Saturday, November 7, 2020

Election commission for Somaliland

The president of the Senate objects to the federal government's interference in the formation of the election commission for Somaliland representatives

President of the Senate of the Federal Parliament, Abdi Hashi Abdullah, protested against the decision of the National Consultative Council to authorize the federal government to appoint an election commission for Somaliland representatives in the next federal parliament.

In a letter to the president and prime minister, Hashi said that allowing the federal government to appoint the commission would threaten the independence of the electoral process for Somaliland's representatives.

 Hashi said that Somalilanders should be allowed to appoint their own commission just as the federal member states do.

He added, "The government has no right to appoint a commission for Somaliland because it does not appoint members of a committee from the federal member states."

The appointment of the electoral commission for the representatives of Somaliland in the next parliament is a matter of controversy between the federal government and politicians from Somaliland, led by the President of the Senate, Abdi Hashi Abdullah, who oppose the government’s interference in forming the committee

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