Monday, November 30, 2020

A new plan from Farmajo to regain his popularity

 Parliamentary Intervention Farmajo's Release of Youth 

All members of the Somali parliament have agreed to oppose Farmajo and want to vote on him when they find out that Farmajo is plotting to replace him in the Somali parliament.

And he wants to bring in a young parliament that will spend millions of dollars and he wants to overthrow the previous parliament.

As we all know 90% of Somali youth are unemployed and we do not have cheese so taking this opportunity he wants to implement his ideas.

The Somali people are opposed to this happening and they are with the current Somali parliament. If a young Somali parliament emerges, Farmajo's vision and plans will be possible and Farmajo will remain in office for another 30 years so that this does not happen. We are free to protect our country from the next dictator who rules us

The people of Somalia are fed up with the bad plans of the current government and are standing by the current parliament and it will not happen that young people with brains will sit on us because everything will have to be approved and foreign countries will take advantage of our political problems and disputes. as a result of the peace process and the reconstruction of the country and the future generations will be the victims of this.

Farmajo is trying to stay in power

 Farmajo is using the IDPs for his re-election without his condolences

Demonstrations in support of the re-election of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo took place in Gedo region today, with people also expressing their opposition to the news from opposition candidates gathered in Mogadishu.

The demonstrations were organized by the Gedo regional administration and were openly supported by President Farmajo's campaign, as well as branded by tribal candidates as opposition candidates.

The governor of Gedo region described the opposition candidates as unhealthy and in need of hospitalization, and one of the main issues agreed upon during the opposition candidates' meeting was issues related to Gedo region.

Opposition candidates have called for the withdrawal of government forces from Gedo region, and the demonstration will be the first organized by the government following a statement from opposition candidates.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The evudence that Farmajo is bloody terror

What forced Farmajo to remain silent about the bombing in Mogadishu?

For almost two days, the president has not yet commented on the genocide at the Gelato Divino restaurant in Mogadishu, which claimed the lives of eight young people, mostly academics.

Many are wondering why the president is silent,During his election campaign, he repeatedly stated that his government would not only condemn Al-Shabaab attacks but would take serious action, and that President Farmajo did not succeed.

During his election campaign, he repeatedly stated that his government would not only condemn Al-Shabaab attacks but would take serious action, and that President Farmajo did not succeed.

This is the first time that the President of Somalia has refrained from commenting on bombings and attacks in Somalia that have killed many civilians. Farmajo's silence is in support of al-Shabaab

In the past, the Farmajo government has been accused of collaborating

The secret meeting between the 4 terrors

 Critical meeting at Villa Somalia between Farmajo, Fahad, Roble and Qoor Qoor

The meeting was attended by President Farmajo, Prime Minister Roble, and the Commander of the Peace Corps, Fahad Yassin. who met with Galmudug President Ahmed Qoorqoor.

Although no evidence of any formal meeting looga spoke, the Villa Somalia, officials said they are likely to vote looga disputed issues, particularly controversial committees opposition candidates opposed

The meeting comes two days after the opposition demanded changes to the commissions, as well as the resignation of Fahad Yassin, and several other issues.

Qoor Qoor has previously promised opposition candidates that he will replace the Galmudug election commissions, which are believed to have been appointed by the federal government, but have only signed his name, but have demanded that other administrations do the same.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Farmajo and his government spread the the corruption in Somalia

 Beledweyne Protests and Farmajo Suppression

The demonstration was very strong to the mainstream society in the nearby town of Hiran region and demonstrate against the looga Hirshabeelle.

The protests are against the deployment of federal troops by General Abukar Hut against the federal government in Hirshabele, which the locals have originally opposed, and the government's crackdown on the Somali people, which seeks to imprison those who do not support it. threats and intimidation combined and the Federal Government of Somalia has deviated from the path of peace.

The government led by Farmajo and Fahad Yassin has sent military and police forces as well as the National Intelligence Service (NISA) to Belet Weyne to retake control of General Abukar Hut's rebel group and anyone who opposes the Peace and Life regime. very ugly and unimaginable what it will bring and it will take away the little peace that the locals have.

Farmajo is setting fire to Hirshabele in an attempt to save Gudlawe who has been threatened that he will not be able to come to Baidoa at all and has taken the ugly step of not resolving the issue there to bring peace through dialogue. and to question ourselves we have failed Farmajo in all the political and economic management of his administration and he must step down

The suffering in Banadir from explosions

 Banadir Governor's Threats and the Post-Explosion Message

Benadir Governor and Mogadishu mayor Omar Mohamed Mohamud Filish on Thursday addressed an unprecedented statement from the candidates' union.

Mayor threatened strongly suggested opposition statement on Thursday said that the opposition they deserve to be struck by the place to see and to daliishanaya passages that are known religious organization without looga learn a position of the Federal government or dowladkale It can be interpreted as saying that the government itself or Al-Shabaab members are involved in such acts and this came as a shock to anyone who listened to the statement from the governor of Benadir region and the government.

Chairman Omar Filish described the candidates as hypocrites who deserve to be shunned and killed anywhere, posing a serious threat to the security of the candidates and the opposition in general. The biggest threat to Omar Filish's speech was posed by Somali lawmaker Mahad Salad, he said.

"Omar, put down the firearm that Fahad and Farmajo gave you. Put it on the ground and don't burn it!" Lawmaker Mahad Salad also said, “If you have a hearing ear, kill people and kill the mayor of the city hall where you are the chairman and pay the bill where the electricity is off for a week! “

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The injustice that happend to the Somali people

Violence against a Somali boy and his interview led to another oppression

It is a problem for the people of Mogadishu who are mostly evicted from their homes under the pretext of an explosion and the perpetrators are known and we are the perpetrators.

Young people in Mogadishu are suffering from abuse by the government, which has no experience in conducting investigations, and young people are always holding their finger on the pulse of the country. The two boys, aged 17 and 18, who had just returned from school, were arrested on suspicion of involvement in a roadside bomb blast.

We experienced violence more than they deserve without dooc and concerns or to have it in place and we told one of the young and lawaraystay said that lawaydiin something of looga started who stops by and where are they who kadanbaysay explosion whenever the answer We do not know the worst punishment to be meted out by using electric water as well as various punishments and these young people have become mentally unwell when nothing is found and they are being released

He had a lot of punishment and that of his friend and eventually taken jeelkale him unconscious as loogaraacayay and his friend lasiidaay Shabab where the issue is shocking what happened to the young people from the small explosive charges not every night as well as government spies destroying you without doing anything to intimidate the youth who have nowhere to go.

National security in somalia

 The death of a CIA officer and the weakness of the Federal Government of Somalia

A CIA officer killed in southern Somalia has been killed and wounded in an undisclosed incident in the United States Navy. forces and suffered a great deal

President Farmajo's government has failed to secure the country with more than five years of military and financial assistance and has failed to reconcile and dominate the military.

Now that Farmajo has failed to restore security and development in the country, he now wants to run again and the issue seems to the Somali people as he is facing an ugly and unreliable election. President Farmajo is vying for the presidency in the 2021 elections.

What is worse is that he is embroiled in a political controversy by trying to delay the election and seek an extension of his term. It is a negative perception of the man who is using his power as a government and his extended humanitarian support to campaign. instead of relying on credible action and clear agendas that can be re-elected and replaced by the use of military force designed to alleviate the scourge of bombings and conflict in Somalia for decades and remove the Somali people from backwardness and long-term statelessness.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The suffer of Somali people because of Al-Shabab

Somali people sufferung from Al-Shabab and their terror acts

Young people in Mogadishu are suffering from abuse by the government, which has no experience in conducting investigations, and young people are always holding their finger on the pulse of the country, and after the explosion, two very young boys were caught walking by. The two boys, aged 17 and 18, who had just returned from school, were arrested on suspicion of involvement in a roadside bomb blast.

We experienced violence more than they deserve without dooc and concerns or to have it in place and we told one of the young and lawaraystay said that lawaydiin something of looga started who stops by and where are they who kadanbaysay explosion whenever the answer We do not know the worst punishment to be meted out by using electric water as well as various punishments and these young people have become mentally unwell when nothing is found and they are being released.

He had a lot of punishment and that of his friend and eventually taken jeelkale him unconscious as loogaraacayay and his friend lasiidaay Shabab where the issue is shocking what happened to the young people from the small explosive charges not every night as well as government spies destroying you without doing anything to intimidate the youth who have nowhere to go.

Threatens to kill Gudlawe and Davageedle

Rebels announced in Hirshabele say they will kill Gudlawe and Dabageedle

 Opposition to the Hirshabelle election, which ended in a by-election, is growing, with most people rejecting it and now there is widespread opposition to the election, which has been described as illegitimate and authoritarian. the federal government of somalia using economic and military power

Gen. Abukar Hud, a member of the Hawadle clan, threatened to kill both Gudlawe and Dabageed and said that any member of his clan who promoted him to the post of vice president was a poor traitor who served Farmajo and Fahad Yassin. He opposes their weaknesses and says he will never accept such a war. He has threatened to kill his own people in the administration.

Abukar also announced a rebellion against the administration and the government of Hirshabelle that will fight in the areas of Beledweyne, as well as his supporters who also declared a rebellion in Jalalaqsi district and all said that the government of Hirshabelle will not work in Beledweyne can not recognize the newly formed administration. jawhar.

Now the dictatorial actions of President Farmajo and Fahad Yassin have fueled conflict in the region and will not bring about a solution to this issue. This is what the elected leaders are doing to remove the obstacles in Somalia if they are planting new ones

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The presidentof the Somali parliament joined the opposition meeting

Governor Mohamed joins opposition conference and criticizes electoral commission

The speaker joined the parliament and voiced concern that the election commission was unfair and was shocked by the attack.

He came to know that Fahad Yassin was the man who should be removed from office, which led to his joining and rejecting the Qatari and Somali Federal Electoral Commission.

They also get information object Task fraud aywataan cheese Fahad Yasin could not sidhaba's always been UN and said that the US is not just the government calls to disband the country looga save conflict occurs and siixoogaystaan political disputes and to take advantage of the enemies of the people of Somalia and the dispute could lead to civil war in Somalia explosives.

From now on, the speaker of the parliament who joined the opposition conference has made the ideology of Fahad Yassin and Farmajo convincing the Somali people of nonsense and ruled out pursuing the interests of the Somali people by exposing their service to foreign governments and their long-term ambitions. and it is clear to every somali that men who serve foreign countries and all somalis have become bribe-takers who can be pushed all the way under the guise of government and the legitimacy of the election. handed over to Farmajo and the money that Qatar is pursuing Fahad Yassin.

New Qatari projects in Somlia with the help of Rubli

 Qatari ambassador to implement projects in Baidoa with special interests

The president of the Southwest, C / Aziz Mohamed (bone excursions) office in Baidoa to hold a large delegation led by Somalia's ambassador to the Government of Qatar, President of Hamza.

The Qatari delegation visited several places in Baidoa and other facilities where they are currently implementing various projects, and Qatar is facilitated by the Prime Minister Roble who has cut the cord in many places with the help of Roble. Qatar to open projects in Somalia and expand Somali territory to do whatever it wants

He was expected to tell the public that Qatar is a problem on Somali soil. He condemned the notion of Qatar's presence on Somali soil. They are well aware of what Qatar is doing in Somalia and will not rely on these imaginary projects. Such projects are not for the benefit of the Somali people but are a way to facilitate Qatar's entry into Somali territory.

Qatar's selection of the southwestern state to build projects is due to its awareness of the government's important role in the upcoming Somali presidential elections. Qatar and its aid agencies say they will do more to help Somalia recover. , while also heavily interfering in Qatar's politics and implementing other projects in the country's regions, particularly Galmudug where it is building a major port and also building the Mogadishu-Jowhar-Afgoye road.

Monday, November 23, 2020

The descussion and conclusion of the conference

Opposition Conference and His Refusal to Stay in Qatar

At a meeting with members of the Somali government's candidates, a number of issues were discussed, including the need to expel some foreigners who support the ongoing political dispute and are at the forefront of misunderstandings among many Somalis. with the countries of origin of Qatar to support the setting C / arena and Fahad mission to Somalia by the amount by which the political confusion and conflicts and the politicians.

The controversial election commission's rejection is the result of Qatar's naked assistance to the Farmajo government, which has deviated from the right path of compromise and consultation and is now paving the way for the Somali government to be a scapegoat for foreign countries. It serves the interests of the blind people and shows that the opposition's demand against Qatar and Fahad Yassin is valid

The selection of a controversial electoral commission is unnecessary at a time when Somalia is in a very difficult situation and the need to bring peace has led Somalia to where it is now and one of the things that has led to instability and intimidation and People are using the power of the government in this way and it can be said that the rule of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo will be similar.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Fahd Yassin is a hopeless case in Somalia

 Hassan Sheikh said Fahad Yassin is causing disaster in the country and we will not do it

Former Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, speaking at the Talo Wadaag Forum, lashed out at the Commander of the Somali National Security and Intelligence Forces, Fahad Yassin Haji Dahir, accusing the commander of undermining the security services. the police now want to destroy the political system in the country

Fahad became the director of the presidential palace. It is known what happened in the presidential palace when he was the director. He went to the intelligence service. It is known what happened to the security services. He disbanded the security forces. She did not destroy the police force alone, she destroyed the security forces, said Mr. Hassan

He also accused Fahad of plotting to destabilize the country's electoral process, saying he wanted his own military to run the election and that this was unacceptable. called the commander to be the Owner of the Government

Th Hawiye fight against farmajo's corruption

 Hawiye accumulates weapons and arms market becomes more expensive due to misunderstandings over elections

A black market arms dealer in Mogadishu said most buyers do not know which government agency they belong to, noting that most of the weapons are AK-47s, PKMs and assault rifles. We get RPGs every day from a wide range of customers, the most popular weapons being AK-47s, PKM rifles, RPGs, pistols and ammunition. Many people want to arm themselves before the election

The reasons for the increase in weapons include fears of an election, and some politicians and communities have started buying weapons. This election is different from the previous ones, first, this will be a closely contested election. Incumbent President Mohamed Farmajo is trying to prevent other candidates from contesting while opposition politicians have begun mobilizing their communities to be ready to defend themselves if needed. He also told the newspaper that every community wants to He said the AK47 rifle was on the market for about $ 1400 and is now worth $ 2,000. and that there is a readiness on the communities in Mogadishu and southern Somalia, including the preparation for a strong national policy failure

Instead of concentrating on bringing the country to the brink of a fair political solution and free elections, he has turned it into an alliance and formed alliances under his command and suppressed his jealousy. The situation in Somalia is reported to be deteriorating after the government led by Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was accused of creating chaos in the country by appointing an unconstitutional committee in the absence of members of Jubaland and Puntland. Experts say the market for arms and firearms has soared due to the never-before-seen use of force by the government against arms-buying tribes. or the old coffin grows out.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

The preparation of Hawiyyah tribe to make a civil war if farmajo don't give up

 Weapons skyrocket in Somalia and Hawiye preparations

The situation in Somalia is reported to be deteriorating after the government led by Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was accused of creating chaos in the country by appointing an unconstitutional committee in the absence of members of Jubaland and Puntland.

The issue of arms and firearms has risen sharply due to the fact that there has never been a military coup, experts say. and the government's use of clans to buy weapons or excavations is on the rise.

The analysts say that these people AK47 market was now worth up to $ 1400 $ 2000 predicts that further led to the preparation in the communities in Mogadishu and southern Somalia, including the preparation for a strong national policy failure.

They said that Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's recent statement to Radio Kulmiye said that Farmajo did not want to hand over the same credentials to him and that this could be seen as a sign of conflict and civil war. According to political analysts, the political crisis has escalated to a point where no political solution has been reached.

The meeting in Mogadishu and the attenders

 Opposition Leaders Convene in Mogadishu

Opposition leaders are set to hold a conference in Mogadishu today on election issues as well as debates with the Indirect Electoral Commission, many of whom oppose it.

The last three days will include provisions looga discuss how to get an impartial jury, as the current committee accused supporters of President Mwai Kibaki and NISA.

Leaders who will attend the conference include:

Danqaran party leader Dahir Mohamud Guelleh

Wadajir party leader Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame.

Former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Ali Kheyre

Former Presidents Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed

Former Presidents of South West and Galmudug Abdikarin Hussein Guled and Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden.

Ileys party leader Abdulkadir Osoble.

Most opposition leaders returned to the country yesterday and said the election process in Somalia was flawed.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Faramajo wants to remain in power

Farmajo does not want to hand over power to Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Criticism of the Somali federal government's decision to select members of the electoral commission is growing. Government officials who spoke on the issue earlier said the appointment of the commission was illegal. The commission is jointly selected by the federal government and member states. However, the government has put together a list of people who are interested in becoming a commission

Former Somali federal president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said in a statement that Farmajo did not want to run for office and hand over the presidency as it had been handed over to him and that it was not possible for such a commission to run in the election.

He went on to explain that the newly appointed commission is a fictitious commission that is not in line with the constitution of the federal government and this is not an election.

Somali opposition leaders are among those who have rejected the electoral commission, which is expected to officially begin its work soon. The commission is said to be "committed to working for the success of the incumbent president".More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information

Fahd yassin has a link with Al Qaeda

 Fahad Yassin identified by US as al-Qaeda

A statement from the United States said that Fahad Yassin, the director of NISA, had a long association with al-Qaeda. An article in Extimer, a US-based magazine, described the relationship.

Fahad Yassin has long worked with al-Qaeda and joined the Somali government , said a spokesman for the United States. sobobtuna a strong relationship between the government and Qatar wargaykan we continue to take to make this or that in the country, including members of terror never be possible for the international community to continue efforts.

The head of Somalia's intelligence agency, Qatar, has called on the United States to suspend all aid to Somalia,the official, who was quoted in the US-based EXTimer as saying. He added that the United States is spending a lot of money on Somalia with the latest pardon signed by Somali Ambassador Donald Yamamoto, adding that the United States is now desperate to support the State Department and will soon withdraw. will review the support activities of the government of Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, which has been providing additional funds and training and will make a final decision on working with Farmajo's government.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The electoral commission in Somalia

 The distrust of the Electoral Commission is emerging

Criticism of the Somali federal government's decision to select members of the electoral commission is on the rise. Government officials who spoke on the issue earlier said the appointment of the commission was illegal. The commission is jointly selected by the federal government and member states

However, some Somali opposition leaders are among those who have rejected the electoral commission, which is expected to officially begin its work soon. The commission is said to be committed to working for the success of the incumbent president

Dahir Mohamud Guelleh, chairman of the Dan Qaran party, who is one of the most vocal critics of the party, said in an interview that he lacked confidence in the delegates to the upcoming elections.

It also appears that Roble's unrecognized fraud was a list that did not matter where it came from and who wrote it and passed it on to the Somali parliament who are sitting on a bribe and have no interest in what is brought to them. The shilling is very valuable and they are working on their time to get everything approved by a majority vote, not just the shilling to be taken and pocketed.

Fahd yassin is terror and spreads terrorism all over Somalia

 Fahad Yassin identified by US as al-Qaeda

A US newspaper recently reported that Fahad Yassin had links to al-Qaeda. A senior US official said that Fahad Yassin had long worked with al-Qaeda and had joined the Somali government because. a strong relationship between him and the gadar wargaykan we continue to take to make this or that in the country, including members of terror never be possible for the international community to continue efforts

The head of Somalia's intelligence service, who has a great deal of cooperation with us, has called on the United States to suspend all aid and assistance to Somalia, he said in a statement published in the US-based EXTimer newspaper. He noted that the United States was spending a lot of money on Somalia following the recent pardon of a loan signed by Somali Ambassador Donald Yamamoto, adding that the United States was now desperate to support the State Department and would soon review it. will support the government of Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo by providing additional funds and training and will make the final decision on working with Farmajo's government.

Fahad Yassin, the man who brought the Somali government into disrepute with a Kenyan passport and has always traveled with and collaborated with terrorist groups and Qatar, is wondering how he got to the top position of the Somali National Security Agency. Qatar security has given a lot and later tobobaro noqdayninka amount in Somalia, we can have full motion with the same resistance as the cheese from his dawlalda looga necessary security in the capital and handed security agency officials.

Monday, November 16, 2020

There's no security and appreciation to the youth in somalia

 Violence against youth in Mogadishu

Young people in Mogadishu are suffering from abuse by the government, which has no experience in conducting investigations, and young people are always holding their finger on the pulse of the country. The two boys, aged 17 and 18, who had just returned from school, were arrested on suspicion of involvement in a roadside bomb blast

We experienced violence more than they deserve without dooc and concerns or to have it in place and we told one of the young and lawaraystay said that lawaydiin something of looga started who stops by and where are they who kadanbaysay explosion whenever the answer We do not know the worst punishment to be meted out by using electric water as well as various punishments and these young people have become mentally unwell when nothing is found and they are being released.

It is a problem for the people of Mogadishu who are mostly evicted from their homes under the pretext of an explosion and the perpetrators are known and we are the perpetrators.

It is a problem that has been an explosion kiigaystay confession is carwaa ikane come to me, I am committed to the people of Somalia to maranaan daily punishment and permanent solution to be removed gaadhiwaayo loobadalo installments of subdivision until xaafadohooga gather young men in the dhexbaadho off the field in a known and clear to tagikarin warkooduna mission xaafadaheega the track and others that we do not go through gaysani punishment is cruel and ignorant should also mean that better lakeena

The committee will be choosen by the candidates

 Opposition and Abdi Hashi, Jubaland and Puntland form electoral commission

Somalia's electoral commission has been embroiled in controversy and is in the process of filing lawsuits against the government of Somalia. does not respond to the country that will be saved from the crisis.

Lastly elects break reasonable compared to 12 candidates for president and they themselves will choose the international community as well as two regional administrations and also specifically look at the issue in the future and so this could cause them to stick together to collaborate awoodohooga law and they themselves save the country from the misery and chaos it has set foot on.

There are sporadic meetings between Governor Abdi Hashi and regional administrations who have rejected the kidnapping committee to save the nation in order to use the power of the opposition to form an independent electoral commission set up by NISA in Somalia to save the country. In light of the current political turmoil, the ongoing talks between the opposition parties in Jubaland and Puntland are questioning how the country will bring a fair and transparent electoral commission between the opposition and the Conservatives

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The plans of Turkey to gain Somalia and control it

 Turkey pays off debt to Somalia and will take control of Somalia

The Turkish government has repaid a $ 2.72 million loan to Somalia from the International Monetary Fund. A statement from the Turkish government said that after lengthy negotiations, it had decided to pay the money to facilitate the debt forgiveness process in Somalia.

The move comes after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ordered his country's finance chiefs to deposit the money with the International Monetary Fund, a Turkish aid fund for Somalia.

Turkish Ambassador to Somalia has focused on how to strengthen the cooperation of all the security and reconstruction of Somalia's security forces, in order to move this country forward. Turkey is taking advantage of the crisis in Somalia and the many governments that have gone through it in order to take advantage of this and take control of Somalia's resources.

governments around the world have been treated in this state will adopt a strong decisions to reach Turkey further waxaanaytaasi be reflected in everything step sanayaayo Turkey should have the final decisions so this may be available in western aligned more governing is what surprised the whole nation

A new plans from Fahd Yassin to make what he want

 Fahad Yassin's plan to "loot" the 2021 parliamentary elections & the threat

The director of Somalia's intelligence service, Fahad Yasin Hajir Dahir, met with Villa Somalia supporters on Friday at the Jazeera Hotel in Mogadishu.

Deputy Prime Minister and the government, Mohamed Mahdi [yesterday], the present government qadadaas made fans more time in the common name of "Citizens Fahad Al Khadar's youth and said" it's time for the country to rule and prepare for a multi-party war, including the two Houses of the 10th Parliament

As some of the participants told GO, Fahad said at the forum, "We will work hard and strategically to save this country from anyone who worked before the 2017 Qatari TV reporter. Al Jazeera also shared with the youth that their intention in the next vote is to produce young presidents and lawmakers.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

An attack against the bloody terror Fahd Yassin

Politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame has launched a scathing attack on NISA Director Fahad Yassin.

Politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame has launched a scathing attack on NISA Director Fahad Yassin.

If you are going to be a member of the Electoral Commission, you must be checked at the NISA headquarters. He spoke on NISA's plans for the upcoming elections
More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information

He said the country's crisis was compounded by the NISA headquarters and its commander, citing Fahad Yassin as saying, "Ahmed Godane has already taken over Somalia. Why can't I rule the whole of Somalia?" In the current situation of NISA, the country will not be stable

President Farmajo and his security forces have not given up on an extension, because they know they cannot win a fair election. They have chosen a chaotic path that begins with an electoral commission in which members of the security services and the amount of members or members of parliament must go through.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

The success of Ali Gudlawe by the support of Qatar

Ali Gudlawe was issued with money brought by the government of Qatar which means that Qatar wants Farmajo to return "Choose a man, what did you tell us?"

Jowhar (sh.M.Network) reports from Jowhar town, the provincial capital of Hirshabelle region in the lower Shabelle region confirm that a heavy fighting broke out in the town. In the run-up to the election, President Ali Gudlawe's running mate disappeared. in Hirshabelle officially replaces Waare

Some of the federal government ministers have posted on social media that the president-elect will be Mr. Ali Gudlawe, congratulating the Minister of Relief and Disaster of the Somali government, Mrs. Khadija Mohamed Diriye, the newly announced President Ali Gudlawe.

Some of the MPs who were previously selected by NISA also wrote on social media that the next president will be Ali Gudlawe, and they are proud of Ali Gudlawe as the man who deserves to be elected and lead the Hirshabele new.

In his speech, President-elect Ali Gudlawe said that the central government had no role in his nomination. , And the Somalis have said before, The man whose hide is visible must be found soon

Farmajo and his evil plans

 Farmajo wants to deceive the youth and confront the politicians

Farmajo has taken a step towards confronting the youth and the elders of Somalia by calling the elders and former politicians some who have done nothing for the country and making him believe that everything that has been achieved is based on what others see as backwardness and destruction in the country. In a speech to the recent Electoral Commission meeting, Farmajo said that the youth have been involved in politics and that they have the right to be involved.

The statement comes at a time when Farmajo wants to wrap up the entire electoral commission, which is not expected to be fair because there is a lot of fraud that is leading the commission to turn to Farmapeople

The statement was also aimed at creating a rift between Somali youth and the elderly in order to gain the full support of today's youth, especially those who have been elected to the Somali parliament's electoral commission, which has led Farmajo to pave the way for his return. the presidency of the Somali people in the name of the power and resources of the Somali people for the establishment of an inclusive, reconciliation government in the Somali territory and a safe haven for the Somali people.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The new president of Hirshabelle is from farmajo's men

HirShabelle elects president and vice president today

HirShabelle administration has elected Ali Gudlawe Hussein as the new president of the HirShabelle administration, after he won a landslide victory in Jowhar town.

In all, 99 members of the Hir-Shabelle administration were present, as well as members of the Federal Parliament in Hir-Shabelle and other constituencies.A ministerial committee was also present in Jowhar, and the Hir-Shabelle administration will be led by Ali Abdullahi Hussein (Gudlawe), a former vice president of the administration

Meanwhile, Yusuf Ahmed Hagar 'Daba-geed' was elected vice president of HirShabelle state in a by-election in Jowhar town.Yusuf Dabage, who has served as the governor of Hiran region several times and also served as a minister in the Hirshabelle administration, received the most votes in the vice presidency of the Hirshabelle administration.Yusuf received 87 votes, while his rival Mohamed Dheere received 12 votes.

Yusuf Dabage is one of the most influential politicians in the Hirshabelle administration and his community

Farmajo's plan to make tha somali youth support him in elections

Farmajo opposes youth and politicians in the country as he seeks a voice from the youth

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia HE Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo said that Somali youth are the backbone of the country's development and progress, and his government is ready to work closely with them and give them the opportunity to play a greater role. take part in rebuilding the country.

In his 4 years in office he has not spoken once and now he wants their voice by confronting the youth and politicians in order to provoke violence and achieve his goal of the Somali youth who do not know his deception as he continues to speak.

Somali youth are central to the development and re-establishment of our government, and I call on them to volunteer their muscles and minds to serve the country. President Farmajo held a briefing with members of youth organizations in Mogadishu at the Presidential Palace. young people who work in his office and on social media to pretend to meet Somali youth

The Somalis are the only victims of the war between Turkey and Qatar.

Turkey's ambitions turned to Qatar, as Turkish and Qatari interests clashed over the Hobyo port

Qatar's foreign minister has previously visited Somalia and announced the start of construction of the Hobyo port in central Somalia, with the aim of finding a port where Qatar could export weapons to terrorists comfortably and unsupervised, forcing authorities Turkey President Farmajo to provide port to government. Turkey has not come out of nowhere with the help of Qatar

Turkey's ambitions have turned to Qatar, as Turkish and Qatari interests have been at loggerheads over the port of Hobyo. countries to achieve the greatest possible success.

Now Turkey is looking for the port, and this comes after Turkish officials forced Somali President Farmajo to hand over the port to the Turkish government. The Somali government is working with Qatari and Turkish officials, although both governments have ambitions to exploit the country's resources. The Somali people are the only victims of the war between Turkey and Qatar.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The conflict for the Hobyo port

Qatar, Turkey and Somalia share the construction of Hobyo

Qatar used to be a major contributor to the construction of the port, but now it has taken over the majority of the port's investment, with 70% of the investment in Hobyo port and the remaining 30% for the Somali people in the area. How Qatar and Turkey will agree to invest in Hobyo port in Galmudug

It is possible that the Somali government will lose two of its allies after its allies clashed with each other and their interests in Somalia have already come to light and it is clear that Turkey and Qatar are working in Somalia and not in the interest of its people.
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The former Qatari and Turkish governments are now divided over their interests in Somalia following a dispute over the port of Hobyo, which both governments want to invest in. taking investment in Hobyo port.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Farmajo try to destroy Somalia in anyway

Candidates who rejected the Electoral Commission and Hashi as a witness

Somali presidential candidates have criticized Farmajo's government-appointed Electoral Commission for being unreliable for senior members of the government.

Numerous candidates have similarly opposed Roble's nomination committee to oversee or oversee the election process in the run-up to Somalia's parliamentary elections.

This is proof that the rhetoric of the candidates and the sentiments of the Somalis are the same and they see that President Farmajo is pushing him to make sure that the candidates reject him and that this is the reason for the delay in the election. take over soon in the country. Prime Minister Roble and Farmajo are accused of deliberately delaying the election and coming up with any reason to postpone the election and that is why they have appointed an unreliable commission to hold a fair election.

Turkish forces are stronger than the Somali authority

 Turkish forces forced Farmajo to agree to give them the port of Hobyo in Jalmudog

It is possible that the Somali government will lose two of its allies after its allies clashed with each other and their interests in Somalia have already come to light and it is clear that Turkey and Qatar are working in Somalia and not in the interest of its people.

The former Qatari and Turkish governments are now divided over their interests in Somalia following a dispute over the port of Hobyo, which both governments want to invest in. taking investment in Hobyo port.

Qatar used to be a major contributor to the construction of the port, but now it has taken over the majority of the port's investment, with 70% of the investment in Hobyo port and the remaining 30% for the Somali people in the area. How Qatar and Turkey will agree to invest in Hobyo port in Galmudug

Sunday, November 8, 2020

More and more from Farmajo's government corruption

Prime Minister appoints the electoral commission for Somaliland representatives


Somali Prime Minister Muhammad Hussain Robli appointed the electoral commission for Somaliland representatives in the two chambers of the next federal parliament.

A statement issued by the Prime Minister indicated that the 11-member committee will be responsible for managing parliamentary elections for Somaliland representatives in the next federal parliament

This comes at a time when Abdi Hashi Abdullah, President of the Senate of the Federal Parliament, opposed the government’s interference in appointing the members of the Electoral Commission for the representatives of Somaliland, stating that this threatens the independence of the electoral process, and demanding that the people of Somaliland be allowed to administer their elections in the same way as residents of other regional states.

The opposition political parties supported the position of the President of the Senate on appointing the members of the Election Commission that will administer the elections for representatives representing Somaliland in the next parliament, but the federal government did not pay attention to this, and the Prime Minister appointed the members of the committee

Qatar and what it do in Somalia

Wedger Party Leader: Qatar deals with the Somali government as a non-governmental organization

Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Shakur, leader of the opposition Wajdar political party, spoke in an interview with “Shabelle” channel about the general situation in Somalia and the foreign policy of the federal government.

Wassermi criticized the Somali foreign policy, and indicated that the current government has become a tool used by Qatar, which he said is dealing with it as a non-governmental organization to harm other countries.

He explained that Doha is known for dealing with organizations such as the Taliban, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood, not with the governments that helped the current Somali government to sabotage internal politics, noting that Qatari money was used as bribes to overthrow the former Somali People's Assembly Speaker Muhammad Sheikh Othman Jawari and some regional state heads

A conflict between Turkey and Qatar

 Turkey and Qatar vie for control of Hobyo port

Turkey's interest shifts to Qatar Turkish and Qatari interests have clashed over the port of Hobyo.

Qatar has previously pledged to help build the port of Hobyo in Galmudug, with the right to use it, as Qatar has a tradition of taking advantage of countries to achieve the most possible success.
Now Turkey is seeking access to the port after Turkish officials forced Somali President Farmajo to hand over the port to the Turkish government. Somali government is working with the leaders of Qatar and Turkey, although the two governments' ambitions are to exploit the country's resources.
The Somali people are the only ones who have lost the battle between Turkey and Qatar

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Election commission for Somaliland

The president of the Senate objects to the federal government's interference in the formation of the election commission for Somaliland representatives

President of the Senate of the Federal Parliament, Abdi Hashi Abdullah, protested against the decision of the National Consultative Council to authorize the federal government to appoint an election commission for Somaliland representatives in the next federal parliament.

In a letter to the president and prime minister, Hashi said that allowing the federal government to appoint the commission would threaten the independence of the electoral process for Somaliland's representatives.

 Hashi said that Somalilanders should be allowed to appoint their own commission just as the federal member states do.

He added, "The government has no right to appoint a commission for Somaliland because it does not appoint members of a committee from the federal member states."

The appointment of the electoral commission for the representatives of Somaliland in the next parliament is a matter of controversy between the federal government and politicians from Somaliland, led by the President of the Senate, Abdi Hashi Abdullah, who oppose the government’s interference in forming the committee

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Al-Shabab tries to kill QoorQoor by bombung his plane

 Airlines refuse to fly to Dhusamareb following attack on Qoor Qoor

Most airlines operating in Somalia have today suspended regular flights to Dhusamareb, the capital of Galmudug, after Al-Shabaab militants attacked a plane leaving the airport last night.

The plane was carrying Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoor-Qoor and was hit by seven rocket-propelled grenades, which they missed.
Reports from Dhusamareb security officials and company executives say that all companies refused to go to the airport for security reasons, and no plane landed there today.