Thursday, May 19, 2022

Farmajo and his group must be held accountable for their crimes in the country and prosecuted.


farmajo and Khairy handed over a Somali citizen to a foreign government, a move that is a national betrayal that the perpetrators must be held accountable and brought to justice.

Farmajo and Kheyre's government are also accused of sending thousands of young Somalis to Eritrea, whose whereabouts are still unknown, whether they are alive or dead. The new government must hold Farmajo and Kheyre accountable.

farmajo committed atrocities in Baidoa during the 2017 parliamentary and presidential elections in the South West state.

farmajo also carried out a plot to assassinate current Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and former President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, while carrying out a plan to extend his presidency by two years last year.

Farmajo was behind the attack by security forces on protesters in the capital Mogadishu, who opposed it and refused to extend it.

Farmajo tried more than once to overthrow Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, but failed.

Farmajo has also been accused of using the Somali armed forces for political and personal gain to achieve his own ambitions and goals, regardless of the status of the armed forces and the status of civilians.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin are accused of killing officer Ikram Tahliil Farah, a crime of national treason.

Farmajo tried to destroy the federal system by violating the Somali constitution, and sought to maintain the dictatorship by agreeing to help Ethiopia and Eritrea.

farmajo and his group must be held accountable and prosecuted.

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