Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Speaker of the House of Representatives issued a statement regarding the dismissal of Roble

 The Speaker of the House of the People of Somalia has issued a statement denying earlier reports that Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble will be fired.

"The people of Somalia share that the news posted on social media that the prime minister of the federal government of Somalia will be fired on Saturday is false," said a statement issued by Secretary-General of the House of the People Abdikarin Buux.

The statement added, "We warn the Somali people to stay away from these false reports. The purpose of the meeting is that on Saturday, May 1st, JFS President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo will appear before the House of Representatives."

The impeachment plan is believed to have been spearheaded by lawmakers who are opposed to the extension and are allied with President Farmajo and Chairman Mursal, and officials including Senator Abdi Qeybdid have warned against it.

"I would like to warn the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the members of parliament not to do anything that will disrupt the election, and if that happens, they will take the consequences and the consequences. and people have been displaced, ”said Abdi Qeybdid.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Farmajo will not continue to rule after the people's anger at his actions

 The victory of the opposition is Ali Faramajo, and it has acquired a large part of Somalia, and this worries Farmajo because he has approached, re-leaving the country and establishing the legitimacy and ending the dictatorship of the Somali people. The ruling continues after the anger of the people at his actions and the victory of the opposition over him and its control over large parts of Somalia after the decision to extend his term.

Restoring legitimacy to the country will make Somalia safe, and that is when the dictatorial rule of Farmajo ends. Farmajo is afraid of citizens demonstrating against him and coups, while he is under pressure from Fahd Yassin

The Somali opposition has achieved great success by convincing the Somali people of their political ideology without resorting to violence in one place and the full support of the Somali people.

Farmajo, who sees himself as a politician who has done so much for the country, failed to lead the country because he was unable to convince his people of his ideology and learned from his noble words.

He does not take advice from his friends because of his dictatorial nature, which is why he always brags about his performance and criticizes others, and enjoys being called the man who brought the country here and who has gone through a lot of hardships since he was. In the elections in a peaceful country and that he built the army in order and the reason for his election is to replace it with another administration, but he misunderstood that.

This has led to many issues and failed extensions, the first of which is popular anger and the growing opposition in Somalia after Farmajo’s decision to extend his rule, and secondly, opposition and legitimacy in parts of Somalia, which will exclude Somalia from dictatorship and restore law and order, why does the opposition exist when it is part of the government to protect the country .

Third, Farmajo expresses his concerns about popular protests and coups, while under the pressure of Fahd Yassin, who wants to preserve his position and fight and resist protesters and revolutionary soldiers, he continues to stay in power and dignity for the country and protect their position for the sake of persistence. This is Fahd Yassin's advisor to Farmajo.

Farmajo delivered his promised speech last night

 Outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo delivered his promised speech last night, following the resignation of pro-government regional leaders, who openly opposed the extension of the lawmakers' term on April 12th.

President Farmajo, who first verbally attacked some regional governments and foreign governments as an obstacle to peaceful elections in the country, welcomed the calls made in recent hours by regional governments in the country. Galmudug and HirShabelle decision to oppose the extension, backed by Prime Minister Roble.

"The Somali people will know tonight who is working to ensure that elections do not take place, that the government is destroyed, and who is supporting the peace, nationhood and unity of the Somali people," said President Farmajo in his speech.

The president also said that next Saturday he will address members of the lower house of the federal parliament to address the issue of the country's elections.

"As the guardian of the Constitution, and I must balance the political agreement reached with the last law passed by the House of the People, I will address the House of the People of the Federal Republic of Somalia on Saturday to restore the country's electoral process. agreed by the Heads of the Federal and State Governments, ”he said.

President Farmajo also called on the signatories of the September 17th agreement to convene an emergency meeting to sign the remaining clauses, without preconditions, in order to move forward with the implementation of a mutually agreed upon election.

"As a government, we are ready to hold unconditional elections based on previous agreements reached on September 17, 2020, and the recommendations of the technical committees reached in Baidoa on February 16, 2021," he said. Pharmacist.

Finally, President Farmajo called on all parties in Somalia to stop anything that could lead to instability in the country, instructing security agencies to maintain stability in the capital and the safety of civilians, and to avoid anything that could jeopardize security. and the Somali people to support the Armed Forces.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Roble announces emergency meeting

 Incumbent Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has called for a ceasefire in Mogadishu, and an emergency meeting as soon as possible.

Roble made the remarks after meeting with members of the Somali civil society this afternoon, and said he was saddened by the violence in Mogadishu in the last 24 hours.

He said he was calling an emergency meeting to attend the intellectuals and politicians in which he said the situation was settled looga security issues.

He says he commands the military to ensure the security of citizens, defend the country, and fight terrorism, and not to get involved in politics.

Roble's remarks have already been marred by questions, with people wondering why he did not meet with government rivals, and what he could add to a meeting he did not consult with the opposition.

Since the start of the conflict in Mogadishu, Roble has been criticized for not being decisive, in order to save the city and its people from deteriorating conditions.

After yesterday's and last night's clashes in Mogadishu, Roble recorded a video last night ordering troops to carry out their duties and fight insurgents, he said, angering the opposition and alienating hopes. had a solution to the city crisis.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Farmajo wants to lead this country to war but the people are against him and want him back in this country

 Today, Farmajo wants to lead the country to war, but the people are against him.

Farmajo wants to lead this country to war but the people are against him and want him back in this country

a short lion

Area Mirinaayada Abdulaziz District is now launched protests looga against the president late Mohamed and people making qeylinayaan words to determine expression of protest set with a baahiyeyaal announce the words of President Mwai Kibaki have dictator "We don't want Farmajo to have a term extension. Farmajo is a murderer and other words to express their opposition to the 12th of this month's extension.

Independent media outlets have also recently arrived at the scene of the protests and members of the opposition are set to speak to the media. Independent media outlets have also recently arrived at the scene of the protests and members are expected to address the media. leading protesters to speak to the media

The people of Somalia are now protesting against the extension and they are now trying to get into the presidency because Farmajo has led to the destruction of this country and I do not want this country to move forward, it should be stopped and the protests are taking place in the neighborhoods. Opposition forces have seized control of a key town in southern Somalia, the latest in a string of deadly clashes between government forces and Islamist insurgents.

Farmajo is using the Turkish army he trained to oppress the people and hand them over to the rest of Somalia to stay in power and he does not want to think about the country's development and is trying to bring this country back to 1991. Mogadishu (sh.M.Network) reports from the capital Mogadishu say that Al-shabab fighters have taken over the control of most parts of the capital Mogadishu.

It is noteworthy that yesterday's fighting started with a demonstration by civilians which started at the Fagah intersection that divides Yaqshid and Hiliwaa districts in Banadir region. The situation in Mogadishu is calm today after yesterday's and last night's clashes. to intensify and cause further conflict

Candidates' Union issues critical statement on Mogadishu clashes

 A statement from the Union Council of Opposition Candidates strongly condemned attacks by forces under the command of outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on the residences of former President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Wadajir party leader C. / Rahman Abdishakur Warame.

"Part of the attack was the Gorgor army, which was trained, equipped and paid by the Turkish government. Chief Security Fahad Yasin has deployed troops in a shooting attack looga participate, said the publication Tuesday of the Union candidates.

The council also warned AMISOM and Turkish-backed Gorgor forces not to be part of what they called a "civil war" in Mogadishu, and to clarify their position on their support for the civil war. take that.

"This is the second time that Farmajo's forces have attacked Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Abdirahman Abdishakur, both members of the Union of Candidates. "The Council also condemns the repression and oppression of the Somali people by Farmajo's forces, especially the peaceful protesters in Mogadishu, who oppose his illegal extension," the statement said.

Finally, the Council of Candidates said in a statement that it had warned of the dire consequences of using the force in politics and diverting it from its goal of fighting Al Shabaab. "The council calls for the complete withdrawal of political forces."

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Protests against Farmajo begin in parts of Mogadishu

 National started in protest against President looga Outdated cheese, made public some of the capital, Mogadishu, according to the findings.

Protests are currently taking place at the Fagah intersection that divides Yaqshid and Kaaran districts in Banadir region, where they are reportedly under the control of outgoing government forces.

Demonstrators chanted slogans against Farmajo, who they strongly opposed, and also burned tires in the middle of the intersection.

Protesters chanted slogans such as "We want an extension, we want Farmajo and we want a dictatorship".

They have completely disrupted traffic at the Fagah Intersection, as protesters are guarded by military forces who took over the Fagah Intersection hours ago, protesting against the government.

The situation at Fagax Intersection is tense, and it is feared that protests will spread to other districts in the region in the coming hours, with the media speaking to officials opposed to the extension of Farmajo's term.

Farmajo puts Somalia on the brink of collapse

  The arrival of the forces led by Colonel Sunni to the north of the capital, Mogadishu, while they follow the opposition forces, and this is evidence of Farmajo's success in tearing apart the armed forces and their weakness, as he takes Somalia back to its previous era with the spread of chaos and civil wars

Farmajo succeeded in tearing apart the armed forces, as evidenced by the entry of federal government forces stationed in the Central Shabelle region, the northern suburbs of Mogadishu, to protest the extension of President Farmajo's mandate for two years.

Farmajo weakens the Somali army due to the many defections. The defection of General Sadiq John will not be the last, as Major General Sadiq John and his forces stationed in the central Shabelle region also defected and headed to north Mogadishu to protect the opposition.

The military opposes the extension of Farmajo in Mogadishu and the situation is tense

 Mogadishu (Capital Online) - Federal government forces stationed in the Central Shabelle region have entered the northern suburbs of Mogadishu, saying they are against a two-year extension of President Farmajo's mandate.

 According to the Capital Online website, some of them are armed with about 100 military vehicles, and have entered the town, especially in the Qaraan area, while others are approaching.

 As soon as it was aware of this, the Somali presidency announced the deployment of other forces in some of the city’s streets, which led to the blocking of several intersections.

According to information obtained by Capital Online, President Farmago ordered the Armed Forces Commander, General Uduwa Yusef Raji, to confront the forces, and General Uduwa arrived at Sheikh Ali Abdullah's compound, where he met the Colonel. Sani Abdullah leads the forces, but their meeting was fruitless.

 Colonel. Sani Abdullah, according to our sources, told General Odawa that the forces are against the extension and that they will clarify their position to the media today, at a press conference.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

UN Security Council calls for immediate end to hostilities in Somalia

UN Security Council members said in a statement that they were "deeply concerned" about the political stalemate and disagreement among Somali leaders over the electoral process.

Members of the Security Council said that ongoing disputes over the electoral process would not only undermine the progress of the crisis, but also divert attention from ongoing problems; including floods, droughts, locusts, COVID-19, and the threat posed by al-Shabaab.

They said reaching an agreement on the elections would facilitate facilitation for the development of Somalia and its people.

"Members of the Security Council underline that reaching an agreement is essential to the successful conduct of any electoral process. "They noted that the September 17 agreement is the only basis supported by the Somali federal government and all regional governments," the statement said.

"Therefore, members of the Security Council call on all Somali parties to refrain from violence and resume talks immediately, without preconditions."

They called on Somali leaders to resolve the remaining issues, put the interests of the Somali people first, and quickly agree on a timeline for an election.

They added that the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), in collaboration with AMISOM, the African Union, the European Union, IGAD and other international partners, is ready to assist.

Members of the Security Council welcomed Farmajo's request to DR Congo's president and chairman of the African Union to mediate between Somali political stakeholders, and expressed support for his region's efforts to bring the Somali parties to the negotiating table.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Qatar responds to Fahad Yassin allegations

The government of Qatar has for the first time officially announced that it will pay millions of dollars to the outgoing leaders of the federal government of Somalia.

She denied allegations of money laundering in Somalia by the director of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), Fahad Yassin, a recent allegation made by former US Ambassador to Somalia Stephen Schwartz.

The Qatari government, in an official statement to VOA inquiring about the former ambassador's allegations, has ruled out providing substantial financial support to the outgoing government.

The statement said Qatar had provided $ 20 million last year to support the government's budget, and underlined that there was no black money coming into Somalia.

"Qatar is playing a constructive role in Somalia, which we aim to help contribute to the independence, stability and development of Somalia. "Qatar's efforts and position are in line with those of the United Nations and other partners in the international community," the statement said.

It also denied that there was a close link between Somalia's director of intelligence, Fahad Yassin, and the government's secret support for him, as previously accused by the former US ambassador to Somalia.

In a recent interview with VOA, Stephen Schwarts, the former US ambassador to Somalia, accused the Qatari government of illegally paying the outgoing president, through Fahad Yassin, who he said had gained power and influence. political influence.

Qatar has recently been accused of colluding with senior federal government officials, but most of those allegations have been defended by the Qatari government, which faces stiff competition in the region. 

Shakur buys more military vehicles and weapons

  Wadajir Party leader Abdirahman Abdishakur reportedly bought a large number of military vehicles and weapons to defend himself, according to informed sources.

According to information obtained by Capital Online, candidate Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame has purchased up to eight vehicles, with other vehicles already available.

Reports also indicate that Abdirahman Abdishakur bought most of the BKM's weapons, Saban, and machine guns and light weapons.

The move comes amid uncertainty in Mogadishu over Somalia's election dispute and fears of a government crackdown on the opposition.

Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, one of the main opposition candidates, is also the first Hawiye politician to oppose President Farmajo's illegal extension.

There are still military operations in Mogadishu against the Somali government, with no ongoing efforts to find a solution to the Somali election.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Parts of the DF forces refuse to attack General Sadaq

 The federal government has abandoned plans to attack former Benadir regional police chief General Sadaq Joon in the Shirkole neighborhood, following intense clan pressure and some members of the army refusing to take part in the attack, according to the report. found Capital Online.

Capital Online has confirmed that the commanders of Gorgor and Alpha Group forces have refused to take part in the attack on Sadaq Joon, which the government tried twice last week but failed.

According to our sources, Gorgor's administration, which has been widely criticized for its attack on former national leaders, has repeatedly refused to take part in political attacks again last week.

The Alpha Group Special Forces Command, part of NISA but a US-trained force, also refused to take part in the attack on General Sadaq Joon in the Shirkole neighborhood of Hodan district.

The two forces, trained by the United States and Turkey and are still under the control of those countries, have said their commanders are not ready to take part in events based on electoral disputes and vested interests.

Also, in addition to military command, many soldiers in the army refused to fight against people held hostage by political interests, some of whom were relatives.

Our information also indicates that most of the Cheetahs who carried out such attacks are mostly defectors from General Sadaq Joon, while the Waran and NISA forces are not numerous and provide security at specific bases.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Farmajo blames Mursal for extension

 Diplomatic sources close to the U.S. embassy and the European Union office told Capital Online that outgoing President Farmajo had told international representatives that anything resulting from the extension was the responsibility of Governor Mursal.

Farmajo and representatives of the international community met on Saturday, April 17, at the Aficio tent.

Sources who spoke to Capital Online said that Farmajo had repeatedly told international representatives that the extension was a decision made by the House of Representatives, that they were independent in their decisions and were responsible for the consequences. chairman of the Assembly.

Farmajo also called for co-operation in signing the House of Representatives' decision on the election, and said he was ready for the House to reverse that decision.

Representatives of the international community have rejected Farmajo's suggestion that the House of Representatives be responsible for everything, but said the board would be part of the individuals responsible for the crisis or sanctions could be imposed.

This is not the first time Farmajo has pursued political interests in Mursal and then left. Prior to the September 17 election agreement, Mursal passed an election law of one person and one vote, but it was overturned by Farmajo who had already persuaded Mursal to do so. However, it is possible that Farmajo will drop the law and return to electoral negotiations after pressure.

Meanwhile, the international community was told at the meeting to change its position on the extension and return to dialogue and consensus. Farmajo reportedly did not immediately respond but was dismissed on a memorandum of understanding.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Violent protests erupt in Shiirkole

  Violent demonstrations have now begun in the Shiirkole neighborhood of Hodan district, where Farmajo's rival General Sadaq Joon is based, and are being staged by mostly young people.

Protest against the looga late president Mohamed, and the people making qeylinayaan words such as "dictator we do not want, we do not want a team leader, breaking the law we do not want, we do not want anti-choice".

Shiirkole has become an area liberated from former Benadir regional police commander General Sadaq John, who was married to President Farmajo.

With the exception of the road from the Balaaksii intersection to the Shirkole intersection, other roads leading to the neighborhood have been cut off by Carro, and are guarded by troops loyal to General Sadaq Joon.

At least two nights ago, it was reported that the government had planned to attack Sadaq Joon in Shirkole, but it was not possible.

Last night, members of the Hawiye clan held a press conference in the Shiirkole neighborhood, threatening that they would not back down if the government tried to attack Shirkole and Sadaq Joon.

The situation in the capital Mogadishu has been volatile since President Farmajo's two-year term in office, and it is feared that armed clashes will break out in Mogadishu.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Candidates decide Farmajo's request and the meeting is noisy

A meeting between the Union of Candidates and the Presidents of Galmudug and HirShabelle took place last night at the residence of Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoor Qoor in Mogadishu.

The presidents of Galmudug and HirShabelle shared a message with President Farmajo at the meeting that the candidates should accept a meeting requested by the outgoing president Farmajo.

Candidates rejected the message of the Presidents of Galmudug and HirShabelle, and openly rejected President Farmajo's request to meet with him.

Sources close to the meeting confirmed to Capital Online that Abdirahman Abdishakur had left the meeting, after Qoor Qoor and Ali Gudlawe came to the candidates with a message that did not reflect their position.

The presidents of Galmudug and HirShabelle Qoor Qoor and Ali Gudlawe were expected to take a clear stance on Farmajo's extension, and to clarify their decision at the Hawiye Clan Conference announced on Monday this week.

However, last night's meeting between them and the candidates turned out as messengers, which resulted in the withdrawal of candidate Abdirahman Abdishakur, and the break-up.

Capital Online has previously shared with you that this meeting will take place, and the information we have given you included that such a message was carried by Qoor Qoor and Ali Gudlawe from Farmajo.

The information we have previously shared with you included that the candidates will impose strict conditions on meeting with President Farmajo, including that Farmajo must first withdraw from his recent term extension and issue a letter declaring the end of his term. , and no further fateful decision can be made.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The official reason for Ahmed Qoor Qoor's refusal to extend Farmajo's term

Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoor Qoor has refused to support Farmajo's extension due to millions of dollars in government debt, according to Capital Online.

According to information obtained by Capital Online, Qoor Qoor told Farmajo and Fahad Yasin to pay millions of dollars in arrears from the government, before supporting the extension.

President Qoor Qoor told Villa Somalia that the decision of the House of the People is very serious and he will lose many locals, he will also have a part in what is happening in the country, so he cannot support them and the government lacks millions of dollars.

Our information also indicates that there is a suspicion on the part of Villa Somalia that Qoor Qoor intends to withdraw his promise of support for the extension when he receives his money, which resulted in the money not being released.

On the day the extension was announced, a letter from the HirShabelle and Southwest administrations was forcibly posted on social media in support of the presidency, but Galmudug rejected the letter and also denied any involvement.

In the past few days, President Qoor Qoor has come under increasing pressure from both the opposition and the Conservatives after refusing to comment on the extension, which he has not yet publicly stated.

However, Qoor Qoor refused the extension two days before the extension, and it is understood it was a pressure message to the government to release the money.

President Qoor Qoor and Gudlawe last night told opposition candidates they would not support an extension, and are expected to formally announce their position. Qoor Qoor has now given up on the money he was expecting from Villa Somalia.

Friday, April 16, 2021

The Somali people rise up to get rid of the rule of Farmajo

 The Somali people call for liberation and getting rid of the rule of Farmajo

The tyrant who destroyed the country and wants to steal the people's freedom to choose a president by extending his term, seizing power and plundering the country's goods

Farmajo has made the Somali people suffer because of the corruption and corruption of his government during the past 4 years. The people are living a period of hunger and panic due to the negligence of Farmajo and his government.

That is why today the heroes of our country are rebelling against the actions of Farmajo

Farmajo has to submit to the demands of the Somali people. The will of the Somali people is stronger than Farmajo and his government. Sherkula’s region and some areas near it have witnessed a large gathering of demonstrators against Farmajo and his government, and they are demanding their most basic rights, which is holding elections and not extending Farmajo’s mandate.

The Somali people are resisting the realization of their desire to dismiss Farmajo and establish free and fair elections. The Shirkula region witnessed a mass demonstration organized by the people spontaneously chanting slogans against Farmajo.

Farmajo forgot that the Somali people refuse to have their ruler as a dictatorial ruler. Therefore, all groups of the Somali people must stand with their sisters in the Cherkula region who have demonstrated against Farmajo and his decisions. The Somali people revolt and express their anger against Farmajo's decisions. It embraces General Sadiq John, who was deposed by Farmajo

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Farmajo is a cursed cursor who is destroying the country

  For the past four years, the Somali people have warmly and enthusiastically elected President Farmajo in the hope that he will one day rebuild their shattered country and not be one of the country's past leaders.

But a few months later, it became clear to the Somali people that they had been deceived by Farmajo and had failed in their hopes and aspirations to save the country and its people during the long civil war.

After cursing, Farmajo established a dictatorship in the country for the past four years that has never been seen in Somalia, such as frequent bombings, rapes, assassinations, illegal extensions and constitutional amendments. .

Certainly, the Somali people are not happy with all these actions and the difficult situation in their country, especially the decision to extend the term of the members of the Somali parliament.

They have repeatedly stated that it is illegal to extend the term of the Somali government institutions, especially the president as well as members of the federal parliament.

It underlines that lawmakers need to take their role in looga right, accusing them of siding with one side.

Another theory is that the term of the extension can not take place and select a voice, the forces are in control of the town in the region.

However, Somalia has entered a new phase, following a decision to extend the term of parliament that was strongly opposed by the opposition, the international community and the Somali people.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The extension of Farmajo poses a threat to the security and stability of Somalia, and it must be canceled and elections should be held

 Farmajo has issued a decree that stripped General Sadiq John, the former director of the police in the capital, Mogadishu, of the military rank as well as of his other rights.

Also, against the backdrop of General John's attempt to prevent the Somali People's Assembly from convening last Monday to approve the extension, considering the matter a threat to the security, safety and stability of Somalia.

The response to the extension decision was that the National Rescue Forum, which includes the President of the Senate in the outgoing Federal Parliament Abdi Hashi Abdullah, the states of Puntland, the Union of Presidential Candidates, and the Council of Politicians of Somaliland, held a meeting, during which they stressed that the extension decision approved by the Somali People's Assembly has been nullified. And they indicated that it poses a threat to the security, stability and unity of the Somali people, and the people are calling for elections.

The forum promised and pledged to take all available steps, in consultation with the various sectors of the Somali people, to confront the illegal extension and the attempt to hijack the fate of the country, work to find solutions to manage the transitional phase and try to hold elections and cancel the extension.

Puntland introduces 'defective' eagles and cheetahs

  the governor of Puntland state of Somalia Mr. Abdihakim Haji Mohamud Fiqi has strongly denied the allegations leveled against him.

The officials were welcomed in Galkayo by the Puntland Minister of Security and Finance, the Governor of Mudug region and other officials of the administration, and praised them for ‘recognizing that they are returning to their areas’.

The officers, all of whom received special training in Turkey, said they defected from the federal government after witnessing racism and widespread corruption, they said.

"When we saw the irrationality and racism in the federation, we decided not to return to our country," said one of the officers, who is said to have defected from the federal government.

Officials who welcomed the officers said they would welcome any soldier who opposed the federal government's views, whose leaders have been at loggerheads in recent times.

They also called on foreign-trained officers to return to their homeland to defend the country and its people.

"We want these officers to be the officers of the Puntland government forces who are in charge of the forces. The officers are in the hands of the central officers, captains, captains and stars. This is the most important thing we have been looking for, and you will be appointed," said the Puntland finance minister. welcoming these Officers.

It was only recently that the Somaliland government welcomed officials who claimed to have defected from the federal government forces, particularly the cheetahs and eagles commandos, who are dissatisfied with the situation of the country's forces and the ruling elite.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Puntland and Jubaland issue briefing on extension

 Summaries from out of state and region of Puntland looga reaction allotted to the MPs mandate Goalah People today moved.

A statement posted on the Jubbaland presidency's Twitter account said that today's move by the outgoing parliament would restore Somalia's state-building.

“The Jubaland government is making it clear that what happened today in the outgoing House of the People has no legal basis. This will set back the process of rebuilding the state, ”the statement said.

Puntland's interior minister, Mohamed Abdirahman Dhabanad, tweeted that Puntland was "deeply saddened" by the move, calling it "illegal".

“The Puntland Government of Somalia regrets the illegal action taken by the outgoing House of Representatives today. The Puntland government is once again sharing with the Somali people its position on today's incident, ”said Minister Dhabanad.

The two regional administrations of Puntland and Jubbaland are currently working on a joint statement stating their position on the action taken by the lawmakers and the ongoing plan.

The leaders of the two regional administrations are in the same position on the political crisis in the country, while the outgoing heads of the federal government and the heads of other administrations have allied themselves.

Parliamentarians today approved a bill introduced by Mursal, which will lead to a two-year extension, followed by a by-election by the Electoral Commission led by Halimo Yarey.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Somali police ‘stop’ BF meeting

 Police region, National Team Omar (National Team Joon) has recently announced that the military command was stopped by police in today's parliament, which was supposed to looga debate on the 2021 national elections.

Sadiq Joon said the Somali Police Force has a national duty to ensure general security and stability in Mogadishu.

General Police officials said the main reason for the meeting was suspended Parliament said, to prevent the country looga into chaos and violence.

"The Somali parliament has adjourned its meeting today, and we have suspended it because there is no need for looting and a political understanding has been reached," said the Benadir regional police commander.

He also pointed out that the parliament of Somalia looga need to go and local elections, as his term ended.

"I say to the Somali parliament, you have been in office for four years and four years are over. You have been elected and re-elected," he added.

He also noted that they would not allow an extension of time in the country that would lead to further delays and a return to civil war.

"We do not want an extension of 15 months that delays us for 15 years. We need to take collective responsibility," he said.

Finally, he sent a message to the Prime Minister of Somalia, HE Mohamed Hussein Roble, urging him to play his role in the elections.

"I urge the prime minister of Somalia to take responsibility for his actions. People self-contradicting anything extorting do not open the back of the tent was open in the back to open ha-ha-out props ".

However, the decision comes amid fears that parliament will announce an extension for the president and other government agencies.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The cause of the rift between the DF and the international community

 The Somali federal government sent a letter to the UN Security Council on April 9th ​​warning against interfering in the country's disputed elections.

"The Federal Government of Somalia views any foreign intervention as a direct interference in the internal affairs of the country and a violation of Security Council resolutions, agreements and international law."

It was on Wednesday that the federal government announced the failure of the preliminary meeting of the federal and state governments, blaming Puntland and Jubaland.

Reports say last week there was a meeting between the international community and the federal government that was marred by a misunderstanding, which is believed to have angered the government.

At the meeting, members of the government asked the international community about their role, while representatives of the international community replied that they were not only responsible for the security of the constitutional institutions but also that they were responsible for ensuring that what was built was not destroyed. harmful.


It appears that the international community is tired of Somalia's elections and has strained relations with Villa Somalia, leading to the federal government going to the Security Council.

The letter to the Security Council stated that security for the elections would be handed over to the government, a unilateral move without consulting the regional administrations on how to manage the security of the elections.

It is not known why the federal government wants the international community to withdraw from Somalia's elections, with election funding, security and 40% of the government's budget allocated.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Government cuts money used by Hassan and Sheikh Sharif

 Information obtained by Capital Online confirms that part of the allowances used by former Somali Presidents Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, which were paid by the central government, have been deducted.

The money was allowed by both outgoing presidents or presidents, but has now been cut in part by Villa Somalia, according to sources close to the matter.

Former Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud also said in an interview with Kulmiye Radio a few days ago that part of the money they were entitled to was deducted years ago.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud also said that the allowances were deducted from the troops accompanying him and President Sheikh Sharif.

He described the sanctions as a provocation against the two officials who served the country during a difficult period.

The Somali government has not yet commented on the serious allegations made by one of its former leaders.

The government has already taken action against the two presidents, including being detained at Aden Adde International Airport and the February 19th attack on the Ma'ida Hotel in Mogadishu, which Hassan Sheikh described as a "plot to assassinate." . ”

Thursday, April 8, 2021

What is PUNTLAND's next plan, after the failure of the AFISYOONE conference?

 In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Puntland's Minister of Information, Abdullahi Ali Hirsi Timo-Adde, spoke about Puntland's plans and the steps it will take after the failed Afisyon conference.

Timo-Adde has announced that Puntland is ready for a lasting solution to the electoral crisis, and that President Deni will remain in Mogadishu.

He also expressed optimism that a reunion would be held to resume talks between the federal government and state governments.

"We will stay, we will stay, and we expect a reunion, this is not going to break up," said Minister Timo-Adde.

The Puntland Minister of Information also added that Puntland wants to save the country and that it is the one who made the concession.

"We are the ones who are compromising. We are the ones who want to save Somalia. We are the two regional governments and we are ready to go to court wherever they come together," he added.

Finally, he underlined that Puntland stands for the rule of law and the rule of law in the country, accusing the Federal Government of Somalia of violating the terms, which he described as being too divisive.

The statement came as the central government announced that the recent talks at the Afisyon Tent in Mogadishu had failed, blaming the leaders of Jubbaland and Puntland.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Prices of arms in Mogadishu rise and the reason

 There has been a sharp rise in the price of arms in Mogadishu in recent months, as the situation in the country worsens.

The weapons on the rise include assault rifles, PKM rifles, RPGs and assault rifles and AK47 rifles, all of which are now selling at double the previous price, according to Capital Online.

The arms market has seen a surge in arms sales in the past two months, as the country's election crisis intensifies.

The increase in weapons is also attributed to the situation in Gedo region, where the federal government has recently been transporting various weapons.

According to our sources, most of the buyers of the weapons were opposition candidates who were heavily armed, following a series of attacks on the government on February 19 and recent clashes.

Tensions between the outgoing top government officials and opposition candidates have escalated into violence in Mogadishu that has left scores dead and wounded.

The political situation in the country is at an all-time high, at the end of the government's term, and there is no consensus on the country's electoral process, and it is unclear where they will be based.

See below for original prices and gun sales;

The Dashika rifle cost $ 21,000, up from $ 15,000

The PKM rifle was $ 16,000, up from $ 12,000

RPG rifle or $ 3,000 for $ 500,000

AK47 $ 1,800 while previously $ 1,100

Pistol $ 2,200 initially $ 1,500

DF convenes clans in Mogadishu against Ahmed Madobe

 A statement published on the Ministry of the Interior reported in Somalia looga Interior Minister General Mukhtar Hussein Afrah Mogadishu with elders and politicians from the region Jubaland, who complained of the administration, as described in this notice.

"Traditional elders from Julabaland communities and politicians from the administration have lodged complaints with the Minister regarding the formation of the Jubaland State," the statement said.

The statement also said that the elders and politicians who met expressed their dissatisfaction with the current administration of Jubbaland led by President Ahmed Madobe, and demanded that a unified administration be established in Jubbaland.

"They have expressed their dissatisfaction with the Jubaland administration as a whole. At the same time, they are interested in establishing an administration that is consensual, guaranteeing their security and maintaining unity and development, the people of Jubaland, ”said a statement from the Somali Ministry of Interior.

Somali Interior Minister General Mukhtar said in a statement that he had heard complaints from clan elders and politicians from Jubaland about the challenges facing Ahmed Madobe's administration.

The current Jubbaland administration led by President Ahmed Madobe and the central government have not had good relations, and there is a rift between them over the recent election of Ahmed Madobe for the third time.

The government led by President Farmajo, which strongly opposed the re-election of Ahmed Madobe, later allowed Ahmed to temporarily rule Jubbaland, until August this year, now with four months left.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

What is the issue that Farmajo 'wanted' the opposition candidates to do?

 Former Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has announced that outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo wanted the opposition to rise up and start a war to destabilize the country.

Hassan said opposition leaders have failed to fight any pressure on the outgoing president, who is accused of obstructing an agreement on the country's elections.

"The government of former President Farmajo has tried many times to put us in a place where we are angry and shout," said the former president in an interview with KNN.

"Put him out of the stadium, deduct the salaries of my staff, deduct some of my former president's allowances. All this is for the angry ones to fight."

The former president also said that since 2018 he and other leaders have been harassed by government officials, but have not given the required response which he considers violent.

However, the crisis in the country is believed to have worsened if opposition leaders declared war on the outgoing government, following recent incidents in which it was directly targeted.

Monday, April 5, 2021

DF cuts salaries of soldiers who recently joined CC Shakur's bodyguards

 The Somali government has begun cracking down on registered soldiers who are on active duty, especially those guarding opposition politicians, according to Capital Online.

Officials from the Wadajir party led by Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame and the Somali military command told Capital Online that they had been told the salaries of nearly 70 soldiers had been suspended.

The suspended soldiers are mostly bodyguards for Presidential candidate Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, most of whom have recently joined his bodyguards and General Sheikh Yusuf Mohamed Siyasad Indhaade, who is also close to the opposition.

Abdirahman Abdishakur previously had a private bodyguard, not a member of the Somali government forces, numbering about a dozen, but after the February 19th attack on some of the opposition, he was joined by local bodyguards. some from Indha-Adde from the same sub-clan.

In Abdirahman said reinforcing security, they fear the attack take over the government, after the attacks occurred three years ago looga guards killed.

The exact reason behind this is not known, but there are reports that other opposition soldiers have been suspended from their salaries.

Opposition groups have stepped up their security in the wake of the 19th attack on the Ma'ida hotel where Sheikh Sharif and Hassan Sheikh were staying, fearing another attack from the government.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

National Security Forum blames Farmajo for attack on army

  A statement from the National Salvation Forum strongly criticized President Farmajo, accusing him of neglecting the national army, praising them for defending themselves against the forces that attacked Barire and Awdheegle, as well as offering condolences to the families of the dead soldiers.

The statement first said, “The Somali National Salvation Forum commends the bravery of the Somali National Army in repelling the Al Shabaab terrorist attack on their bases in Aw-Dheegle and Barirre areas of Lower Shabelle region. Madashu extends its condolences to the families of the CXD heroes who were martyred in the attack and wishes a speedy recovery to the officers and other soldiers injured in the attack. ”

The statement added, "Footage and reports of terrorist attacks on the Army show how the outgoing president has neglected the troops in the front line. It is also clear that he has deployed most of his troops to Mogadishu to suppress dissenting politicians. "Many troops, weapons and other anti-terrorism equipment have been transferred to Gedo region, fueling civil strife in the area, which has resulted in much bloodshed."

"Madashu also accuses the outgoing president of failing to fulfill his mandate of the Somali National Intelligence Service, which was tasked with providing information on Al Shabaab activities. Instead, it has been monitoring the activities of opposition politicians and the country's elections. "NISA's negligence has given terrorists the opportunity to attack troops on the battlefield or to carry out suicide bombings in Mogadishu."

According to the statement, Madashu makes it difficult to remove the army from the political arena, in order to fulfill its national duty and gain the support of all the people and politicians.

"The forum calls for the immediate deployment of reinforcements, weapons and logistics to the forces in today's attacked bases and other vulnerable areas, so that they can defend themselves and the civilian population from the enemies of the Somali people, the terrorists of Al. Al-Shabaab, ”concluded the statement from the National Salvation Forum.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Al-Shabab attacks two military bases and controls them

  In the past, many said that Turkey is doing the impossible in order to train forces to fight terrorism in Somalia, and many celebrations and tributes to the Somali youth who will be trained.

But how can we respect Turkey, respect its promises, and respect Farmajo after the event of all those forces that are supposed to be trained to face difficult terrorist situations, and when these situations occur, we did not find a defense and many of them and the people died.

How can these forces not defend themselves against the youth movement and can only end the demonstrations, suppress the people and isolate them, and listen to the orders of the dictator who seeks to corrupt the country?

The souls of the Somali people are the ones who are paying the price for the recklessness and complacency of Turkey and the Farmajo government, and we all demand that those who caused their death be held accountable and that Al-Shabaab cannot stand against it through Turkey's aid, which did nothing and was just an external form to be photographed through TV channels and the media, and it is said that Turkey is helping Somalia, and in fact it is seeking to exhaust Somalia's resources.

5 key issues to be discussed at today's conference in Afisyon

 A meeting between the heads of the federal government and the regional leaders will open today at the Afisyon tent, with the presence of the international community.

The preliminary report of the general meeting of the electoral consultation, we decided looga achieved agendas to the public looga debate, which does not agree with the Prime Minister and the head of state on taabiciyiinta, Ahmed and Said Deni on the other hand.

The team led by Prime Minister wants to leave his agenda MEMORANDUM 17 September 2020, and which brought the debate back to the issues discussed looga.

Ahmed Madobe and Said Deni also argue that after the agreement, the government will create a lot of obstacles, so everything that happens after that should be discussed. The items they want to include on the agenda include:

1 - Who will chair the consultative meeting: Farmajo assumes that he is still the president of the country and should chair the conference. Although not official, it is believed that the international community has allowed Deni and Ahmed Madobe to accept this.


1. Eid participating in the consultative meeting: Said Deni and Ahmed Madobe believe that political stakeholders should be included in the talks, as Farmajo's term has ended, and he is now the same candidate as the other candidates, according to have.

2- February 19 events: Said Deni and Ahmed Madobe believe the government has committed a major atrocity by attacking presidential candidates and peaceful protesters. This is the view of fear can affect the election, so they should be included in the agenda of the general meeting, and discuss.

3- Electoral security: After the February 19 attack, Ahmed Madobe and Deni argue that the government cannot be trusted with election security, so this issue should be included on the agenda.

5. Guarantor of the agreement: The parties are believed to agree that the international community should guarantee any agreement that is signed. Farmajo, who initially opposed the move, is believed to have finally agreed.

There may also be other issues that may come back later and those in the September 17th agreement and the Baidoa agreement on February 16th, which will be debated again, most notably in the Gedo region.

Somali activists are demonstrating in Washington, demanding the United States to save democracy in their country.

A number of Somali activists demonstrated today in the American capital, Washington, calling on the US government to intervene to save the democratic experience in Somalia, which is going through a stifling political crisis that may put the country on the brink of a civil war in the absence of a real legitimate government, which raises fears of the return of armed conflicts to the fore.

The demonstrators in front of the Somali embassy in Washington, DC, called on the United States and the international community to know their responsibilities towards this country that suffers from collapse due to a lack of trust between politicians and some of them ... chanting anti-government slogans and demanding that the international community have an important role to solve the crisis since Somalia relies mainly on aid Foreign Ministry in light of a constitutional crisis caused by the postponement of the elections and the government's intransigence in fulfilling its obligations.Somali human rights activist Ali Shigal told Aegis that the situation in the country is not good and fears are increasing day after another from the retreat of anti-terrorism efforts, especially after the abandonment of the United States and the withdrawal of its forces from Somali lands, expressing his optimism about the new US administration led by President Biden to restore matters to normalcy and the need to confront Al-Shabaab affiliated with Al-Qaeda in the north-east of the country.It is noteworthy that Somalia is living in a state of political vacuum, especially after the opposition leaders announced their intention not to recognize the legitimacy of President Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo after the end of his term without reaching a political agreement on a path leading to new presidential elections.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The three MPs persuaded MURSAL to reverse his decision against the 15 MPs

According to reports from Capital Online, the speaker of the parliament, Mohamed Mursal, has rescinded his decision to ban 15 lawmakers from attending five sessions, creating chaos in the assembly.

The lawmakers disrupted a meeting of parliament on Saturday and opposed an extension of the term of the outgoing president, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.

Mr. and those of the opposition has been prevented to participate in a meeting of the Members of Parliament resolved in time, which was approved by the two members, the Health Ministry report looga listened.

Mogadishu reports from the Somali capital Mogadishu say that Al-shabab fighters have attacked a military base located at the outskirts of the capital Mogadishu.

Lawmakers led by former speaker of parliament Sheikh Aden Madobe, including former information minister Mohamed Maareye and former public works minister Abdifatah Gesey, last night asked the speaker to pardon the 15 lawmakers who were suspended from parliament. .

According to our sources, these MPs will attend the first session on Saturday.

The board also informed the visiting lawmakers that if there is an extension it will be a clear agenda, and it will be brought before the council for discussion, and nothing will be hidden, so there is no need for noise.