Thursday, June 16, 2022

Farmajo and his supporters are the real enemy of Somalia


Farmajo and Fahad yasin

As for the real enemy of the stable situation in Somalia, it is the remnants of the former president, his electronic flies, and his dealings with the mafia.

The  electronic insects had caused a (paid value) noise on social media due to the defeat of Farmajo, supporters of former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, known by the acronym CBB " Cyber ​​Bugs ", have launched attacks and organized campaigns against the new president.

These campaigns launched by Farmajo's supporters, are the true face of the Farmajo's group whose content of its publications and tweets made it clear that it does not have an iota of patriotism, as they wish to bring calamity to Somalia after Farmajo's departure.

As well the defeated electorally-defeated group Farmajo, Fahad Yassin and "Hassan Ali Khairy" is dealing with the terrorist Al-Shabab and mafia groups to carry out organized crimes in Somalia to destabilize security and stability under the rule of the new Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud.

It is also no longer a secret, that many suspicions have been raised about the relationship of Farmajo's ally, Fahd Yassin, with the Mujahideen Youth Movement, which is classified as terrorist, and which is active in most of the country, and former leaders of the agency warned against this President-elect.

then the elected president needs to reconsider the structure of the army and its divisions because it has recently become involved in the country’s political process, as it was used as a mechanism to silence the opposition instead of protecting the country’s security.

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