Saturday, May 21, 2022

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin should be prosecuted for their crimes in the country


 For almost five years, President Farmajo has been out of the window for the protection of the rule of law and the political rights of Somali citizens, the transparency and accountability of federal institutions and officials, the preservation of good governance practices, and the acceleration of development in the country.

The culture of dictatorship has been strengthened, discrimination and segregation, the promotion of bigotry, the need for bribery and corruption.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin have created secret forces outside the constitution, commanding certain individuals, suppressing the general public, especially the opposition, and rigging elections, and serving foreign governments.

The abuses committed by Farmajo and his team during his five years in office have created a similar mafia that extends power and seizes control of all branches of government using all sorts of illegal means and methods. against the practice of law and ethics to achieve his goals.

Incredible crimes have been documented, committing heinous crimes against anyone who opposes the mafia administration and the work of Qatar Farmajo and Fahad Yassin and anyone who threatens the continuation of the two men's rule.

Assassinations of civilians and even members and institutions, the most heinous murder of kidnapping, torture and murder of an official ikran tahlil.

The killing of Ikraan Tahlil was not only a crime committed by the Somali intelligence and the Qatari group in Somalia led by Fahad Yassin and Farmajo but the case of Ikraan Tahlil was a reason for exposing the corrupt practices on the roads of these institutions. and inside secret prisons such as killings, torture, coercion, and torture of opponents.

They also killed MP Amino Mohamed, and Acting Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble reiterated that God have mercy on MP Amino Mohamed Abdi who was assassinated on March 23, 2022 in Beledweyne by the individuals who killed former officer Ikraan Tahlil.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin should be held accountable for their crimes in the country.

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