Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Villa Somalia says it is repatriating troops from Eritrea.


Villa Somalia

Somali presidential spokesman Abdikarin Ali Kaar, speaking at a press conference at the presidential palace, spoke about the situation of soldiers training in Eritrea.

He said the troops were financially strapped, and confirmed that they had completed their training a year ago, It is clear that the soldiers are being held hostage and, as already mentioned, took part in the civil war in Ethiopia.

Soldiers have also been involved in crimes against humanity during the civil war in Tigray region, according to international reports.

It is clear that the number of trained soldiers in Eritrea is around 10,000, they took part in the Ethiopian civil war, many of them are missing, Farmajo & Fahad Yassin could not convince the parents of the children and the Somali people and that is why  Farmajo handed over the file to 5,000 soldiers so as not to capture the missing number.

Recently, the parents of the boys who were taken to Eritrea staged a rally in Mogadishu, asking the new president to help them find their missing child for several years.

The spokesman said that the Somali government plans to repatriate the troops soon, and that the Somali government is ready to sit down with the parents of the young men, to provide them with better information on the condition of their sons.

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