Sunday, November 29, 2020

The evudence that Farmajo is bloody terror

What forced Farmajo to remain silent about the bombing in Mogadishu?

For almost two days, the president has not yet commented on the genocide at the Gelato Divino restaurant in Mogadishu, which claimed the lives of eight young people, mostly academics.

Many are wondering why the president is silent,During his election campaign, he repeatedly stated that his government would not only condemn Al-Shabaab attacks but would take serious action, and that President Farmajo did not succeed.

During his election campaign, he repeatedly stated that his government would not only condemn Al-Shabaab attacks but would take serious action, and that President Farmajo did not succeed.

This is the first time that the President of Somalia has refrained from commenting on bombings and attacks in Somalia that have killed many civilians. Farmajo's silence is in support of al-Shabaab

In the past, the Farmajo government has been accused of collaborating

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