Saturday, June 4, 2022

The Black History of Former President Farmajo Money Laundering!



Farmajo's Qaaraan Qaran project has hit the poor. Farmajo also owes $ 1.7 billion that has not been accounted for in the last four years. Since then, Qatar's black currency has been destroyed by the fledgling government. in Somalia.

During his tenure he did not hold his government accountable once, and every year he was involved in major corruption scandals. He fought a political battle over the revenue of the Benadir region. He made a lot of money from his Mogadishu Port tax exemption group. Farmajo and his friends made millions of dollars from the Ethiopian qat project.

Farmajo is not enough and today he wants to rob again the people who fell yesterday in different ways.

The new project has two plans,  It must cover any Somali assets that have been looted.

New assets must continue to fall from this crisis and drought-stricken nation.

Relevant agencies, particularly the Auditor General and the Financial Supervisory Authority, should investigate Farmajo's previous misappropriation of funds and his alleged misappropriation of new funds.

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