Monday, November 30, 2020

Farmajo is trying to stay in power

 Farmajo is using the IDPs for his re-election without his condolences

Demonstrations in support of the re-election of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo took place in Gedo region today, with people also expressing their opposition to the news from opposition candidates gathered in Mogadishu.

The demonstrations were organized by the Gedo regional administration and were openly supported by President Farmajo's campaign, as well as branded by tribal candidates as opposition candidates.

The governor of Gedo region described the opposition candidates as unhealthy and in need of hospitalization, and one of the main issues agreed upon during the opposition candidates' meeting was issues related to Gedo region.

Opposition candidates have called for the withdrawal of government forces from Gedo region, and the demonstration will be the first organized by the government following a statement from opposition candidates.

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