Monday, May 23, 2022

Farmajo is the most corrupt and looting official in the history of Somalia.



Farmajo, who has sold out  the public for his vision of improving the country's economy and managing it transparently, is now dismissing the fact that he has the most money in his pocket Somalia.

Farmajo vacated the presidency today, without closing accounts, 2018, which was $ 275 million, 2019 which was $ 344 million, 2020 which was $ 476 million and 2021 which was $ 671 million, which means, he is the most corrupt and the most looted in the history of somalia.

The total amount is 7 1.766 billion, the whereabouts of which are still unknown, and it is noteworthy that the 2017 accounts, which were approved at the end of 2019, were missing $ 33 million and $ 700,000, due to the controversy. sent to the Finance Committee, the House of the People, to hold the Government accountable.

Farmajo, who spent millions of dollars producing members of the 11th JFS Parliament, was the candidate who spent the most money on the Presidential election, while, by investing millions and destroying politicians, overthrowing the Administrations, oppressing the people, using the military. The money came from government budgets that were rejected by their accounts.

Similarly, Farmajo and the group he leads, are the ones who spend the most time and money on social media, while maintaining a strong bill for celebrities, to mislead the public.

These young people, led by Farmajo-affiliated individuals who support tribalism and those who are paid to insult Somali politicians and clans, have been weeping and mourning on social media since the 15th of this month.

The CBB, has now come up with strange practices that resemble the behavior of Al-Shabaab, which is to call for violence and bombings in Mogadishu.

Farmajo, not only has he left a dirty politics, but he has also left behind, unscrupulous supporters, [CBB], Social Media Insects - who, without their understanding of the politicized mindset, are still a threat to the country.

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