Monday, June 6, 2022

The Somali people do not want Qatar's intervention in Somalia


In the Somali capital, Mogadishu, political activities are under way led by the Qatari ambassador, who has close ties to the Farmajo  government.

The Qatari ambassador, based in Mogadishu, launched a strong campaign after the May 15th election to establish closer ties with the new government.

The Speaker of the Upper House, Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, was accompanied by the Ambassador of Qatar, Hassan Bin Hamze Hashim, and discussed issues including bilateral relations and Qatar's role in Somalia.

For the past five years, Qatar has had strong ties to the former Farmajo-led government, and Qatar has destroy Somalia during Farmajo's five-year rule, and is now looking to get closer to the new system after losing its ally Farmajo & government funding used by Al-Shabaab.

The Qatari government has also been heavily interfering in the election process by investing millions of dollars in the country to produce someone it understands to stay in the country and continue to intervene in the government. 

The Somali people are demanding that Qatar withdraw from Somalia after the last five years of turmoil, because the Somali people cannot afford to be handed over to Al Shabaab and massacred as happened during the Farmajo era.

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