Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Laftagareen's term ends in December, and he must hold the election on time.


  Abdiaziz Lafta-gareen has not slept since the mafia led by Farmajo was thrown out of the window.

The South West leader Laftagareen is worried about an uprising by politicians from the administration in Mogadishu.

Some opposition politicians in Lafta Gareen have arrived in Baidoa, making close friends with Lafta Gareen security officials, so that Laftagareen does not try to control the military in the South West.

Lafta-gareen is facing a major challenge in the case of Muqtar Robow, who is expected to be released soon.

Incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud believes Robow is being held hostage, and his release could signal a dramatic change in leadership in the South West.

South West President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed Laftagareen recently ordered the distribution of weapons stored by his administration to his clan.

The motive behind the weapons falling into the hands of clan militias is related to the political defeat of Lafta-gareen, as he knows he has no support from the South West clans, and his term is coming to an end, so he fears an uprising.

Since Laftagareen's term ends in December, and the election must be held on time, he should not try to make an extension that would destabilize the country, such as a friend of dictator Farmajo.

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