Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Farmajo and Khairy have failed to lead the country and do not deserve to run again.

Farmajo and khayre

 Farmajo & Khayre during their tenure have used the military and other security agencies to suppress the people, regional administrations, dissident politicians, and Al Shabaab to carry out assassinations.

Not a single item has been implemented in all of its 2017 commitments, no government work has been seen during his tenure, surprisingly, they want to be re-elected ?, and what will they say before parliament?

Their agenda included finalizing the constitution, fighting al-Shabaab and taking over security from AMISOM, holding elections, reconciliation, federalization and dialogue between Somalia and Somaliland, all of which have failed and do not deserve to be repeated.

Farmajo and Khairy, while in office, played on the prestige of the various branches of the military, and used the Police, Military and Intelligence for their own interests, diverting their security responsibilities and making them enemies of the opposition.

There is no hope of a return, and they are aware of the winds of change ahead, which have eliminated the individuals formed by the 11th JFS parliamentary elections.

Six days are left for Farmajo and Khairy's political life.

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