Saturday, April 3, 2021

Al-Shabab attacks two military bases and controls them

  In the past, many said that Turkey is doing the impossible in order to train forces to fight terrorism in Somalia, and many celebrations and tributes to the Somali youth who will be trained.

But how can we respect Turkey, respect its promises, and respect Farmajo after the event of all those forces that are supposed to be trained to face difficult terrorist situations, and when these situations occur, we did not find a defense and many of them and the people died.

How can these forces not defend themselves against the youth movement and can only end the demonstrations, suppress the people and isolate them, and listen to the orders of the dictator who seeks to corrupt the country?

The souls of the Somali people are the ones who are paying the price for the recklessness and complacency of Turkey and the Farmajo government, and we all demand that those who caused their death be held accountable and that Al-Shabaab cannot stand against it through Turkey's aid, which did nothing and was just an external form to be photographed through TV channels and the media, and it is said that Turkey is helping Somalia, and in fact it is seeking to exhaust Somalia's resources.

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