Monday, April 26, 2021

Candidates' Union issues critical statement on Mogadishu clashes

 A statement from the Union Council of Opposition Candidates strongly condemned attacks by forces under the command of outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on the residences of former President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Wadajir party leader C. / Rahman Abdishakur Warame.

"Part of the attack was the Gorgor army, which was trained, equipped and paid by the Turkish government. Chief Security Fahad Yasin has deployed troops in a shooting attack looga participate, said the publication Tuesday of the Union candidates.

The council also warned AMISOM and Turkish-backed Gorgor forces not to be part of what they called a "civil war" in Mogadishu, and to clarify their position on their support for the civil war. take that.

"This is the second time that Farmajo's forces have attacked Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Abdirahman Abdishakur, both members of the Union of Candidates. "The Council also condemns the repression and oppression of the Somali people by Farmajo's forces, especially the peaceful protesters in Mogadishu, who oppose his illegal extension," the statement said.

Finally, the Council of Candidates said in a statement that it had warned of the dire consequences of using the force in politics and diverting it from its goal of fighting Al Shabaab. "The council calls for the complete withdrawal of political forces."

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