Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Speaker of the House of Representatives issued a statement regarding the dismissal of Roble

 The Speaker of the House of the People of Somalia has issued a statement denying earlier reports that Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble will be fired.

"The people of Somalia share that the news posted on social media that the prime minister of the federal government of Somalia will be fired on Saturday is false," said a statement issued by Secretary-General of the House of the People Abdikarin Buux.

The statement added, "We warn the Somali people to stay away from these false reports. The purpose of the meeting is that on Saturday, May 1st, JFS President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo will appear before the House of Representatives."

The impeachment plan is believed to have been spearheaded by lawmakers who are opposed to the extension and are allied with President Farmajo and Chairman Mursal, and officials including Senator Abdi Qeybdid have warned against it.

"I would like to warn the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the members of parliament not to do anything that will disrupt the election, and if that happens, they will take the consequences and the consequences. and people have been displaced, ”said Abdi Qeybdid.

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