Thursday, June 2, 2022

Mahad Salad reforms NISA

Mahad salad

The new director of the National Intelligence and Security Agency, Mahad Salad, is still in the process of reforming NISA, having already fired some of  Fahad yassin's close aides.

Mahad yesterday ordered Fahad's bodyguards, who were staying at his residence inside the Presidential Palace, to report to the headquarters of Habar Khadijo, the agency's main command post, highlighting the seriousness of Mahad's plans.

 Senior officials at the agency, including NISA Monitoring Commander Abdullahi Dahir (Dheere), have already demanded their resignation, but it is unclear whether Mahad Salad has accepted their resignation.

More recently, it is expected that more individuals will be fired from the agency, and below, the Director of Planning & Technology NISA and the Chief of Staff and Personnel have been appointed.

Several NISA officers and plainclothes officers at the airport have been arrested in the past three days, while others have had their identities and weapons confiscated.

Mahad Salad is working to rid NISA of the corruption and illegal practices of Farmajo supporters.

The agency's new director, Mahad, has been in the DF Parliament, particularly the House of the People, for a long time, and is closely watched, as he manages NISA, how has evolved into a political powerhouse in recent years poisoned.

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