a joint venture between Farmajo and the Qatari group in Somalia seeking revenge for anyone who caused his ouster,  Qatar's allies are waging a coup against the new president by spreading chaos and terrorism, trying to overthrow the new president and his government.

The secrets that Fahad Yassin is demanding not to be shared with Mahad Mohamed Salad, the current director general of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), are 11 points.

It is the assassination of AUN Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow), the assassination of AUN MP Amino Mohamed Abdi, the assassination of AUN General Mohamed Nur Galaal, the case of Ikraan Tahliil Farah - absent officer, betrayal of Abdikarim Sheikh Muse Qalbi-dhagah, NISA merger and Al -Shabaab, NISA Intelligence Liaison with Qatar, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Tripartite Agreement, Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Youth in Northern Ethiopia, Ports Signed in Ethiopia, Unscheduled Funds Used for Politics.

The new Somali government must act swiftly and not allow fugitives like Fahad Yassin to disrupt the peace and try to disrupt the country's security,  Hasan shekh should arrest Fahad Yassin who has committed serious crimes in the country through Interpol.

Farmajo's main objective in building a house is to obscure the facts and facts of the corruption that took place during Farmajo's 5 years in office.



They are plotting in the country against Farmajo and his group against President-elect Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his government, and they are pursuing efforts to plunge the country into chaos and anarchy.

Farmajo and his group are also hiding in the construction of a house, but they are running a free campaign to legalize the looted funds during their tenure.

When the public saw Farmajo looting at home, they launched a massive campaign against Farmajo, exposing the corruption & abuses he committed during his rule, which was unprecedented in Somalia.

Isims in Mogadishu have openly stated what they call "the culture and provocations of Farmajo and his group", and oppose the behavior and provocations of Farmajo and his group who want to create chaos and violence.

Muhiyidiin Darbaween, an intellectual in Mogadishu, called on residents of the Benadir region to demonstrate against the campaign to build a black house for Farmajo.

It is true that farmajo and his group have been committing corruption and looting while they were in power, and now they are trying to overthrow the new government, but it will not be tolerated for Farmajo to turn a blind eye to the people and want to create chaos and conflict.

Farmajo's main objective in building the house is to obscure the facts and facts of the corruption that took place during Farmajo's five years in office, which was marred by major corruption scandals, according to official reports. international and local, especially the Qatari economy used to violate the Somali constitution.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Yasin Farey's interview is aimed at misleading the investigation into the Ikraan Tahlil case, which is now under the control of the new NISA leadership.


yasin farey

Expelled NISA director Fahad Yassin, who has been plotting to divert the attention of the Somali public from the inauguration ceremony, has released an interview covering the Ikraan Tahliil case.

Farmajo, Fahad Yassin and Yassin Farey, who initially thought they were trying to confuse the inauguration ceremony with fake fundraisers, say they could not do to build a house for Farmajo, after the plan failed due to the drought in the country. 

Then Fahad Yassin and Farmajo ordered Yassin Farey to give an interview, and the next day he would give Fahad Yassin to distract them from the inauguration ceremony, while he would repeat what Yassin Farey had said. "The terrorists who killed Ikraan".

The Somali public, aware of the conspiracy of the accused, has reacted unexpectedly to Yassin Farey's responses to the Ikraan case, and their interview is aimed at misleading the current NISA leadership into the alleged Ikraan tahlil case.

The media coverage of Fahad Yassin and yasin farey also shows how fearful these men are for Ikraan's pursuit of justice under the new leadership, Yasin Farey's pardon shows that NISA, led by Fahad Yassin, killed Ikraan Tahlil and Farmajo, Fahad Yassin and all others involved should be brought to justice.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

So how does Farmajo, who has been Africa's highest paid president for the past five years, need a house to be built?



Supporters of former Somali President Farmajo are still campaigning on social media under the slogan "Thank You President", which aims to build a house for farmajo.

So far, the Somali people are not convinced that Farmajo does not have the financial means to buy a house, as farmajo has been earning $ 60,000 a month during his time in office, but the campaign is believed to be aimed at to legalize the money he embezzled during his tenure.

When the project to build a house for Farmajo came out we investigated Farmajo's salary and entitlements from the government during his tenure, as the highest government to the lowest person are employees who work for the people and the country and receive rights from the government.

He made $ 720,000 a year for the government. In the 63-month period, in which he held the highest office in the country, President Farmajo received a salary of $ 3,780,000 (three million seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars).

That is the only salary Farmajo received from the government during his tenure, and it does not include other presidential rights and funds for other interests.

During the investigation, it was discovered that during President Hassan Sheikh's previous term he was receiving $ 8,000, much less than Farmajo's salary, which increased his monthly salary.

Farmajo's salary increase was not approved by parliament, nor was it included in the government's budget report at all, meaning that Farmajo received illegal payments.

farmajo was Africa's highest paid president, earning $ 720,000 a year from Somalia, proving that he did not lose money to build a house but wanted to legalize his corrupt finances.

Monday, June 6, 2022

The Somali people do not want Qatar's intervention in Somalia


In the Somali capital, Mogadishu, political activities are under way led by the Qatari ambassador, who has close ties to the Farmajo  government.

The Qatari ambassador, based in Mogadishu, launched a strong campaign after the May 15th election to establish closer ties with the new government.

The Speaker of the Upper House, Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, was accompanied by the Ambassador of Qatar, Hassan Bin Hamze Hashim, and discussed issues including bilateral relations and Qatar's role in Somalia.

For the past five years, Qatar has had strong ties to the former Farmajo-led government, and Qatar has destroy Somalia during Farmajo's five-year rule, and is now looking to get closer to the new system after losing its ally Farmajo & government funding used by Al-Shabaab.

The Qatari government has also been heavily interfering in the election process by investing millions of dollars in the country to produce someone it understands to stay in the country and continue to intervene in the government. 

The Somali people are demanding that Qatar withdraw from Somalia after the last five years of turmoil, because the Somali people cannot afford to be handed over to Al Shabaab and massacred as happened during the Farmajo era.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Farmajo and his group want to rob the poor


Fundraising for former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo to build a house is on the rise, and Farmajo's supporters are mobilizing on social media.

Accounts have been set up to collect the money, some of which are owned by private individuals who worked in his office and are still close to Farmajo.

According to the Somali constitution, any president who transfers power peacefully will have a budget of $ 25,000 for his or her home and security expenses and $ 8,000 per month.

The total amount is $ 396,000 a year, and the country's ninth parliament has approved a provision for the president to hand over power peacefully to a non-permanent member of parliament and $ 33,000 a month.

Many people are shocked by Farmajo's campaign to build a house, and commentators say there is no need for Farmajo to ask for donations from those who are starving to death in the country, earning a lot of money every month.

Farmajo's group and others in hiding, including Farmajo, Fahad Yassin and Hassan Ali Kheyre, want to mislead the public into depositing money in non-existent accounts in order to deposit their money in the bank.

To put it bluntly, there is no doubt that Farmajo has millions of dollars in cash in his house and if he puts it in the bank he is afraid of being questioned and found out that during his five years in power he has robbed the poor people.

The Farmajo group has started sending money to some of its supporters, ordering them to donate cheese, and publish the receipts on social media to make the world think that the public loves farmajo and want to build house. Farmajo's supporters have been misleading him into believing he has not committed any corruption during his five years in power.

Relevant agencies, particularly the Auditor General and the Financial Supervisory Authority, should investigate Farmajo's previous misappropriation of funds and his alleged misappropriation of new funds.

The Black History of Former President Farmajo Money Laundering!



Farmajo's Qaaraan Qaran project has hit the poor. Farmajo also owes $ 1.7 billion that has not been accounted for in the last four years. Since then, Qatar's black currency has been destroyed by the fledgling government. in Somalia.

During his tenure he did not hold his government accountable once, and every year he was involved in major corruption scandals. He fought a political battle over the revenue of the Benadir region. He made a lot of money from his Mogadishu Port tax exemption group. Farmajo and his friends made millions of dollars from the Ethiopian qat project.

Farmajo is not enough and today he wants to rob again the people who fell yesterday in different ways.

The new project has two plans,  It must cover any Somali assets that have been looted.

New assets must continue to fall from this crisis and drought-stricken nation.

Relevant agencies, particularly the Auditor General and the Financial Supervisory Authority, should investigate Farmajo's previous misappropriation of funds and his alleged misappropriation of new funds.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Farmajo has launched a campaign to mislead the public by seeking to legalize corrupt finances.


Although his political career seems to be coming to an end and he suffered a crushing defeat in the May 15, 2022 elections, former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo still appears to be misleading the public and further looting public property.

Farmajo's propaganda group, led by Ali Yare and Abdirashid Duqa, has devised a plan to plunder the nation's economy, claiming that Famaajo will build a reward house in Mogadishu at the expense of the public.

Accounts have been opened in banks, social media campaigns have been launched, money has been given to celebrities, to LIVE on social media and urge people to pay, at a time when thousands of Somalis are starving to death and drought in many parts of the country.

The aim of the fundraiser is to further mislead the public who have been misled for the past five years, and to tell them that Farmajo has no money to build a house and now lives in a rented house.

However, the question that needs to be asked by the Somali people is, how much rent does Farmajo have in his house? How many years has he rented? Where is the account of four of his five years in office.

Farmajo moved to VILLA KAAH, where he had been living with an international organization for some time, and paid $ 75,000 to relocate the agency, at the end of February 2022, and rented the house for $ 35,000 a month.

 farmajo has been renting for two years, which is close to one million dollars. The question is, will he build a million houses? Farmajo, it is worth $ 1.7 billion which has not been accounted for in the last four years, so what is the reward?

Farmajo and his group are using the money laundering scheme to smuggle millions of dollars into the banking system, which they have embezzled during their 5 years in power.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Mahad Salad reforms NISA

Mahad salad

The new director of the National Intelligence and Security Agency, Mahad Salad, is still in the process of reforming NISA, having already fired some of  Fahad yassin's close aides.

Mahad yesterday ordered Fahad's bodyguards, who were staying at his residence inside the Presidential Palace, to report to the headquarters of Habar Khadijo, the agency's main command post, highlighting the seriousness of Mahad's plans.

 Senior officials at the agency, including NISA Monitoring Commander Abdullahi Dahir (Dheere), have already demanded their resignation, but it is unclear whether Mahad Salad has accepted their resignation.

More recently, it is expected that more individuals will be fired from the agency, and below, the Director of Planning & Technology NISA and the Chief of Staff and Personnel have been appointed.

Several NISA officers and plainclothes officers at the airport have been arrested in the past three days, while others have had their identities and weapons confiscated.

Mahad Salad is working to rid NISA of the corruption and illegal practices of Farmajo supporters.

The agency's new director, Mahad, has been in the DF Parliament, particularly the House of the People, for a long time, and is closely watched, as he manages NISA, how has evolved into a political powerhouse in recent years poisoned.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Laftagareen's term ends in December, and he must hold the election on time.


  Abdiaziz Lafta-gareen has not slept since the mafia led by Farmajo was thrown out of the window.

The South West leader Laftagareen is worried about an uprising by politicians from the administration in Mogadishu.

Some opposition politicians in Lafta Gareen have arrived in Baidoa, making close friends with Lafta Gareen security officials, so that Laftagareen does not try to control the military in the South West.

Lafta-gareen is facing a major challenge in the case of Muqtar Robow, who is expected to be released soon.

Incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud believes Robow is being held hostage, and his release could signal a dramatic change in leadership in the South West.

South West President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed Laftagareen recently ordered the distribution of weapons stored by his administration to his clan.

The motive behind the weapons falling into the hands of clan militias is related to the political defeat of Lafta-gareen, as he knows he has no support from the South West clans, and his term is coming to an end, so he fears an uprising.

Since Laftagareen's term ends in December, and the election must be held on time, he should not try to make an extension that would destabilize the country, such as a friend of dictator Farmajo.