Thursday, May 5, 2022

Farmajo sends envoys to al-Shabaab to persuade them to enter talks.

Farmajo and Alshabab

 Outgoing President mohamed Abdilahi Farmajo sends envoys to al-Shabaab 

The delegation wants to persuade the Al-Shabaab terrorist group to issue a statement demanding talks with the Farmajo government.

Al-Shabaab's terms are said to be that they will only enter into talks with the outgoing President Farmajo.

This means that Farmajo, who has previously been used by Al Shabaab for terrorist operations and disruptions to security, is now trying to use politics as a pretext to engage in fraudulent negotiations to gain support.

The move comes at a time when Farmajo's hopes of running for the presidency have been dashed by public outrage and defeat in the parliamentary race.

Farmajo hopes opening talks with al-Shabaab will boost his reputation inside Somalia and gain support.

Farmajo's political failure is evidenced by the fact that he has sought the support of Al-Shabaab by demanding a false agreement to gain his support.

He is the first Somali president to seek an agreement from al-Shabaab to gain support as he campaigns in 2017 that he will eradicate al-Shabaab from the country within two years.

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