Monday, November 23, 2020

The descussion and conclusion of the conference

Opposition Conference and His Refusal to Stay in Qatar

At a meeting with members of the Somali government's candidates, a number of issues were discussed, including the need to expel some foreigners who support the ongoing political dispute and are at the forefront of misunderstandings among many Somalis. with the countries of origin of Qatar to support the setting C / arena and Fahad mission to Somalia by the amount by which the political confusion and conflicts and the politicians.

The controversial election commission's rejection is the result of Qatar's naked assistance to the Farmajo government, which has deviated from the right path of compromise and consultation and is now paving the way for the Somali government to be a scapegoat for foreign countries. It serves the interests of the blind people and shows that the opposition's demand against Qatar and Fahad Yassin is valid

The selection of a controversial electoral commission is unnecessary at a time when Somalia is in a very difficult situation and the need to bring peace has led Somalia to where it is now and one of the things that has led to instability and intimidation and People are using the power of the government in this way and it can be said that the rule of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo will be similar.

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