Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Roble announces emergency meeting

 Incumbent Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has called for a ceasefire in Mogadishu, and an emergency meeting as soon as possible.

Roble made the remarks after meeting with members of the Somali civil society this afternoon, and said he was saddened by the violence in Mogadishu in the last 24 hours.

He said he was calling an emergency meeting to attend the intellectuals and politicians in which he said the situation was settled looga security issues.

He says he commands the military to ensure the security of citizens, defend the country, and fight terrorism, and not to get involved in politics.

Roble's remarks have already been marred by questions, with people wondering why he did not meet with government rivals, and what he could add to a meeting he did not consult with the opposition.

Since the start of the conflict in Mogadishu, Roble has been criticized for not being decisive, in order to save the city and its people from deteriorating conditions.

After yesterday's and last night's clashes in Mogadishu, Roble recorded a video last night ordering troops to carry out their duties and fight insurgents, he said, angering the opposition and alienating hopes. had a solution to the city crisis.

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