Turkey's support for Farmajo ended freedoms in Somalia and made Farmajo a tyrannical ruler. - Dream Smart


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Turkey's support for Farmajo ended freedoms in Somalia and made Farmajo a tyrannical ruler.

 Ankara’s pursuit of military cooperation with Somalia aims at its desire to obtain contracts to arm the Somali army after the departure of the African Union forces, so that Mogadishu becomes a gateway to open new markets for the Turkish military industry in some East African countries

The Turkish intervention in our country, Somalia, caused great unemployment among the youth, as the Turkish domination of government projects forced the small merchants to bankrupt and leave their livelihood, in addition to the fact that the Turks brought their medical equipment, cadres, building materials and construction from their country, then they sell the service to the Somalis with large sums of money

Turkey and its pharmaceutical system have diplomatic relations in the fields of security, economy, politics and trade, and Farmajo's biggest ally is now Turkey.

Turkey aspires to dominate politics and economy in the Horn of Africa region, and sees Somalia as a path to its goals and ambitions in the Horn of Africa.

 Turkey supports Farmajo personally, under the guise of supporting the Somali nation and the Somali people, and considers Farmajo a gateway to Somalia's resources.

 Erdogan's support and arms for Farmajo undermined the independence and constitution of the Somali nation and made it difficult for Farmajo to become a dictator.

 Somalia's relationship with Turkey has not benefited from constant interference, political turmoil, and weapons of mass destruction.

 What many Somalis do not know is that Turkey's relationship with us has led to the spread of terrorism on our land and the daily bombings inside Somalia.

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