Saturday, November 14, 2020

An attack against the bloody terror Fahd Yassin

Politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame has launched a scathing attack on NISA Director Fahad Yassin.

Politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame has launched a scathing attack on NISA Director Fahad Yassin.

If you are going to be a member of the Electoral Commission, you must be checked at the NISA headquarters. He spoke on NISA's plans for the upcoming elections
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He said the country's crisis was compounded by the NISA headquarters and its commander, citing Fahad Yassin as saying, "Ahmed Godane has already taken over Somalia. Why can't I rule the whole of Somalia?" In the current situation of NISA, the country will not be stable

President Farmajo and his security forces have not given up on an extension, because they know they cannot win a fair election. They have chosen a chaotic path that begins with an electoral commission in which members of the security services and the amount of members or members of parliament must go through.

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