Frequent accidents on Somali businessmen due to the economic crisis in Turkey - Dream Smart


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Frequent accidents on Somali businessmen due to the economic crisis in Turkey

Somalia and Turkey

 With a handful of fake aid, Turkey has reached Somalia's oil wealth, and now in light of the economic crisis in which Turkey is living, the government is trying to collect money by all illegal methods from the Somali community.

The Somali community in Turkey is subjected to repeated killings and looting at the hands of organized gangs that have ties to some members of the government and the ruling Justice and Development Party.

Somali businessmen and citizens who have been living and investing in Turkey for a long time and have large capitals are coveted by the Erdogan government to collect money from them by looting and encroaching on their property without any interference from the Somali government.

The assault on the Somali community in Turkey has reached the point of kidnapping them in taxis or kidnapping a family member from the house by force to demand a ransom to bring them back.

The lives and property of Somalis who fled the violence in their country have not been spared. Turkey is trying to collect money illegally from the Somali community to avoid the economic crisis in which it lives.

Where is the role of the Somali government in the continuous attacks by gangs affiliated with the Turkish government on the Somali community in Turkey?

Therefore, the outgoing President Farmajo should move quickly to preserve the lives and money of Somalis in Turkey, as he is the one who bears responsibility for any new encroachment on any Somali in Turkey.

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