Sunday, April 25, 2021

Farmajo puts Somalia on the brink of collapse

  The arrival of the forces led by Colonel Sunni to the north of the capital, Mogadishu, while they follow the opposition forces, and this is evidence of Farmajo's success in tearing apart the armed forces and their weakness, as he takes Somalia back to its previous era with the spread of chaos and civil wars

Farmajo succeeded in tearing apart the armed forces, as evidenced by the entry of federal government forces stationed in the Central Shabelle region, the northern suburbs of Mogadishu, to protest the extension of President Farmajo's mandate for two years.

Farmajo weakens the Somali army due to the many defections. The defection of General Sadiq John will not be the last, as Major General Sadiq John and his forces stationed in the central Shabelle region also defected and headed to north Mogadishu to protect the opposition.

The military opposes the extension of Farmajo in Mogadishu and the situation is tense

 Mogadishu (Capital Online) - Federal government forces stationed in the Central Shabelle region have entered the northern suburbs of Mogadishu, saying they are against a two-year extension of President Farmajo's mandate.

 According to the Capital Online website, some of them are armed with about 100 military vehicles, and have entered the town, especially in the Qaraan area, while others are approaching.

 As soon as it was aware of this, the Somali presidency announced the deployment of other forces in some of the city’s streets, which led to the blocking of several intersections.

According to information obtained by Capital Online, President Farmago ordered the Armed Forces Commander, General Uduwa Yusef Raji, to confront the forces, and General Uduwa arrived at Sheikh Ali Abdullah's compound, where he met the Colonel. Sani Abdullah leads the forces, but their meeting was fruitless.

 Colonel. Sani Abdullah, according to our sources, told General Odawa that the forces are against the extension and that they will clarify their position to the media today, at a press conference.

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