Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The electoral commission in Somalia

 The distrust of the Electoral Commission is emerging

Criticism of the Somali federal government's decision to select members of the electoral commission is on the rise. Government officials who spoke on the issue earlier said the appointment of the commission was illegal. The commission is jointly selected by the federal government and member states

However, some Somali opposition leaders are among those who have rejected the electoral commission, which is expected to officially begin its work soon. The commission is said to be committed to working for the success of the incumbent president

Dahir Mohamud Guelleh, chairman of the Dan Qaran party, who is one of the most vocal critics of the party, said in an interview that he lacked confidence in the delegates to the upcoming elections.

It also appears that Roble's unrecognized fraud was a list that did not matter where it came from and who wrote it and passed it on to the Somali parliament who are sitting on a bribe and have no interest in what is brought to them. The shilling is very valuable and they are working on their time to get everything approved by a majority vote, not just the shilling to be taken and pocketed.

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