Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Parts of the DF forces refuse to attack General Sadaq

 The federal government has abandoned plans to attack former Benadir regional police chief General Sadaq Joon in the Shirkole neighborhood, following intense clan pressure and some members of the army refusing to take part in the attack, according to the report. found Capital Online.

Capital Online has confirmed that the commanders of Gorgor and Alpha Group forces have refused to take part in the attack on Sadaq Joon, which the government tried twice last week but failed.

According to our sources, Gorgor's administration, which has been widely criticized for its attack on former national leaders, has repeatedly refused to take part in political attacks again last week.

The Alpha Group Special Forces Command, part of NISA but a US-trained force, also refused to take part in the attack on General Sadaq Joon in the Shirkole neighborhood of Hodan district.

The two forces, trained by the United States and Turkey and are still under the control of those countries, have said their commanders are not ready to take part in events based on electoral disputes and vested interests.

Also, in addition to military command, many soldiers in the army refused to fight against people held hostage by political interests, some of whom were relatives.

Our information also indicates that most of the Cheetahs who carried out such attacks are mostly defectors from General Sadaq Joon, while the Waran and NISA forces are not numerous and provide security at specific bases.

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