Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Somalis are the only victims of the war between Turkey and Qatar.

Turkey's ambitions turned to Qatar, as Turkish and Qatari interests clashed over the Hobyo port

Qatar's foreign minister has previously visited Somalia and announced the start of construction of the Hobyo port in central Somalia, with the aim of finding a port where Qatar could export weapons to terrorists comfortably and unsupervised, forcing authorities Turkey President Farmajo to provide port to government. Turkey has not come out of nowhere with the help of Qatar

Turkey's ambitions have turned to Qatar, as Turkish and Qatari interests have been at loggerheads over the port of Hobyo. countries to achieve the greatest possible success.

Now Turkey is looking for the port, and this comes after Turkish officials forced Somali President Farmajo to hand over the port to the Turkish government. The Somali government is working with Qatari and Turkish officials, although both governments have ambitions to exploit the country's resources. The Somali people are the only victims of the war between Turkey and Qatar.

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