Monday, November 16, 2020

There's no security and appreciation to the youth in somalia

 Violence against youth in Mogadishu

Young people in Mogadishu are suffering from abuse by the government, which has no experience in conducting investigations, and young people are always holding their finger on the pulse of the country. The two boys, aged 17 and 18, who had just returned from school, were arrested on suspicion of involvement in a roadside bomb blast

We experienced violence more than they deserve without dooc and concerns or to have it in place and we told one of the young and lawaraystay said that lawaydiin something of looga started who stops by and where are they who kadanbaysay explosion whenever the answer We do not know the worst punishment to be meted out by using electric water as well as various punishments and these young people have become mentally unwell when nothing is found and they are being released.

It is a problem for the people of Mogadishu who are mostly evicted from their homes under the pretext of an explosion and the perpetrators are known and we are the perpetrators.

It is a problem that has been an explosion kiigaystay confession is carwaa ikane come to me, I am committed to the people of Somalia to maranaan daily punishment and permanent solution to be removed gaadhiwaayo loobadalo installments of subdivision until xaafadohooga gather young men in the dhexbaadho off the field in a known and clear to tagikarin warkooduna mission xaafadaheega the track and others that we do not go through gaysani punishment is cruel and ignorant should also mean that better lakeena

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