Friday, May 27, 2022

Farmajo has for the first time admitted to sending thousands of Somali troops to Eritrea and should be held accountable.



Former Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo for the first time approved sending 5,000 soldiers from his country to Eritrea last year for training.

The former Somali president said, at a ceremony to hand over power to his successor, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, in the capital, Mogadishu, that the return of the soldiers had been postponed to prevent political turmoil.

He added, "We have sent the largest unit of our army to Eritrea for training."

And the Bloomberg News Agency reported that the recruitment and secret dispatch of forces sparked protests in Somalia last year, as family members complained that they were not notified of the whereabouts of the soldiers from those families.

Farmajo sent more than 10,000 troops to Eritrea and not 5,000 and was know with Army Chief of Staff Yusuf and Fahad Yassin.

The soldiers took part in the Tigray war in Ethiopia, and Somali soldiers committed atrocities against the Ethiopian people with the knowledge of former President Farmajo, according to several international reports. already denied

More troops have been killed in the fighting, with more than half of them killed as more than 5,000 troops are sent to Eritrea.

Farmajo was unable to confront the Somali people in the aftermath of the fighting so Farmajo did not want to hand over to the new president the consequences of the killing of this large number of Somali soldiers, Farmajo, Fahad Yassin and Odowa Yusuf should be held accountable. 

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