Sunday, April 25, 2021

Protests against Farmajo begin in parts of Mogadishu

 National started in protest against President looga Outdated cheese, made public some of the capital, Mogadishu, according to the findings.

Protests are currently taking place at the Fagah intersection that divides Yaqshid and Kaaran districts in Banadir region, where they are reportedly under the control of outgoing government forces.

Demonstrators chanted slogans against Farmajo, who they strongly opposed, and also burned tires in the middle of the intersection.

Protesters chanted slogans such as "We want an extension, we want Farmajo and we want a dictatorship".

They have completely disrupted traffic at the Fagah Intersection, as protesters are guarded by military forces who took over the Fagah Intersection hours ago, protesting against the government.

The situation at Fagax Intersection is tense, and it is feared that protests will spread to other districts in the region in the coming hours, with the media speaking to officials opposed to the extension of Farmajo's term.

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