Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Lafta-gareen ouster campaign underway


 The South West Administration led by President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed (Lafta Gareen) is currently facing new political upheavals, following the recent elections.

Lafta-gareen, who had high hopes for the re-election of President Farmajo, is now being ousted from power.

Campaign politicians say he has resorted to various forms of violence during the rule of Farmajo and his allies.

Lafta-gareen himself is feeling the pinch, and the forces in the South West are divided, most of whom are ready to oust Lafta-gareen.

The plan to oust Lafta-Gareen is being co-sponsored by the local diaspora, who are pouring huge sums of money to oust the man who has abused his authority.

Lafta-gareen was among the loyalists of Farmajo and Fahad, who shed blood to secure the seat he holds today.

Laftagareen also provided weapons to the administration he led to his clan in connection with the political defeat of Laftagareen, and he acknowledged that he had no support from the South West communities and that his term was coming to an end.

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