Saturday, May 1, 2021

Turkey's ambitions in Somalia and its support for Farmajo will lead to a civil war inside Somalia

 The Horn of Africa is the way to East Africa, where the Turkish ambition to seize African wealth and Erdogan's support for the current Somali government despite its illegality comes within the framework of the Turkish regime’s endeavor to establish followers in power and rule in many countries to achieve its alleged ambition of the Ottoman Caliphate.

Farmajo enabled Turkey to control the joints of the Somali state, and therefore it strives to ensure the continuity of this control, which it will not achieve with a president other than Farmajo, as it provides Farmajo with military shipments that include thousands of rifles and hundreds of thousands of bullets to use against the opposition to preserve his position

It is important to ask ourselves why does Turkey support Farmajo and the potential consequences, and what is the impact on our country?
Turkey has supported Farmajo in recent years with weapons, military training and the implementation of a failed dictatorship, and Erdogan is still interfering in politics and elections in our country.

 It is clear and unequivocal that the weapons and ammunition attached to the Somali and Turkish people in our country will lead to a bad policy that will lead to discord and civil war that will erupt between the Somali people.

 The greed of the Turkish government in Somalia forced him to support Farmajo as a scapegoat for our land resources.

 The Turkish government's support for Somalia, especially during the elections and the transitional period, is not free or fraternal, but rather a desire for the wealth of Somalia and its strategic lands.

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