Saturday, June 11, 2022

Fahad yasin is to be returned to the country to be convicted by the offenders.



The former NISA commander, Fahad yasin was attacked by the President of the Jubbaland Region Ahmed Madobe.

Former NISA commander, who has been interviewed, spoke about the dispute over the government led by former Somali President Farmajo and the Jubbaland regional president said as a foreign project created in Somalia.

Fahad Yasin who has worked for Qatar, who sponsored the government of Somalia, and mixed al-Shabaab and government,  he said,  Ahmed Madobe he was a man who is not in the interest of Somalia, but stay in the Kenyan government.

Fahad yasin continues to attack the new Somali government to be protected by the offenders during the time farmajo president, and their supporters are trying to weaken the work of President Hassan Sheikh.

The Somali people are demanding that the fahad yasin are returned to the country to be sentenced to the crime, and the former President Farmajo to the public for their five-year success.

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