Saturday, May 14, 2022

Qalbi dhagax charges Farmajo and khaire with violations and war crimes and warns against re-election

Farmajo and khaire

 Ethiopia, revealed serious crimes and violations committed by Farmajo and Khairy, and warned against the re-election of Farmajo as president of the country.

This came in a press conference held by the leader  Qalbi dhagax in the Somali capital Mogadishu this evening, two days after his arrival in Somalia and his honor by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

Qalbi dhagax addressed a strongly worded speech to the Somali people and society, in which he revealed the truth and conspiracies of Farmajo and Khairy, and opened his speech by talking about the historical background of the reconstruction of Somalia and the achievements of the pre-Farmago and Khairi governments.

Qalbi dhagax made serious accusations against Farmajo, most notably what happened in the crime of extradition to Ethiopia. He accused Farmajo of handing over a Somali citizen to a foreign government, describing this step as a national betrayal for which the perpetrators must be held accountable and it is necessary that he pay the bill

He also accused Farmajo and the Khairy government of sending thousands of Somali youths to Eritrea, whose fate is not yet known, whether they are alive or dead. He called on the Somali people to hold Farmajo and Khairy accountable for their fate.

He stressed that Farmajo fought the federal states and conspired against them and worked to dismantle them and impose the central government's control over the states.

Qalbi dhagax also accused the outgoing president of committing a massacre in the city of Baidoa during the parliamentary and presidential elections for the southwestern region in 2017.

He also accused him of launching a planned attack on the former presidents of Somalia, most notably: (Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and Sharif Sheikh), and attempting to assassinate them during the implementation of the plan to extend his presidential term to two years last year.

He also made harsh accusations against Farmajo, and confirmed his direct involvement and standing behind the attack launched by the security forces on the demonstrators in the capital, Mogadishu, who came out against him and refused to extend his term.

He confirmed that Farmajo tried to overthrow Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Robley more than once, but it ended in failure.

Farmajo was also accused of using the Somali armed forces for political and personal purposes to achieve his personal ambitions and goals, without any regard for the status of the armed forces and the status of the people.

Farmajo was accused of assassinating Officer Ikram Tahlil Farah, a crime that Qalbi dhagax described as a calamity and national betrayal.

Qalb Tajah stressed that all of these are part of the crimes of Farmajo and Khairi, and demanded that they not be passed, and stressed the need to hold their passengers accountable, led by Farmajo and Khairi.

He said, "All these grave mistakes cannot be overcome, and the perpetrators of these crimes must be held accountable, and it is not reasonable for those involved in them to run for power and the position of the presidency of Somalia. The country must be saved from these scourges, and history will record and record everything and will record who your people and ruined the country and those who saved it as well.”

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