Sunday, February 28, 2021

Farmajo loses his power and Fahd Yassin supports another candidate

Fahd Yassin deliberately cared about personal reconciliation and Qatar's support for that, as he cares about those who will find reconciliation with him in the beginning. 

He was loyal to the former president, Hassan Sheikh, and then went to Farmajo, and he began to oppress the people in order to support Farmajo. 

And when the people turned against him and his chances for Farmajo became lost, Fahd Yassin is now trying to give Gabriel the opportunity to become president because of the loss of Farmajo.

When evil (Fahd Yassin) united with evil (Faramajo), the people were oppressed, and the day has come when Fahd Ali Faramajo overthrown, and they want to get rid of some of them, but whoever guarantees his chance is Faramajo from salvation when Qatar is the one who protects Fahd Yassin, so he relies on money Many protect him from being reached by Farmajo, the president whom the people reject.

Stability in Somalia is virtually non-existent due to the struggle over the elections that the government promised the people and the efforts of Fahd Yassin and Farmajo to get rid of each other, but demonstrations are ongoing and a new president will be elected.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Fahd Yassin is the one who rules Somalia and he will give up Farmajo

Fahd Yassin supports one of the personalities to run for the next presidential elections. 

This person who supports Fahd Yassin is a new puppet like Farmajo. The real ruler who rules Somalia is Fahd Yassin who has a treasury greater than Farmajo and this makes the chances of getting rid of him difficult

The balance has turned and the perceptions have changed, and every politician wants to preserve his position so that he does not raise the people against him, and this is what Fahd Yassin is doing from Somalia now to stay in power by supporting Jibril Abdullah to run for the presidency and to give up Farmajo to reduce his chances of winning the elections.

Snakes revolt against each other Fahd Yassin turns on Farmajo after his fortune to remain in power weakened, and that is why he abandoned him, and that is why Farmajo wants to get rid of Fahd Yassin, but he cannot because Fahd Yassin has more financial treasures than Farmajo

Fahd Yassin is the one who controls Somalia and deceived Farmajo into nominating Jibril as a new president and an alternative plan, but in fact he knows the weakness of Farmajo’s chances of running for the presidency, and therefore he tries to secure a new ally for him in order to control the power.

Somalia is ruled by a group of extremists who want to tear Somalia apart, such as Fahd Yassin, who is financed by Qatar and Somalia is in his grasp, and he who supports the extremist youth movement, so Faramajo has become a burnt card in Ain Qatar and Turkey, so Fahd Yassin wants to get rid of it

Farmajo must do all the demands of Somali people in 10 days

The Somali people are awaiting the implementation of Farmajo's conditions of submission to him

In light of the difficult conditions that the people are going through in the past period in Somalia, but their voice was heard, and also the voice of the Union of Presidential Candidates. Therefore, they made demands of the people to ensure the security and safety of the Somali people.

The evidence is that their demonstrations are peaceful and they only want the interest of their country that they have given a period for the government to implement the people's demands, and the people hope that it will actually be implemented because they will wait only 10 days, and after that they will not wait for promises again and they will turn against the tyrannical government of Farmajo in a more severe form than the previous

The people will not be satisfied with the mere implementation of the demands, as one of the most important pillars of the demands is not to repeat what happened again in the state, and the people have warned the government that their patience will not last for long on this corruption and their rights and their stolen democracy must be taken into account. In what happened, these rights will not be tolerated.

The government of Farmajo and Farmajo must bear the consequences of what happened with the people in the previous period, and any agreement that will be concluded between the government and the people will be concluded under the supervision of the United Nations, because they do not trust the government that has always promised them elections and other promises that are not implemented. The government must implement it within ten days only and listen to the demands of the Presidential Candidates' Union.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Opposition postponed demonstrations in Somalia

Opposition candidates for the presidency in Somalia postponed an anti-government protest that was scheduled for Friday after a meeting Thursday evening with Prime Minister Muhammad Husayn Rubel, after the government agreed to form a committee to investigate the incident and sent its condolences to those affected by the accident and the presidential candidates.

The statement added that an opposition gathering is scheduled to take place within 10 days, even with the constitutional right for citizens to demonstrate.

Now Farmajo must adequately apologize for the events of February 19, provide guarantees that such acts will not happen again, and that all previous acts be investigated and all criminals punished.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Farmajo seeks his personal interests

 The Somali people agree with the statement of the presidential candidate’s union that Farmajo should leave and a transitional council will come to establish fair and fair elections that represent the people and not represent Farmajo's ambitions

Farmajo and the spies who ruined the country must be eliminated. We demand the departure of Farmajo and hand over power to a transitional council to hold new elections.

The Union of Opposition Candidates met with representatives of the international community and exchanged information on the latest developments in the country and the elections.

The candidates also sent a two-page letter to representatives of the international community, which included strict conditions set by the opposition, including:

 In an independent investigation into the attack on a hotel where former presidents were staying and the shooting of protesters led by opposition candidates in Mogadishu on Friday.

Farmajo ended his presidential term

 Talks between Ruble and the opposition have been marred by disagreements on some issues, and the outgoing government is reluctant to implement some provisions, hinting that the president has the final say.

He proposed three points to include the opposition, the government in the talks to allow peaceful protests and take responsibility, and condemn what happened. The union of candidates succeeded in meeting two of the three conditions that they agreed to meet with Ruble and Prime Minister Ruble, who announced that Farmajo strengthened his power and abused the power of the state and made the final decision. .

They discussed the need to include the opposition in the conference, and the government to bear responsibility for what happened, and to allow peaceful demonstrations in which the Somali people have the right to participate.

The only thing that the outgoing government agreed to take responsibility for was what happened, and that the protests were unconstitutional and refused to involve the opposition in the protests that the outgoing president insisted on his decision.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Candidates' Union issues stern warning against protests

 Union candidates once again to hold peaceful protest against the behavior looga president for policy 

A spokesman for the Union of Presidential Candidates, Dahir Mohamud Guelleh, reiterated that they would hold a demonstration on Friday and warned the government not to set up roadblocks.

Dahir Gelle said the outgoing President Farmajo was trying to set up roadblocks and prevent protests, and made it clear that the protests would not be stopped by roadblocks and intimidation.

We, the Somalis, have been forced to do so before, and we cannot accept it. The point is that recently, when we were holding a peaceful demonstration, we were set up at checkpoints. Roadblocks and terrorism are not obeyed, so we decided.

Next Friday we want to hold a peaceful demonstration. We want to stop the checkpoints. We know that checkpoints and terrorism are not obeyed. It is rejected. It is difficult, but if you ignore it, what will happen to you will be worse. We do not want Somalis to oppress the people by teaching them what is illegal and not legal, ”said candidate Dahir Mohamud Guelleh.

The statement from the Union of Candidates comes at a time when the Somali government has announced that no demonstrations will be held, and there are fears of renewed violence in Mogadishu on Friday.

Farmajo, who lacks legitimacy, is not the president of Somalia

Somalia is without a president and Farmajo is a thief of power.

His term has ended and he is still clinging to power illegally, and we must deliver our message to the international community that the Somali people do not want the rule of Farmajo and based on that I call all the people to demonstrate on Friday 26/2/2021

As of February 8, 2021, the Somali people do not recognize Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo as president of the country. Only his term has expired and he is now an illegitimate president. Therefore, I ask every free Somali to vote and call for a demonstration on Friday February 26 against the illegal regime.

The Union of Somali Presidential Candidates announced today at a meeting in Mogadishu that they will organize a peaceful demonstration in front of the invisible ambassador statue.

Al-Ittihad that Luga is presenting its point of view to address the issue of free and fair elections, and February 26 at the statue of the unknown.

Farmajo uses Fahd Yassin's forces trained by Turkey to arm Somali citizens who show their desire to hold elections in the country.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Farmajo's pressence in Somalia became a nightmare

 The American Studies Center explains the seriousness of Farmajo's presence in Somalia

The Somali people have become aware of the danger of Farmajo in power, as Somalia does not need another dictator.

The American Studies Center mentioned putting Somalia under the rule of the Farmajo dictatorship to show the international community the danger of Farmajo's presence in Somalia.

On February 19, the Somali presidential candidates and the opposition coalition parties planned to organize a major demonstration against what they consider the illegal rule of Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo, whose term expired on February 8.

But the night before the protests, the hotel where two former Somali presidents were staying came under heavy gunfire - an attack former Prime Minister Hassan Khairy described as an assassination attempt.

Former President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed said that it was carried out by government forces, and the attack killed a number of bodyguards of the two former presidents, who successfully stopped the attack after a 30-minute exchange of fire.

The next morning, when the demonstration began, it was also attacked

 Former Prime Minister Khairi pointed an accusing finger at paramilitary units allied with Farmajo for firing live ammunition at peaceful protesters under his leadership, along with other opposition leaders.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Farmajo's procrastination continues and the transitional government supports his decisions

The scene of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, takes us now back to the year 1991, and the civil war that was sparked there by an action that did not want all the blood that was shed except for his personal interests to fill his coffers,

During the past two days, the Somali capital, Mogadishu, flared up again, as the sounds of bullets and explosions rang out, raising fears of the return of the specter of civil war and terrorist attacks, to make it clear that special forces trained by Turkey are behind this terrifying scenario.

Somalia has been experiencing a political crisis since the beginning of February, after the end of the term of President Muhammad Abdullah, known as "Farmajo," and is delaying and trying in every way to postpone the elections until the term of his rule is extended, and the transitional government supports Farmajo in all his injustice and corruption in the country.

But the people want to hold new and fair elections and appoint a new president, but Farmajo is using dictatorial rule and using force to impose his control on the country and the demonstrations will continue until elections are held and Farmajo is removed and punished for his crimes

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Farmajo must leave somalia as soon as possible

Farmajo's government is over. Farmajo has become an unnecessary dictator and we have to ask him to leave

Social networking sites revealed that if we want to live in dignity in our country, we must protect its constitution, not just the dignity of individuals who can do what they want or have their own interests, and their own interests for the state and the people in the first place, and this can be achieved through the Somali people.

The Somali people who have a friend have also reached a point where they are wrong to do nothing, according to the testimony of the Somali people who used to communicate with this country on a daily basis, and yet there is no need for one person to own the country, and work for the people is equal with all, young and old, and it is necessary Everyone is given the right to education, work and serve in the army.

We do not want anyone to hold us hostage with the end of the deadline, and we are honored to serve our country, its laws and its constitution, and it is important for us to know and respect everyone so that they are respected, and whoever violates them is a criminal in the country. We do not want to stand by a national criminal.

Governments and governments will not stop at Farmajo, but they will change and there will always be a new government and what will not change is the constitution and laws of the country, and the Somali people and we will support them for the rest of our lives, and we promise to defend the homeland and the people do not be dependent and tribal.

Finally, the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Somalia, no one next to you opposes the laws and the constitution of the country, they defend the law and the sovereignty of the country and they are our army and the homeland is our country.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Farmajo didn't know what is the meaning of justice?

On Social Justice Day, the United States proves that Farmajo is the cause of the Somalia crisis

Farmajo causes all the problems of Somalia and its instability and national security, and he wants to impose his domination and tyrannical power over the people and the state and use his forces against the people in order to continue in power as long as possible. But since when will a people accept a president who imposes itself on them, and by its way killing, suppressing and suppressing the voices?

Scott Ilhan Omar, a member of Congress, was remarkable because she never spoke about these demonstrations nor the manner of dealing with the demonstrators, and she was in an unusual silence. She cares about everything related to Somalia and its events. When this time the silence, the people needed an influential person.

America has proven and said that Farmajo is the cause of the current Somalia crisis and accused him that postponing the elections he is carrying out is the reason for all the coups that have occurred in Somalia and that he must stop his farce in order to remain in power.

Farmajo is a not good president, and the people want to get rid of him so that he can once again stand on his feet and build the state as the people want it, not as their president wants it, oppressive in a dictatorial manner.

Farmajo is bloody terror who wants to destroy Somalia

 The bloody Farmajo kills the demonstrators and condemns the Union of Presidential Candidates!

Somali military sources told Al-Jazeera that 4 people were killed and 7 wounded in clashes between security forces and the guards of the opposition coalition presidential candidates in Somalia.

A lot of blood was spilled yesterday in the Friday demonstrations, and the security forces intervened with violence against the demonstrators. Farmajo was taking advantage of the circumstances of Virus Corona in order to disperse the demonstrations, but he did not succeed so he shed blood and now condemns the Union of Presidential Candidates for these actions

But the real culprit is Hua Farmajo Hwa who is responsible for all this corruption and injustice in the country and the bloodshed that occurred because of him and his oppressive government. The people must continue to demonstrate until new elections are held.

Not only to hold new elections, but also to punish Farmajo for these bloody acts, and to punish his government as well, because he supports him in this corruption and punishes everyone who supports Farmajo.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Farmajo use the Turkish aids in destroying Somalia

Farmajo uses the armored vehicles of Turkey and Qatar to kill a group instead of killing terrorism

It is very unfortunate that the events that Farmajo did in dispersing the demonstrators by shooting them, while I urge everyone to refrain from violence, it is important to note that the current government is the one that defines the form of the struggle for democratic rights, and this is what Farmajo wants with the spread of chaos and civil wars before his handover to power, he does not want Hand over power peacefully

The blood of the Somali people is in the neck of Farmajo, who kills the demonstrators for the sake of government, so he fired on the demonstrators through Fahd Yassin's forces, trained from Turkey. Farmajo kills the people.

Somalia has lived in an era of assassinations and violence, since the dreaded Farmajo came.

Farmajo assassinates former presidents and makes Fahd Yassin's forces shoot and kill protesMemorial

Madaxwiniacci, former President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, seized the Daganin City Hotel, Mogadishu, due to the Madaksoenyashi Diyargarubine Luga. Participation in the Salmiya area demonstrations Qabsumai Memorial

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Former presidents settle near the mysterious Daljir

 The arrival of Sheikh sharif near the demonstration place

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed arrived at Naasahablood 2 Hotel near Villa Somalia tonight.

According to reports, the presidents are organizing a rally at the Naasahablood 2 Hotel on Friday, near the Daljirkq Dahsoon Statue, which is scheduled to host on Friday.

A large contingent of bodyguards for the two former presidents took over security at the hotel and its environs. Hotel Naasahablood 2 is located near the Presidential Guard checkpoint near the Hawa Tako Statue

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

What weapons has the United States seized off the coast of Somalia?

A statement from the US naval officer was called elaboration looga illegal weapons and USS Winston S. Churchill captured off the coast of Somalia

The U.S. Navy says it has intercepted two boats carrying weapons off the coast of the Indian Ocean off Somalia.

The U.S. military says the boats were carrying weapons and were heading for Somalia.

Officials with the USS Winston S. Churchill also underlined that they had warned the occupants of the boats carrying weapons.

The United States has not commented on the whereabouts of the seized boats and who carried the seized weapons, including Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifles, assault rifles, machine guns, RPGs or 7s. and Crew-served weapons operated by infantry.


A video released by U.S. forces seizing the weapons also showed troops searching the boats.

However, this comes at a time when Somalia is currently in a difficult period of transition, with fears of anarchy, and al-Shabaab has recently stepped up its attacks.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Somalis will not calm untill the depature of Farmajo

The Somali people continue their struggle until they achieve what they want

Farmajo has become unwanted by all the people, so he must hand over power peacefully so that the country does not enter into turmoil and chaos, and the Somali people must stick to democracy and demand elections and meet the call of opposition leaders and leaders to go down next Friday 19/2/2021 to demonstrate peacefully against Farmajo in order to hand over power Peacefully

Farmajo does not care about the Somali people and extends his term without referring to anyone. So what are we waiting for? We see our country being kidnapped by a tyrannical dictator, and will we remain silent? It is not possible. I am the first to respond to the call of the opposition leaders to go down next Friday 19/2/2021 for a peaceful demonstration to get rid of Farmajo's rule tyrant

I call on the Somali community on Friday 19-2-2021 to hold a peaceful demonstration against a four-year-old regime that is undermining the country and is now intending to take over the leadership illegally.

Article 20 of the Somali constitution allows for the general protest of the Somali people and we must unite in this process since he takes over the leadership of the country without any harm or benefit.

Persecution, murder, looting, repression, rape, absence of government and bad advice have been inherited from the dictatorial regime of the past four years

Farmajo cannot fulfill his dream of extending his term or leading the Somali people again and the Somali people must take a unified decision against the outgoing President Farmajo.

The Somali people, the opposition and the opposition, children and refugees alike, are united in their opposition to the corrupt Farmajo regime, and I will remind them again to participate in the demonstration that will be held next Friday in Mogadishu to liberate our country.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Abdi Hashi strongly opposes a letter from Farmajo's office

The Speaker of the Upper House of the Somali Parliament, Mr. Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, has issued a critical statement against seven members of the Judicial Service Council recently signed by the outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmajo).

The letter from Abdi Hashi's office said that the law signed by the president was illegal and contradicted the constitutional provisions regarding the formation of the Judicial Service Council.

The speaker of the upper house of the federal parliament of Somalia also added that the parliament on November 22nd sent a resolution to the upper house approving seven members of the Judicial Service Council, including the chairman of the Supreme Court & National Attorney. 

Abdi Hashi accused the outgoing president of violating the country's laws, especially the judicial system.


The statement comes as the law was signed by the president without the approval of the senators of the upper house of parliament, and this will further strengthen the rift between the chairman of the house and the leadership of Villa Somalia.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Farmajo is dictator and the Somali people wish him to leave

Mahad Salad: Farmajo is a dictator and he must leave the country 

Farmajo last night illegally and secretly signed Seven of the Nine (9) members of the Judicial Service Commission. These are inconsistent with the Federal Constitution and the Judicial Service Commission Act.

In addition, these members do not already meet the membership requirements set out in Art. 109A Constitution and Art. Article 6 of the Judicial Service Commission established the date of the signing of this law as a long time ago, as Farmajo currently does not have the legal capacity to sign a law at the end of his term. Yet this law contradicts many articles of the Constitution and other laws of the country. For example:

This Act is contrary to Art. 7 of the Judicial Service Commission Establishment Act which clearly defines the Procedure for the Appointment of Members of the Judicial Service Commission. This article has already been violated by the government led by Mahdi Guled.

This Act is contrary to Art. Article 112 of the Constitution, which clearly states that the appointment of Independent Commissions at the Federal Level shall, upon approval by the Council of Ministers, submit their names to the Federal Parliament (both Houses) for approval, and then to the President of the Federal Republic for approval. It did not happen and Farmajo again went against the approval of the Upper House

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Al-Shabab's warning to Farmajo by bombing near him

Due to problems between Al-Shabaab and Farmajo, Al-Shabaab exploded a car in the vicinity of the palace as a signal for Farmajo to solve the problems

There are problems between Al-Shabab and Farmajo regarding the elections, and this led to the car bombing near the Republican Palace

The bombing was a warning from Al-Shabaab to Farmajo to make them know that they are able to do anything and are able to destroy him because of the actions he does that are not in their interest.

One of the reasons for the problems between Faramajo and Fahd Yassin is that Farmajo did not support the tribes, including Al-Shabab factions, enough support, in addition to that he preferred his tribe over the rest of the tribes.

Turkish intervention in Somalia and trying to control all the Somalis

The trade union stated that the Turkish Favori Company has paid bribes to influential officials in Mogadishu, including federal ministers.

In a statement Friday, February 12, 2021, the Somali Workers Union accused some senior government officials, including ministers, of receiving bribes from the Turkish company Favori, which holds a contract to operate Mogadishu International Airport.

The union expressed that government officials and ministers obtained paid vacations in the most prestigious Turkish tourist resorts and free business class tickets from the Favori Company in exchange for their silence about the violations that the Turkish company practices against the rights of Somali workers.

The Syndicate accused the Minister of Justice, "Abdul Qadir Nur Jameh" of interfering in the union's efforts by filing cases against the Turkish company, so that the minister prevented the opening of this file by using his powers and links to the Somali and Turkish governments.

According to the union, the Turkish company has used the Corona pandemic to lay off some workers without giving their rights and intimidating others.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Roble addresses parliament, dismisses rumors

The caretaker Prime Minister, Mohamed Hussein Roble, addressed members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia today, delivering a wide-ranging speech.


The meeting was inaugurated by the Speaker of the House of the People of Somalia and was attended by 164 members of the House of Representatives who called on the parliamentarians to listen carefully to the report of Prime Minister Roble.


The caretaker prime minister then detailed his government's 100-day performance, saying it had addressed security, elections, the economy, debt forgiveness, the army & humanitarian.

He also spoke about his various trips to some cities in the regional administrations, to find a solution to the conflict in the country.

Mohamed Hussein Roble, whose government has been tasked with implementing the election, said his government was still ready to hold free and fair elections, and that the government had announced electoral commissions.

He also noted that the effort to find out solutions to the concerns of the vote, and his consultations with politicians, candidates and civil society, in order to achieve a solution looga dispute delayed elections.

He also added that he was present at the meetings in Central and consultations in the stage looga difficult transition.

During his speech, Roble dismissed concerns about an extension, and underlined that his government would hold inclusive elections, while also welcoming the Garowe conference.

The Prime Minister also called on the Somali people to remain calm and work for the stability and development of the country and its government.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Puntland opposes the convening of a conference convened by Farmajo in Garowe

The Puntland administration has announced that it has not been consulted about the conference to be held in Garowe by the outgoing president of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo

A statement from Puntland's presidency also said it would prefer the conference to be held in Mogadishu, with the participation of all Somali political stakeholders, as the term of the federal government has come to an end.

The Puntland Government welcomes the conference convened on 15 February, although it has not been consulted to be held in Garowe, as the term of the FGS Constitutional Institutions has come to an end, and recommends that the Conference be held in Mogadishu, with the participation of political stakeholders and The international community, "said a statement from the Garowe presidency.

The news from Puntland is an embarrassment to President Farmajo, who was initially believed to have moved the conference to Garowe, to distance himself from the international community, which was planning to hold a conference in Mogadishu.

Meanwhile, sources in the Puntland presidency told Capital Online that during talks between President Farmajo and President Deni, they learned that the conference had been announced in Garowe, which came as a surprise. refuse.

Apparently, President Farmajo will not allow this conference to take place in Mogadishu, and it is likely to be a large-scale, multi-stakeholder conference, which was not initially part of it.

DF minister says today there is a lot of corruption in the country

Somali government Minister of Education Abdullahi Abukar Haji has revealed that there is serious corruption in the country that needs to be addressed.


Speaking at a meeting of parliamentarians today, the minister said there was corruption in schools and universities, but the Somali people were only aware of money laundering.


The minister said they had witnessed many students who wanted to go to university but did not have a high school diploma, and that was part of the corruption in education.

He also said that his ministry is committed to tackling corruption in the country in the field of education, and this comes at a time when the country is in a state of transition.
Abdullahi Haji Abukar is the third minister to be appointed wasaaradaan period ending four years of his presidency and was president Mohamed, a few months before he took over the position Adan Abdullahi Barre.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Opposition politicians 'organize' demonstrations

Somali political movements against self-contradictions are currently organizing a large demonstration against looga elections postponed

The protests, which have been taking place in Mogadishu for the past few hours, are expected to take place this morning in parts of the capital.

Opposition politicians from the so-called National Salvation Council also rallied in protest.

A statement from the council said the protests were a demonstration of the constitutional rights of the people.

The statement said the protests would begin on February 9.

The protests show the people their constitutional rights, as it is not clear if the agreed elections will take place, so from February 9, 2021 there will be peaceful demonstrations to show the need to hold elections every four years. hold, said a brief statement from the National Salvation Council.

However, the situation in the country is tense, and the president's term has ended, with no real agreement on the 2021 elections.

Statement of Hassan sheikh about Farmajo

Former Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said in a statement on his Facebook page that President Farmajo has left the country in a state of uncertainty that could lead to a dark future for the country

It is an unfortunate fact that the outgoing president has left the country in a state of uncertainty that could cast a shadow over the country's future.

Hassan Sheikh said Somalia has a people and a role to play in rescuing the country from the current crisis and called for stability and common sense.

“Somalia has a people and a nation that can survive in difficult situations. I call for stability & common sense, ”he added

The text of Ex. President Hassan Sheikh comes at a time when the term of office of the President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, is coming to an end. 
More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information

Monday, February 8, 2021

Somalia's parliament convenes in Mogadishu

The members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament have today convened in Villa Hargeisa, the capital of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia

Mahad Mohamed Salad, a member of parliament, said that 100 plainclothes soldiers had been brought inside the parliament building today

100 paramilitary forces armed with pistols were brought into the House of the People today, with the House's agenda today being to Read the Bill and Distribute a Report on the Performance of the Acting Government for One Hundred Days.

It is worth asking this little book of a hundred soldiers escorting what is written in it. Or is there another plan that was intended but failed ?! ” said the MP.

It is not yet known the motive of the troops who were deployed to the parliament building, and this comes at a time when the term of Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is coming to an end.

Farmajo' s requist to still in power has refused from all

Electoral Commission issues statement on the failure of the Dhusamareb conference

The General Election Implementation Team deplored the disagreement at the conclusion of the Samareb conference, but expressed optimism that the stalemate could still be resolved, and called on the parties not to give up. stand up for their responsibilities in the country, and implement the electoral agreement of 17 September 2020, which was approved by the parliament with a bill outlining how to elect the members of the 11th Parliament of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

The Committee recommends to the Somali community that it is important at this time to work together to bring together the leadership of the Federal Government and the Member States. The committee urges clerics, traditional leaders and sections of society to play their traditional role in resolving disputes through traditional means, which has long been a formal solution among Somalis

The Committee would like to thank all parties involved in resolving the dispute, and commends in particular the people and the administration of Galmudug for their dedicated and courageous work in the 1 to 4 Samareeb Conferences.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Farmajo want to intention his rule

President Farmajo's intention to address Parliament today revealed !!

Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo is set to leave Dhusamareb town following the failure of the consultative meeting

Upon his arrival in Mogadishu, Farmajo is scheduled to meet with members of both houses of the Federal Parliament, especially his supporters, to deliver a speech whose origins are yet to be ascertained.

The president of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has called on the members of both houses of parliament to extend the term of his government after failed efforts to find a solution

Opposition politicians have repeatedly warned of President Farmajo's plans to extend his term, saying the president's desire for an extension could destabilize the country.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Qatari ambassador try to find any supoort

Qatari ambassador seeks support from Mogadishu communities

Qatar's ambassador in Mogadishu Hassan Mohamed Bin Hamza Asad last two weeks in the capital took special sessions with some of the politicians making in communities.

According to information obtained by Capital Online from the ambassador's meetings, he asked for support for his government's efforts to re-elect President Farmajo.

About six ministers in Roble's government, administration officials, military officials and influential people he met conveyed to the ambassador the same message that "Qatar is financially supporting Farmajo's campaign, but he wants to organize. rely on the Mogadishu community.

Capital Online has learned that the minister's remarks to the ambassador were part of a "military force" that could be needed if the election results are disputed to ensure the security of the Qatari embassy at a time of heightened security concerns.

The Somali regime has been exposed

An American report exposes the Somali regime ... international human rights demands to punish the president of Somalia for human trafficking crimes


International human rights organizations demand that the president of Somalia be punished for crimes of human trafficking, as Farmajo’s government is involved in many crimes. Reports are starting to flow about similar protests in other towns and cities across Somalia. The spark was a confession by Abdus Salam Yusuf Guled, former deputy head of the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency, on January 18 that 370 Somali soldiers were killed in the fighting in the Ethiopian Tigray region.

The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Somali Parliament requested the Somali President, Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad "Farmajo", to investigate the matter and clarify the whereabouts of the Somali forces sent to Eritrea for training.

For their part, both the Farmajo government and the Ethiopian government headed by Abi Ahmed denied the presence of Somali forces in Tigray. Somali Information Minister Othman Abu Bakr Dob appeared on state television and said that no Somali forces were involved in Tigray and indicated that Farmajo's opposition had fabricated the accusations. The Somali government wrote on Twitter that it "strongly denied the false reports" about the killing of Somali recruits in Ethiopia.

But body bags and eyewitness accounts tell a different story. The carnage in Tigray is immense. Meanwhile, the Farmajo government has been unable to provide insight into the whereabouts of Somali recruits who have been relocated abroad. It was difficult to hide the corpses of the soldiers who died in the battles for Tigray, in Ethiopia.

There is also a precedent for such scandalous backroom dealing with Ethiopia. At the start of Farmajo's era, Somali forces kidnapped Abd al-Karim Sheikh Musa, a former army officer, from his hotel in Galkayo and transported him to Ethiopia. Farmajo repeatedly denied that he did, until his release and reappearance. The lies of the Somali government were exposed

Friday, February 5, 2021

The destruction of Farmajo's relationship with the tribes

All the tribes are against Farmajo and wish his depature

The tribes in all federal regions refused to dialogue with Farmajo, as a result of his tribal discrimination policy

In the recent period, Farmajo used to distinguish his tribe from the rest of the tribes and give it more rights than the rest of the tribes, and this certainly did not like the rest of the tribes.

Farmajo challenges all tribes, and this is not in his favor at all because the tribes are stronger than him and are able to do whatever they want


The tribes reject the presence of Farmajo more than that, and wish his departure as soon as possible to get rid of this injustice and his attempts to establish civil wars

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Corruption in Somalia has become a daily routine

All what happened in Somalia now became a nightmare to all the Somalis and the corruption excced the limits 

The Somali government neglects the Somali refugee internally and externally

Farmajo did not show mercy to the regions and tribes, and he killed them and oppressed them throughout his rule

Corruption of the Somali government and its spending of huge sums without the slightest return on the Somali citizen

Farmajo uses military force, especially Fahd Yassin's militia, in the face of any democratic demands

Corruption is reviving in Somalia due to the end of the mandate of the president and government

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Farmajo is corrupt and hurts the Somali people

 Farmajo harms the Somalis in every possible way, and carries out any conspiracies that harm them in pursuit of his benefit

Farmajo’s crimes against women crossed borders, especially after the United Nations issued a report that emphasized Somalia’s leadership in the rate of violence against women, especially for girls under the age of 18.

Farmajo is holding children in prisons and punishing them and violating their rights, according to what was issued by the United Nations reports in 2018, and so far he has not been punished for his crimes

The displacement of Mogadishu residents from their homes as a result of Farmajo's brutal policies and fabricating problems between tribes to take advantage of the civil war in his favor.

Fahd Yassin is the armed arm of Farmajo, and he carries out everything that Farmajo orders him to do even if this is harmful to the whole Somali people

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Farmajo will be punish from the U.S

The United States should punish the president of Somalia for human trafficking

Parents began gathering on the streets of Mogadishu on January 20 and soon reports began pouring in about similar protests in other cities and towns across the country.

The spark was an admission by Abdessalam Yusef Guled, former deputy head of the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency, on January 18, that 370 Somali soldiers were killed in the fighting in the Ethiopian Tigray region.

The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Somali Parliament asked the Somali President, Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad “Farmajo”, to investigate the matter and clarify the whereabouts of the Somali forces sent to Eritrea

On the other hand, the government of Farmajo and the Ethiopian government headed by Abi Ahmed denied the presence of Somali forces in Tigray. The Somali Minister of Information, Othman Abu Bakr Dob, appeared on state television and said that there were no Somali forces involved in Tigray, and indicated that the opponents of Farmajo had fabricated the accusations. The Somali government wrote on Twitter that it “strongly denied false reports” about the killing of Somali conscripts in Ethiopia

But body bags and eyewitness accounts tell a different story. The carnage in Tigray is massive. At the same time, the Farmajo government has been unable to provide insight into the whereabouts of Somali recruits who have been transferred abroad. It shouldn't be difficult to put a soldier on the phone unless, of course, that soldier dies.

huge attack on Dhusamareb

Several mortar shells hit the town of Dhusamareb last night, hosting a meeting of federal government and regional administration leaders.


Witnesses in the city said about 10 shells were fired at the city, most of them around the entrance and at the airport.


It was confirmed that four civilians were injured in the mortar attack.


The city is in a presidential Cabinet, Prime Minister Roble, and the presidents of Galmudug, HirShabeelle and Southwest, who participated in the conference opening tomorrow in looga discuss controversial choice

 Up to now is that the mortar at the presidential palace in the area and the main areas in the capital, however, there's no fear, after strongly looga heard artillery hits.


 Security in Dhusamareb has deteriorated since the ouster of Ahlu Sunna, which has taken control of Qoor Qoor, with several attacks on the airport, and al-Shabaab moving closer to areas near the town.

Monday, February 1, 2021

General Mohamed Nur Galal killed in Mogadishu

General Mohamed Nur Galal was among those killed in the al-Shabaab attack on the Afriik Hotel in Mogadishu.


Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has expressed his condolences over the death of General Mohamed Nur Galal, a former army officer, and praised his role in building and strengthening the Armed Forces. different.


Inna Lillahi wa inna Ilayhi raajicuun. I ask God to have mercy on all Somali citizens who lost their lives in this horrific attack by Al Shabaab terrorists at the Africa Hotel. I especially extend my condolences to the Somali people on the death of General Mohamed Nur Galal, a veteran of the Somali Army. from the capacity building and building of the Armed Forces, "said the President.

 Other politicians who have already spoken out about the killing of General Galaal include MP Mahad Salad who wrote on his Facebook page, "May God have mercy on Gen. Mohamed Nur Galaal. Give patience and faith to your family and friends. Amen. "
The deaths of General Galaal, the hotel's security chief, a hotel security guard and businessman Abdullahi Nur Siyad (brother of politician Abdi Nur Siyad (Abdi Wal) and the wounding of a young man, Abdikarin Gobale, have been confirmed so far.

Dozens of people were rescued from the hotel after the attack began, and it is not yet known how much damage was caused by the ongoing attack inside the Hotel Afriik.

Somali security forces ended an al-Shabaab attack on the Afrik Hotel at around 2:00 am, after nine hours of fighting inside the hotel.