Friday, May 6, 2022

The Somali people are waiting for May 15th, and have demanded that Farmajo and Khayre immediately withdraw from the presidential race.

Farmajo and khayre

 Many people these days have begun to divide Farmajo and Hassan Ali Kheyre. By making Kheyre far from all shame!

Isn't Hassan Kheyre the deaf ear of Farmajo in the four springs from 2017 to 2020? Isn't Kheyre the knife and machete used to colonize the Somali people in general 

These and other points along with evidence and details have been made in the country during their tenure.

Abdikarin Sheikh Muse Qalbi Dhagax, a Somali hero who was handed over to Ethiopia, the enemy of the Somali people.

An ambush attack on the house of politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame who wanted to kill Abdirahman Abdishakur but God saved him

The massacre of the Rahanweyne clan and the massacre of the youth of Baidoa who were brutally killed and whose blood is still wet in Baidoa!

Al-Shabaab's links to Hassan Ali Khairy, Fahad Yassin and Farmajo

The Somali people are all waiting for May 15th, the day of national birth and revival, by rejecting those involved in corruption and destruction of the country and the elimination of those who handed over Somalia to the government of Qatar, and demanded that Farmajo and Kheyre resign immediately.

Farmajo and Khayre should resign because it is understood that their goal is to hand over the country to terrorists, and they have already failed to lead the country.

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