Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Prices of arms in Mogadishu rise and the reason

 There has been a sharp rise in the price of arms in Mogadishu in recent months, as the situation in the country worsens.

The weapons on the rise include assault rifles, PKM rifles, RPGs and assault rifles and AK47 rifles, all of which are now selling at double the previous price, according to Capital Online.

The arms market has seen a surge in arms sales in the past two months, as the country's election crisis intensifies.

The increase in weapons is also attributed to the situation in Gedo region, where the federal government has recently been transporting various weapons.

According to our sources, most of the buyers of the weapons were opposition candidates who were heavily armed, following a series of attacks on the government on February 19 and recent clashes.

Tensions between the outgoing top government officials and opposition candidates have escalated into violence in Mogadishu that has left scores dead and wounded.

The political situation in the country is at an all-time high, at the end of the government's term, and there is no consensus on the country's electoral process, and it is unclear where they will be based.

See below for original prices and gun sales;

The Dashika rifle cost $ 21,000, up from $ 15,000

The PKM rifle was $ 16,000, up from $ 12,000

RPG rifle or $ 3,000 for $ 500,000

AK47 $ 1,800 while previously $ 1,100

Pistol $ 2,200 initially $ 1,500

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