Foreign Minister Abdisaid Muse Ali suspended and sent to court! - Dream Smart


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Foreign Minister Abdisaid Muse Ali suspended and sent to court!


The Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), Mohamed Hussein Roble, has fired his Foreign Minister, Abdisaid Muse Ali, after it became clear that he had released a ship carrying illegal charcoal from Somalia off the coast of Oman.

Prime Minister Roble, has revoked the following documents: REF: MFA / FRS / DA / 4284/2022, dated 21/05/2022 and REF: MFA / FRS / DA / 3992/2022 dated 10/05/2022, authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a ship carrying illegal charcoal.

He also ordered the Office of the Auditor General and the security agencies to investigate the incident and report it to the relevant judicial authorities, to hold Abdisaid accountable, who shipped coal ships from Kismayo. earlier this year, days after being handed over.

Abdisaid, a former political, economic, sectarian and vengeful individual, is believed to have been part of a group deforestation in Somalia for some time, in addition to being part of individuals who served Farmajo for the past five years. past, and was part of the country's problems.

It was yesterday, when it came out, a letter dated 14/05/2022, signed by Prime Minister Roble, that Abdisaid, was informed that from 1 January 2022, the Government employees will be replaced or employed. taken is inconsistent with the decision of the Council of Ministers, which nullifies the targeted staff.

For the past two months, Abdisaid's office has been very busy, with the largest number of young people, most of them from Sool, Sanaag, Mudug and Gedo, being recruited, but the Prime Minister's decision eliminating unlawful strikes.

Farmajo & his group are trying to loot the country before they formally resign

There is enough evidence of corruption by the loyal Foreign Minister Farmajo who has taken illegal decisions and an investigation has been ordered.


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