Monday, April 26, 2021

Farmajo wants to lead this country to war but the people are against him and want him back in this country

 Today, Farmajo wants to lead the country to war, but the people are against him.

Farmajo wants to lead this country to war but the people are against him and want him back in this country

a short lion

Area Mirinaayada Abdulaziz District is now launched protests looga against the president late Mohamed and people making qeylinayaan words to determine expression of protest set with a baahiyeyaal announce the words of President Mwai Kibaki have dictator "We don't want Farmajo to have a term extension. Farmajo is a murderer and other words to express their opposition to the 12th of this month's extension.

Independent media outlets have also recently arrived at the scene of the protests and members of the opposition are set to speak to the media. Independent media outlets have also recently arrived at the scene of the protests and members are expected to address the media. leading protesters to speak to the media

The people of Somalia are now protesting against the extension and they are now trying to get into the presidency because Farmajo has led to the destruction of this country and I do not want this country to move forward, it should be stopped and the protests are taking place in the neighborhoods. Opposition forces have seized control of a key town in southern Somalia, the latest in a string of deadly clashes between government forces and Islamist insurgents.

Farmajo is using the Turkish army he trained to oppress the people and hand them over to the rest of Somalia to stay in power and he does not want to think about the country's development and is trying to bring this country back to 1991. Mogadishu (sh.M.Network) reports from the capital Mogadishu say that Al-shabab fighters have taken over the control of most parts of the capital Mogadishu.

It is noteworthy that yesterday's fighting started with a demonstration by civilians which started at the Fagah intersection that divides Yaqshid and Hiliwaa districts in Banadir region. The situation in Mogadishu is calm today after yesterday's and last night's clashes. to intensify and cause further conflict

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