Thursday, June 9, 2022

Qatar's allies continue to incite violence against the new president by spreading chaos and terrorism, trying to overthrow his government.


Fahad and farmajo

Fahad Yassin, known for working with Qatar, known in Somalia as the Doha man, gave an interview and attacked Somali President-elect Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, insulted the new director of the Mahad Salad and threatened him and threatened NISA officials, boasting of links to al-Shabaab.

Fahad Yasin's confession that he is a member of al-Itihad, proves that he has links to al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab as Alshabab has defected from them.

Fahad Yassin is working on a joint venture between Farmajo and the Qatari group in Somalia seeking revenge for anyone who caused his ouster,  Qatar's allies are waging a coup against the new president by spreading chaos and terrorism, trying to overthrow the new president and his government.

The secrets that Fahad Yassin is demanding not to be shared with Mahad Mohamed Salad, the current director general of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), are 11 points.

It is the assassination of AUN Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow), the assassination of AUN MP Amino Mohamed Abdi, the assassination of AUN General Mohamed Nur Galaal, the case of Ikraan Tahliil Farah - absent officer, betrayal of Abdikarim Sheikh Muse Qalbi-dhagah, NISA merger and Al -Shabaab, NISA Intelligence Liaison with Qatar, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Tripartite Agreement, Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Youth in Northern Ethiopia, Ports Signed in Ethiopia, Unscheduled Funds Used for Politics.

The new Somali government must act swiftly and not allow fugitives like Fahad Yassin to disrupt the peace and try to disrupt the country's security,  Hasan shekh should arrest Fahad Yassin who has committed serious crimes in the country through Interpol.

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