Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Farmajo will not continue to rule after the people's anger at his actions

 The victory of the opposition is Ali Faramajo, and it has acquired a large part of Somalia, and this worries Farmajo because he has approached, re-leaving the country and establishing the legitimacy and ending the dictatorship of the Somali people. The ruling continues after the anger of the people at his actions and the victory of the opposition over him and its control over large parts of Somalia after the decision to extend his term.

Restoring legitimacy to the country will make Somalia safe, and that is when the dictatorial rule of Farmajo ends. Farmajo is afraid of citizens demonstrating against him and coups, while he is under pressure from Fahd Yassin

The Somali opposition has achieved great success by convincing the Somali people of their political ideology without resorting to violence in one place and the full support of the Somali people.

Farmajo, who sees himself as a politician who has done so much for the country, failed to lead the country because he was unable to convince his people of his ideology and learned from his noble words.

He does not take advice from his friends because of his dictatorial nature, which is why he always brags about his performance and criticizes others, and enjoys being called the man who brought the country here and who has gone through a lot of hardships since he was. In the elections in a peaceful country and that he built the army in order and the reason for his election is to replace it with another administration, but he misunderstood that.

This has led to many issues and failed extensions, the first of which is popular anger and the growing opposition in Somalia after Farmajo’s decision to extend his rule, and secondly, opposition and legitimacy in parts of Somalia, which will exclude Somalia from dictatorship and restore law and order, why does the opposition exist when it is part of the government to protect the country .

Third, Farmajo expresses his concerns about popular protests and coups, while under the pressure of Fahd Yassin, who wants to preserve his position and fight and resist protesters and revolutionary soldiers, he continues to stay in power and dignity for the country and protect their position for the sake of persistence. This is Fahd Yassin's advisor to Farmajo.

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