Monday, November 30, 2020

A new plan from Farmajo to regain his popularity

 Parliamentary Intervention Farmajo's Release of Youth 

All members of the Somali parliament have agreed to oppose Farmajo and want to vote on him when they find out that Farmajo is plotting to replace him in the Somali parliament.

And he wants to bring in a young parliament that will spend millions of dollars and he wants to overthrow the previous parliament.

As we all know 90% of Somali youth are unemployed and we do not have cheese so taking this opportunity he wants to implement his ideas.

The Somali people are opposed to this happening and they are with the current Somali parliament. If a young Somali parliament emerges, Farmajo's vision and plans will be possible and Farmajo will remain in office for another 30 years so that this does not happen. We are free to protect our country from the next dictator who rules us

The people of Somalia are fed up with the bad plans of the current government and are standing by the current parliament and it will not happen that young people with brains will sit on us because everything will have to be approved and foreign countries will take advantage of our political problems and disputes. as a result of the peace process and the reconstruction of the country and the future generations will be the victims of this.

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