Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Farmajo is trying to avenge lawmakers who did not vote him.


 In the run-up to the presidential election, Farmajo reportedly paid several lawmakers to vote for him.

The day before the election, Farmajo tried to arrest the MPs who received the money, after realizing they would not vote for him.

Farmajo bribed a majority of parliamentarians, particularly in Galmudug South West and Hir Shabelle, to get their votes, but lawmakers who did not want to return to the country and who had ruled the country for five years saw Farmajo as a dictator who could not be trusted develop the country.

Farmajo received only 35% of the total votes cast in the last round of voting.

There were some MPs who were paid to vote but agreed with the change. Farmajo wants to get the money back from the MPs after they was not voted for Farmajo.

After losing the election, Farmajo remained in Mogadishu to retaliate against lawmakers and use them against Al Shabaab.

He also uses his CBB supporters on social media to insult lawmakers who refuse to vote for farmajo.

CBB They are posting threats on social media and will be used by militias he still controls and commands.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Roble defies Fahad Yassin's plot to release him on the HOP086 seat.


Roble and fahad

 Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, has thwarted a plan by Fahad Yassin to grant him the HOP086 seat, which the Federal Electoral Implementation Committee (FEIT) said was unconstitutional.

Over the past two days, representatives of Fahad have held various meetings with some members of the FEIT Committee, and the parties have agreed to vacate the seat, and Fahad will return home today, as soon as possible. award the Certificate and Recognition as a Member of Parliament.

Fahad Yassin's representatives were carrying $ 2 million, which the Qatari government had earmarked for the release of the HOP086 seat, which was looted by Fahad Yassin in February this year in Beledweyne, the capital of Hiran region.

Prime Minister Roble, however, completely thwarted the plan and dissolved all three levels of the Electoral Commission, noting that the terms and conditions of the election stipulated that the term of office of the Electoral Commission would end with the election of both Houses.

The reason the Qatari government is spending millions of dollars to get members of the outgoing FEIT board to approve HOP086 is that for the next four years, Fahad will represent political chaos and parliamentary motions.

Fahad Yassin, who had previously failed to allow the Supreme Court to vacate the seat, failed due to the outcry from Yusuf Dabageed and the Hirshabelle Electoral Commission, and had already blocked all avenues for the seat, and this was the last step.

Fahad is a defendant in the Armed Forces Tribunal, and is charged in the case of Ikraan Tahliil Farah, a NISA officer, who has been in his custody since the middle of last year, while RW Roble, also linked to the assassination of AUN, MP Amino Mohamed Abdi.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Auditor General has questioned the fired Foreign Minister



 Members of the National Audit Office met with Foreign Affairs Minister Abdisaid Muse Ali, who was recently suspended by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

Prime Minister Roble has previously accused Somalia's foreign minister of abusing power during a strike.

The meeting between Abdisaid and members of the National Audit Office came after the Prime Minister demanded that the Audit Office and security agencies investigate the minister's actions, particularly the release of a ship carrying illegal charcoal.

He also ordered the Office of the Auditor General and the security agencies to investigate the incident and report it to the relevant judicial authorities, to hold Abdisaid accountable, who shipped coal ships from Kismayo. earlier this year, days after being handed over.

Abdisaid, a former political, economic, sectarian and vengeful individual, is believed to have been part of a group deforestation in Somalia for some time, in addition to being part of individuals who served Farmajo for the past five years problems, and was part of the country's problems.

It was on the 24th of this month that Prime Minister Roble fired his Foreign Minister and revoked a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs authorizing a ship carrying illegal charcoal off the coast of Oman.

Roble also called illegal the Ministry's employees who have been replaced or fired from January 1, 2022, and ordered that the employees be allowed to resume their duties and return to their places of work.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Farmajo has for the first time admitted to sending thousands of Somali troops to Eritrea and should be held accountable.



Former Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo for the first time approved sending 5,000 soldiers from his country to Eritrea last year for training.

The former Somali president said, at a ceremony to hand over power to his successor, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, in the capital, Mogadishu, that the return of the soldiers had been postponed to prevent political turmoil.

He added, "We have sent the largest unit of our army to Eritrea for training."

And the Bloomberg News Agency reported that the recruitment and secret dispatch of forces sparked protests in Somalia last year, as family members complained that they were not notified of the whereabouts of the soldiers from those families.

Farmajo sent more than 10,000 troops to Eritrea and not 5,000 and was know with Army Chief of Staff Yusuf and Fahad Yassin.

The soldiers took part in the Tigray war in Ethiopia, and Somali soldiers committed atrocities against the Ethiopian people with the knowledge of former President Farmajo, according to several international reports. already denied

More troops have been killed in the fighting, with more than half of them killed as more than 5,000 troops are sent to Eritrea.

Farmajo was unable to confront the Somali people in the aftermath of the fighting so Farmajo did not want to hand over to the new president the consequences of the killing of this large number of Somali soldiers, Farmajo, Fahad Yassin and Odowa Yusuf should be held accountable. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Farmajo admits to sending troops to Eritrea



Former Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who handed over power to new President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, spoke for the first time about young people who have been in Eritrea for some time.

Farmajo, who has not spoken for a single day since the news broke, said 5,000 young soldiers had been deployed to Eritrea, who had completed their training.

Incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, meanwhile, has vowed to repatriate missing youths, whom he has previously described as fighting in the Tigray region, citing international sources.

For the past three years, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has turned a blind eye to the parents of his recruited children, who were taken to Qatar before being dumped in Eritrea.

One of the many reasons why the youths could not be returned was that they feared that they would obstruct Farmajo in the election, as his group had committed serious crimes against the soldiers.

By forcing Farmajo to take part in the Tigrean war in Ethiopia where many young people were killed, he also feared large-scale protests by the parents of the deceased youths.

Other sources say that the Qatari government has broken its earlier promise to pay for the training of the soldiers, which has led to Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki, who has millions of dollars in ransom for the soldiers.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Lafta-gareen ouster campaign underway


 The South West Administration led by President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed (Lafta Gareen) is currently facing new political upheavals, following the recent elections.

Lafta-gareen, who had high hopes for the re-election of President Farmajo, is now being ousted from power.

Campaign politicians say he has resorted to various forms of violence during the rule of Farmajo and his allies.

Lafta-gareen himself is feeling the pinch, and the forces in the South West are divided, most of whom are ready to oust Lafta-gareen.

The plan to oust Lafta-Gareen is being co-sponsored by the local diaspora, who are pouring huge sums of money to oust the man who has abused his authority.

Lafta-gareen was among the loyalists of Farmajo and Fahad, who shed blood to secure the seat he holds today.

Laftagareen also provided weapons to the administration he led to his clan in connection with the political defeat of Laftagareen, and he acknowledged that he had no support from the South West communities and that his term was coming to an end.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Foreign Minister Abdisaid Muse Ali suspended and sent to court!


The Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), Mohamed Hussein Roble, has fired his Foreign Minister, Abdisaid Muse Ali, after it became clear that he had released a ship carrying illegal charcoal from Somalia off the coast of Oman.

Prime Minister Roble, has revoked the following documents: REF: MFA / FRS / DA / 4284/2022, dated 21/05/2022 and REF: MFA / FRS / DA / 3992/2022 dated 10/05/2022, authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a ship carrying illegal charcoal.

He also ordered the Office of the Auditor General and the security agencies to investigate the incident and report it to the relevant judicial authorities, to hold Abdisaid accountable, who shipped coal ships from Kismayo. earlier this year, days after being handed over.

Abdisaid, a former political, economic, sectarian and vengeful individual, is believed to have been part of a group deforestation in Somalia for some time, in addition to being part of individuals who served Farmajo for the past five years. past, and was part of the country's problems.

It was yesterday, when it came out, a letter dated 14/05/2022, signed by Prime Minister Roble, that Abdisaid, was informed that from 1 January 2022, the Government employees will be replaced or employed. taken is inconsistent with the decision of the Council of Ministers, which nullifies the targeted staff.

For the past two months, Abdisaid's office has been very busy, with the largest number of young people, most of them from Sool, Sanaag, Mudug and Gedo, being recruited, but the Prime Minister's decision eliminating unlawful strikes.

Farmajo & his group are trying to loot the country before they formally resign

There is enough evidence of corruption by the loyal Foreign Minister Farmajo who has taken illegal decisions and an investigation has been ordered.


Monday, May 23, 2022

Farmajo is the most corrupt and looting official in the history of Somalia.



Farmajo, who has sold out  the public for his vision of improving the country's economy and managing it transparently, is now dismissing the fact that he has the most money in his pocket Somalia.

Farmajo vacated the presidency today, without closing accounts, 2018, which was $ 275 million, 2019 which was $ 344 million, 2020 which was $ 476 million and 2021 which was $ 671 million, which means, he is the most corrupt and the most looted in the history of somalia.

The total amount is 7 1.766 billion, the whereabouts of which are still unknown, and it is noteworthy that the 2017 accounts, which were approved at the end of 2019, were missing $ 33 million and $ 700,000, due to the controversy. sent to the Finance Committee, the House of the People, to hold the Government accountable.

Farmajo, who spent millions of dollars producing members of the 11th JFS Parliament, was the candidate who spent the most money on the Presidential election, while, by investing millions and destroying politicians, overthrowing the Administrations, oppressing the people, using the military. The money came from government budgets that were rejected by their accounts.

Similarly, Farmajo and the group he leads, are the ones who spend the most time and money on social media, while maintaining a strong bill for celebrities, to mislead the public.

These young people, led by Farmajo-affiliated individuals who support tribalism and those who are paid to insult Somali politicians and clans, have been weeping and mourning on social media since the 15th of this month.

The CBB, has now come up with strange practices that resemble the behavior of Al-Shabaab, which is to call for violence and bombings in Mogadishu.

Farmajo, not only has he left a dirty politics, but he has also left behind, unscrupulous supporters, [CBB], Social Media Insects - who, without their understanding of the politicized mindset, are still a threat to the country.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin should be prosecuted for their crimes in the country


 For almost five years, President Farmajo has been out of the window for the protection of the rule of law and the political rights of Somali citizens, the transparency and accountability of federal institutions and officials, the preservation of good governance practices, and the acceleration of development in the country.

The culture of dictatorship has been strengthened, discrimination and segregation, the promotion of bigotry, the need for bribery and corruption.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin have created secret forces outside the constitution, commanding certain individuals, suppressing the general public, especially the opposition, and rigging elections, and serving foreign governments.

The abuses committed by Farmajo and his team during his five years in office have created a similar mafia that extends power and seizes control of all branches of government using all sorts of illegal means and methods. against the practice of law and ethics to achieve his goals.

Incredible crimes have been documented, committing heinous crimes against anyone who opposes the mafia administration and the work of Qatar Farmajo and Fahad Yassin and anyone who threatens the continuation of the two men's rule.

Assassinations of civilians and even members and institutions, the most heinous murder of kidnapping, torture and murder of an official ikran tahlil.

The killing of Ikraan Tahlil was not only a crime committed by the Somali intelligence and the Qatari group in Somalia led by Fahad Yassin and Farmajo but the case of Ikraan Tahlil was a reason for exposing the corrupt practices on the roads of these institutions. and inside secret prisons such as killings, torture, coercion, and torture of opponents.

They also killed MP Amino Mohamed, and Acting Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble reiterated that God have mercy on MP Amino Mohamed Abdi who was assassinated on March 23, 2022 in Beledweyne by the individuals who killed former officer Ikraan Tahlil.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin should be held accountable for their crimes in the country.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Laftagareen returned to the South West in frustration after he and his allies lost the Somali presidential election.


 A delegation led by the President of South West State of Somalia Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed Laftagareen has returned to Baidoa, the capital of South West State of Somalia.

Abdiaziz Mohamed Hassan Laftagareen arrived in Baidoa 30 days later on 19 April 2022 in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, to participate in the election of the 10th President of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Laftagareen, who is very close to Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's group, has spent a lot of time trying to produce MPs to re-elect Nabad and Nolol.

Villa Somalia failed to recapture the Speaker of the House of the People after their Speaker lost the election of the Speaker of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament and his two deputies.

During his stay in Mogadishu, the South West President held various meetings with some of the Union of Candidates including the 10th President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the 9th President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.

Laftagareen returned to Baidoa in great frustration after Farmajo's ally failed and now he alone will face his inevitable fate.

Laftagareen, a member of Farmajo's faction, fears the release of Mukhtar Robow and the loss of the presidency in the south-west.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Farmajo and his group must be held accountable for their crimes in the country and prosecuted.


farmajo and Khairy handed over a Somali citizen to a foreign government, a move that is a national betrayal that the perpetrators must be held accountable and brought to justice.

Farmajo and Kheyre's government are also accused of sending thousands of young Somalis to Eritrea, whose whereabouts are still unknown, whether they are alive or dead. The new government must hold Farmajo and Kheyre accountable.

farmajo committed atrocities in Baidoa during the 2017 parliamentary and presidential elections in the South West state.

farmajo also carried out a plot to assassinate current Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and former President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, while carrying out a plan to extend his presidency by two years last year.

Farmajo was behind the attack by security forces on protesters in the capital Mogadishu, who opposed it and refused to extend it.

Farmajo tried more than once to overthrow Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, but failed.

Farmajo has also been accused of using the Somali armed forces for political and personal gain to achieve his own ambitions and goals, regardless of the status of the armed forces and the status of civilians.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin are accused of killing officer Ikram Tahliil Farah, a crime of national treason.

Farmajo tried to destroy the federal system by violating the Somali constitution, and sought to maintain the dictatorship by agreeing to help Ethiopia and Eritrea.

farmajo and his group must be held accountable and prosecuted.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Farmajo and his group should not be allowed to leave the country until the perpetrators are brought to justice.

Farmajo and his group

Farmajo and his harassing group should be held accountable by the new government, as they have been causing a lot of trouble in the country.

This group has been causing a lot of problems to the people and every politician who has a different opinion of Farmajo, and they have been making the country miserable and now they should be brought to justice for the harm they have done to the country.

The Somali people are demanding from the military court that Farmajo and Fahad Yassin not leave the country until they receive justice because Farmajo and his group have committed many crimes in the country such as the assassination of the late Ikran Tahlil MP Amina Mohamed and the youths sent to Eritrea for training. captured and then fought in the Tigrean region of Ethiopia

Farmajo failed to lead the country and handed over the country to Al-Shabaab who extorted money from Somali businessmen and killed anyone who refused to do so because the government was part of Al-Shabaab.

Farmajo should be held accountable for his crimes against the nation such as handing over the country to Al-Shabaab terrorists who do not want somalia to stand on its own two feet.

The judiciary must fulfill its responsibilities and bring to justice the perpetrators of the destruction of the country such as Farmajo, Fahad Yassin, Kulane Jiis, Yassin Farey and many others who have committed crimes in this country. They were waiting and harassed in government shirts, so that no more presidents would commit crimes in this country and protect this country.

The judiciary and the supreme court must issue a warrant that Farmajo and his group cannot leave the country until further notice to bring the perpetrators to justice.


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The achievements of the 8th government of somalia under the presidency of hassan sheikh mohamud

Hasan shekh mohamud

On September 10, 2012, Somali parliamentarians elected Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as the country's eighth President

Hassan's election gave the international community full confidence and officially recognized the Somali government for the first time since the 1991 collapse. The international recognition and trust that has resulted in the Government and people of Somalia supporting more than two (2) billion dollars in economic development to build on Hassan's six-pillar policy to promote peace, democracy and development in Somalia

Hassan's election is facing serious challenges in Somalia. He has taken over the government, which cannot collect revenue and has not been able to raise revenue in the face of radical change and the fight against terrorism. In addition to revenue problems and economic power constraints, public confidence in a functioning government can be built. The government has worked together to build trust, fight terrorism to liberate the country and create and increase economic resources.

Hassan has been instrumental in establishing, building and establishing institutions capable of restoring confidence, developing and achieving effective political stability.

President Hassan has made it possible to liberate 80% of the country from Al Shabaab, to repatriate 75,000 students, and to operate the Airport and the Port, which for the first time has provided significant financial support to the government budget. , rebuilding roads and expanding government services.

Hassan has been a tireless leader in democratizing Somalia, advancing the establishment of legal institutions, finalizing and reviewing the constitution, forming Federal Member States and holding by-elections to bring people to the House of Representatives. and finally the construction of the Upper House which was first implemented in the country to complete the federalization of the country.

As the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (and the Armed Forces), the President has succeeded in bringing about significant reforms in the integration, accountability and transparency of the Security Forces in order to have a national security force. The Armed Forces and the Police have been restructured and equipped to maintain security.

President Hassan has for the first time launched the IMF's Staff-Monitored Program (SMP) to help Somalia achieve debt forgiveness. The IMF agreement helped to make the Auditor General, the Accountant General, the Central Bank and other financial institutions fully operational for the first time since the collapse.Hasan

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud elected Somalia’s 10th President

Hasan sheikh mohamud


Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who served as Somalia’s President in the first international recognized government between 2012 and 2016 has been re-elected as the 10th President of Somalia in a hotly contested race Sunday night.

Sheikh Mohamud garnered 214 votes in the third round beating his erstwhile opponent and incumbent Mohamed Farmaajo in a vote which ran into the night but not uncommon in Somali politics. Sheikh Mohamud, credited for building the foundations of federalism during his first term cruised through to victory despite a dismal performance in the first round when he got 52 votes.

In the second round, President Mohamud build a formidable lead sweeping 110 votes as his close rival, Mohamed Farmaajo came second with 83 votes. Farmaajo ended the race with 110 votes.

Puntland president Said Abdullahi Deni shot to the top in the first round with 65 votes and but failed to sustain that momentum in the second round as delicate matrixes cutting across clan lines, victory prospects and financial muscle prevailed. He garnered 68 votes while former PMHassan Khaire closed the race with 63 votes.

Farmaajo’s quest for a second term at Villa Somalia flopped in the third round after a sustained fight with Mohamud.

Farmaajo rode to power on February 8, 2017 sparking rapturous celebrations across the country and several cities in the world where Somalis were based. But he goes down tonight a villain for a bungled four year term that stretched closed to six following failure to lead the country into elections on time.

His attempts to illegally extend his stay in office by two more years in April 2021 almost drove the country into a full scale war as opposition backed forces took trooped into Mogadishu resulting in a near week-long standoff.

President Mohamud’s election tonight set a record in Somalia’s political history as he became the first president to be re-elected into office for a second term. He returns to power at a time Somalia is undergoing a drought which is feared could escalate into a famine, a surge in Al-Shabaab attacks among a host of other challenges.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Qalbi dhagax charges Farmajo and khaire with violations and war crimes and warns against re-election

Farmajo and khaire

 Ethiopia, revealed serious crimes and violations committed by Farmajo and Khairy, and warned against the re-election of Farmajo as president of the country.

This came in a press conference held by the leader  Qalbi dhagax in the Somali capital Mogadishu this evening, two days after his arrival in Somalia and his honor by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

Qalbi dhagax addressed a strongly worded speech to the Somali people and society, in which he revealed the truth and conspiracies of Farmajo and Khairy, and opened his speech by talking about the historical background of the reconstruction of Somalia and the achievements of the pre-Farmago and Khairi governments.

Qalbi dhagax made serious accusations against Farmajo, most notably what happened in the crime of extradition to Ethiopia. He accused Farmajo of handing over a Somali citizen to a foreign government, describing this step as a national betrayal for which the perpetrators must be held accountable and it is necessary that he pay the bill

He also accused Farmajo and the Khairy government of sending thousands of Somali youths to Eritrea, whose fate is not yet known, whether they are alive or dead. He called on the Somali people to hold Farmajo and Khairy accountable for their fate.

He stressed that Farmajo fought the federal states and conspired against them and worked to dismantle them and impose the central government's control over the states.

Qalbi dhagax also accused the outgoing president of committing a massacre in the city of Baidoa during the parliamentary and presidential elections for the southwestern region in 2017.

He also accused him of launching a planned attack on the former presidents of Somalia, most notably: (Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and Sharif Sheikh), and attempting to assassinate them during the implementation of the plan to extend his presidential term to two years last year.

He also made harsh accusations against Farmajo, and confirmed his direct involvement and standing behind the attack launched by the security forces on the demonstrators in the capital, Mogadishu, who came out against him and refused to extend his term.

He confirmed that Farmajo tried to overthrow Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Robley more than once, but it ended in failure.

Farmajo was also accused of using the Somali armed forces for political and personal purposes to achieve his personal ambitions and goals, without any regard for the status of the armed forces and the status of the people.

Farmajo was accused of assassinating Officer Ikram Tahlil Farah, a crime that Qalbi dhagax described as a calamity and national betrayal.

Qalb Tajah stressed that all of these are part of the crimes of Farmajo and Khairi, and demanded that they not be passed, and stressed the need to hold their passengers accountable, led by Farmajo and Khairi.

He said, "All these grave mistakes cannot be overcome, and the perpetrators of these crimes must be held accountable, and it is not reasonable for those involved in them to run for power and the position of the presidency of Somalia. The country must be saved from these scourges, and history will record and record everything and will record who your people and ruined the country and those who saved it as well.”

Severe tension between Khaire and Farmajo

Farmajo and khayre
Farmajo, leaked that he was preparing to issue a statement to absolve himself of the crime of extraditing Abdel Karim Musa (Qalbi dhagax), the leader of the Ogaden Liberation Front, to Ethiopia, and he holds former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khairy responsible for this.

 Farmajo decided to announce in an official statement that Khaire was responsible for delivering "Qalbi dhagax", a day before his arrival in Somalia, but the sudden arrival of Qalbi dhagax hindered him from issuing the statement in which he would accuse Farmajo of his ally.

Farmajo wants to apologize for a Qalbi dhagax he shed for Ethiopia to attract the Somali people, use it in his election campaign, and wants to put the case on Khaire as a result of the widening rift between them.

Villa somalia has confirmed that the current situation is tense between Farmajo and Khayre, who are embroiled in a power-sharing dispute with Qatar over Thursday, which has sent millions of dollars to Doha.

The allies are Farmajo, Khayre and Fahad Yassin, but Qatar's ruling is to oust Farmajo and try to persuade him to give up on Khayre, as Doha sees him now more fortunate than Farmajo, which angers him. He refused to give up and insisted he would continue to run for the presidency no matter what the outcome, which left the Qatari club in a state of disarray.

A Qalbi dhagax  that Farmajo and Khayre described as terrorists and handed over to Ethiopia has returned to Somalia, reminding the Somali people of the crimes and wrongdoings of Khayre and Farmajo, and exposing the real face they are hiding.

Qalbi Dhagax returned after four years of forced displacement and torture by Hassan Ali Khaire and Farmajo after being extradited to Ethiopia on terrorism charges.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin called a magician to find out their chances for the next presidential election.

Farmajo and fahad

 Sources close to the circle of the outgoing Somali president and former intelligence chief Fahd Yassin revealed that the Farmajo group resorted to a sorcerer  to read their political future and their chances in the upcoming presidential elections.

Fahd Yassin, the Somali national security advisor to the outgoing president, Farmajo, met last Wednesday evening, May 11, 2022 AD, with a sorcerer or “sorcerer” priest brought by the Farmajo group and asked him to predict their fate and read their future and asked him about their presence in the upcoming presidential elections.

in flagrant violation of the teachings of the true Islamic religion and in violation of the orders of God and His Messenger and the religion that forbade coming to  magicians and believing them as polytheism with God,” which confirmed Farmajo and his group’s use of magic and sorcery to stay in power.

It has been confirmed that Fahad Yassin and Farmajo's group were shocked by the "magician's" response when he told them that their presence was weak and that you had to deal with the opposition.

Politicians commented on what they described as the farce taking place in the presidency, which Farmajo and the Qatar group turned into a den of sorcery, charlatanism, practicing witchcraft and committing major sins, wondering about the role of religious scholars in Somalia and their position on what is happening.

The politicians stressed that what is happening reveals the state of panic, fear and confusion that afflicts Farmajo and his group in light of the indications that confirm Farmajo's loss in the upcoming presidential elections, especially after what happened to him and his group in the parliamentary elections.

Political observers wondered about the fate and future of the state under a president and a system of government based on charlatanism and sorcery, and how this would reflect on the situation of the country, and how can a president who relies on witchcraft and charlatanism and believes in sorcery be trusted, and what is the position of the people, tribes and religious scholars on what is happening?

They stressed that the state of ignorance that controls the joints of power and the system of government is what led Somalia to what it is of lawlessness, corruption and failure in all state facilities.

If Farmajo re-assumes the presidency, the ignorance will continue to be unreasonable and Farmajo and his group will rule the country by magic, and will lead Somalia to the predictions of witches and sorcerers.

Fahad and Farmajo were behind the assassination of MP Amina

Farmajo and fahad

 Former Hirshabelle regional president Mohamed Abdi Waare has accused former Somali President Farmajo and former NISA director Fahad Yassin of being responsible for the assassination of AUN lawmaker Amino Mohamed Abdi.

President Waare wondered why dissident Farmajo and Fahad Yassin were being targeted by al-Shabaab, and made it clear that Farmajo and al-Shabaab were working together.

"This is an assassination by the Somali presidency," Waare said, referring to Farmajo and Fahad, who plotted to assassinate Amino, who had spent most of his time trying to bring justice to the Ikraan Tahliil family.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister's Adviser, Omar Dhagey, also linked Amino's assassination to the Ikraan Tahliil case, saying, "I suspect that Amino's assassination could be linked to the Ikraan case and the accused."

Abdirahman Abdishakur, said Amino's killing reinforces suspicions that terrorist attacks were not limited to al-Shabaab but at least facilitated, proving that Farmajo and Fahad were behind the killings.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin collaborate with Al-Shabaab to assassinate MP Amino Mohamed Abdi, in order to cover up the case of Ikraan Tahliil Farah who died at the hands of Farmajo and Fahad.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Farmajo's speech in front of both houses of parliament today was a lie and a boast


 Farmajo, who has failed to lead the country for the past 5 years and is now one of the candidates for the presidency, addressed members of both houses of parliament today.

In his speech today, he falsely claimed that he had protected the country's assets by depositing Farmajo's national assets in his own account, as well as selling the country's resources and ports to foreign countries as evidenced by the scandal over the discovered oil exploration deal and Ethiopia's ports sold.

Farmajo, who did not make a single point of his 2017 promise, said in a futile speech this morning that in the event of a re-election he would continue what he called permanent change.

Qaswade Farmajo called on members of both houses of parliament to cast their votes for him to lead Villa Somalia, and he boasted that he had fought corruption and strengthened good governance in Somalia, which he said was a matter of pride and lies.

He also spoke on political and economic issues, saying that political instability and economic while the country was in a state of economic crisis, high school exams would be canceled due to government corruption.

Farmajo, who has failed in his fight against Al-Shabaab, said he had won, adding that areas under his control had been under government control for five years.

Tribalist Farmajo appointed the remaining youths of the same clan to foreign embassies


 With Farmajo's legal term coming to an end, with just two days to go until the presidential election, there are reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is recruiting the largest number of staff to be sent to Somali embassies in Western countries.

Farmajo, who has already issued a decree suspending all promotions of government agencies, has also promoted certain individuals he is interested in.

Over the past 10 days, the transport of Farmajo's office staff, especially the elite, has been doubled, and in recent months they have been assigned to foreign embassies, especially the embassies of major European countries, Turkey and United States.

Not only did Farmajo focus on recruiting young people from the tribe who wanted to leave the country and work in embassies, but he also became heavily involved in the QS Army, listing young men from Kullane Jiis collected in Gedo and Abudwaq, which were merged into military units.


Farmajo has deposited the country's wealth in his own account, as well as buying the country's resources and ports from foreign countries as evidenced by the scandal surrounding the discovered oil exploration deal and the ports he sold to Ethiopia.

Similarly, traders in the Sool region, with the help of the Hijaar Police Commander, have been facilitated by Farmajo through business contracts, and are allowed to trade on government-owned land in Shibis district , Warta-nabada and Abdiaziz.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Farmajo's spoiler loses credibility after failing to lead the country.


 Farmajo has stopped all promotions for all government agencies and is now trying his remaining days using his team to promote his own personalities.

This proves that Farmajo has no choice and he always reverses his decision by convincing the public that he will do what they want.

Psychologists say a person who reverses his decision lacks confidence, and that is what happened to Farmajo today after he failed to lead the Somali people.

Qaswade Farmajo is also unstable for the remaining days of his presidency and has a low level of confidence, and I do not expect him to return to Villa Somalia.

Let it be protected so that it does not do wrong things and does not lead the country to further destruction because Siad Barre's political example has already caused the country to collapse.

I would like to conclude by saying that the country does not need an individual president who reverses his decisions but needs strong leadership to end this vicious cycle.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Farmajo and Khairy have failed to lead the country and do not deserve to run again.

Farmajo and khayre

 Farmajo & Khayre during their tenure have used the military and other security agencies to suppress the people, regional administrations, dissident politicians, and Al Shabaab to carry out assassinations.

Not a single item has been implemented in all of its 2017 commitments, no government work has been seen during his tenure, surprisingly, they want to be re-elected ?, and what will they say before parliament?

Their agenda included finalizing the constitution, fighting al-Shabaab and taking over security from AMISOM, holding elections, reconciliation, federalization and dialogue between Somalia and Somaliland, all of which have failed and do not deserve to be repeated.

Farmajo and Khairy, while in office, played on the prestige of the various branches of the military, and used the Police, Military and Intelligence for their own interests, diverting their security responsibilities and making them enemies of the opposition.

There is no hope of a return, and they are aware of the winds of change ahead, which have eliminated the individuals formed by the 11th JFS parliamentary elections.

Six days are left for Farmajo and Khairy's political life.

Monday, May 9, 2022

The Somali people are totally reluctant to run for the presidency of the Republic of Farmajo and Hassan Ali Khairy.

Farmajo and khaire

 The Somali street is currently witnessing something like an uprising of anger, rejecting the presence of those they described as those involved in corruption, crimes and grave violations against Somalia and its people among the lists of candidates for the presidency of the republic, led by Hassan Ali Khairy, the former prime minister, as well as the outgoing president, Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo.

Politicians, and human rights activists are exposing corruption on social media during his three years as prime minister.

Crimes, financial and administrative corruption, abuses, repression of freedom, killings of civilians, arrests of dissidents, and the opposition have blamed it on political issues, including what happened to the Front leader. The liberation of Ogaden by Abdi Karim Musa (Qalbi Dhagax) who was handed over to Ethiopia by the Khaire government and made a criminal for the liberation movement and al-Qaeda affiliate.

Politicians and human rights observers affirm that the period of Khairi’s rule was the most period in which Somalia witnessed violations and crimes, the spread of financial and administrative corruption, the suppression of freedoms and the prosecution of opponents, which is what he warns against now.

A number of politicians are wondering what will be the situation of Somalia and the political decision of the country in the event that an accused person accused of working abroad and implicated in the implementation of foreign agenda and conspiracies in his country will be installed as President of the Republic? And it is no secret to anyone that Khairi will be nothing but a puppet in the hands of Qatar to implement its destructive agenda and plot in Somalia and its Arab surroundings, and they affirmed that Khairi will mortgage the Somali decision to Doha.

"Kheyre has failed to lead the country, and people still remember how badly his government took him to Somalia, and he should be barred from running for president because he has no right to run for office in Somalia after he returned. proven irresponsible and unworthy of responsibility. "

Citizens have confirmed that Khaire did not achieve any economic or political success during his tenure as prime minister, but served the interests of Qatar and Al Shabaab terrorists, leading to widespread corruption in Somalia.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Farmajo's lack of creativity is one of the reasons he will not be re-elected.


 The Somali public was shocked when Farmajo, who launched his election campaign, said he was seeking change, sparking a heated debate.

Farmajo, who has been in the top office for the past five years, has committed the most corruption, political assassinations & looting of land and property of the Somali people during his tenure. He is also a conservative. The change he wants, should the office be changed?

The Somali public argues that Farmajo has a lack of creativity, and that he has followed, in the wake of the change against him.

Others, however, believe that Farmajo wants to discredit the word "change" which was seen in the first half of the FS Republican 11th parliamentary elections.

"Farmajo, who has been seeking change for the past five years, lacks creativity," said lawmaker Abdirahman Odowa, who was among those who reacted to Farmajo's stance.


So how can he be re-elected or run the country by such an individual even though he has already failed to lead the country ??!

Friday, May 6, 2022

The Somali people are waiting for May 15th, and have demanded that Farmajo and Khayre immediately withdraw from the presidential race.

Farmajo and khayre

 Many people these days have begun to divide Farmajo and Hassan Ali Kheyre. By making Kheyre far from all shame!

Isn't Hassan Kheyre the deaf ear of Farmajo in the four springs from 2017 to 2020? Isn't Kheyre the knife and machete used to colonize the Somali people in general 

These and other points along with evidence and details have been made in the country during their tenure.

Abdikarin Sheikh Muse Qalbi Dhagax, a Somali hero who was handed over to Ethiopia, the enemy of the Somali people.

An ambush attack on the house of politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame who wanted to kill Abdirahman Abdishakur but God saved him

The massacre of the Rahanweyne clan and the massacre of the youth of Baidoa who were brutally killed and whose blood is still wet in Baidoa!

Al-Shabaab's links to Hassan Ali Khairy, Fahad Yassin and Farmajo

The Somali people are all waiting for May 15th, the day of national birth and revival, by rejecting those involved in corruption and destruction of the country and the elimination of those who handed over Somalia to the government of Qatar, and demanded that Farmajo and Kheyre resign immediately.

Farmajo and Khayre should resign because it is understood that their goal is to hand over the country to terrorists, and they have already failed to lead the country.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Farmajo sends envoys to al-Shabaab to persuade them to enter talks.

Farmajo and Alshabab

 Outgoing President mohamed Abdilahi Farmajo sends envoys to al-Shabaab 

The delegation wants to persuade the Al-Shabaab terrorist group to issue a statement demanding talks with the Farmajo government.

Al-Shabaab's terms are said to be that they will only enter into talks with the outgoing President Farmajo.

This means that Farmajo, who has previously been used by Al Shabaab for terrorist operations and disruptions to security, is now trying to use politics as a pretext to engage in fraudulent negotiations to gain support.

The move comes at a time when Farmajo's hopes of running for the presidency have been dashed by public outrage and defeat in the parliamentary race.

Farmajo hopes opening talks with al-Shabaab will boost his reputation inside Somalia and gain support.

Farmajo's political failure is evidenced by the fact that he has sought the support of Al-Shabaab by demanding a false agreement to gain his support.

He is the first Somali president to seek an agreement from al-Shabaab to gain support as he campaigns in 2017 that he will eradicate al-Shabaab from the country within two years.