Farmajo and Fahad Yasin used Alshabab to shell the parliament building - Dream Smart


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Farmajo and Fahad Yasin used Alshabab to shell the parliament building

Farmajo and fahad

 A number of mortar shells landed in Villa Hargeisa, during a hearing on the progress and upcoming activities of the Parliamentary Election Organizing Committee.

Prior to the mortar attack, the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) Elections were approved and the registration fee for candidates for the presidency

 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives was increased. you in JFS.

The registration fee for candidates for the post of Speaker has been reduced from $ 20,000 to $ 15,000.

 Candidates for the post of Vice-Chairman will be charged $ 15,000, up from $ 10,000.

The one for the President was $ 40,000, up from $ 30,000.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, in his report, said that the election of the Speaker of the House of the People will take place on April 27,

 while the election of the Speaker of the Upper House will take place on April 26, after which artillery shelling caused the House to disband.

When the Electoral Commission announced that the registration of candidates would begin tomorrow, April 19, there was an uproar in the assembly,

 with Kullane Jiis, Abdishakur Miri and NISA officials, who KON had previously said would cause chaos at the meeting. Parliament.

We already know that Fahad and Farmajo want to delay the approval of the agenda in order to postpone the gubernatorial election,

 but when that failed, they resorted to shelling the parliament building, which is located in a safe area. 

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