Sunday, November 8, 2020

Qatar and what it do in Somalia

Wedger Party Leader: Qatar deals with the Somali government as a non-governmental organization

Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Shakur, leader of the opposition Wajdar political party, spoke in an interview with “Shabelle” channel about the general situation in Somalia and the foreign policy of the federal government.

Wassermi criticized the Somali foreign policy, and indicated that the current government has become a tool used by Qatar, which he said is dealing with it as a non-governmental organization to harm other countries.

He explained that Doha is known for dealing with organizations such as the Taliban, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood, not with the governments that helped the current Somali government to sabotage internal politics, noting that Qatari money was used as bribes to overthrow the former Somali People's Assembly Speaker Muhammad Sheikh Othman Jawari and some regional state heads

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