Monday, May 2, 2022

Hassan Ali Khayre should be tried for $ 163,806.49. misappropriated during his tenure as prime minister.


 Both Farmajo and Kheyre will run for the presidency, with Farmajo being rated for five years as president and Kheyre being rated for prime minister.

During his tenure, Hassan Ali Kheyre has documented many abuses and historic violations.

and I can mention; the invasion and attack of leader Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, whose bodyguards were buried, and the travel ban on former Presidents Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in Hiran.

He assisted in the surrender of Abdikarin Sheikh Muse, (Qalbi-dhagah), one of the soldiers who stood for the liberation of western somalia in 1997, and added ONLF to the terrorist list, in order to legitimize Galbi-dhagah's abduction.

Kheyre, who witnessed the massacre of civilians in Barirre on two separate occasions, ordered the then Minister of Defense to label the victims as terrorists and members of the 10th Parliament.

Kheyre, invaded regional administrations, to lead Farmajo's return to the top seats in Baidoa, Jowhar and Dhusamareb.

The Office of the Auditor General has published documents showing the payments made by the state treasury and the office of the former Prime Minister has been marked with no evidence (Invoice), the amount of money allegedly embezzled by Presidential candidate Hassan Ali Khaire is $ 163,806.49 .

Corruption is not limited to Hassan Ali Khaire, in general in government offices there is daily corruption which encourages the rise of government corruption.

If a lawsuit is filed in the Supreme Court, Hassan Ali Khaire should not run for president.

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