Sunday, February 28, 2021

Farmajo loses his power and Fahd Yassin supports another candidate

Fahd Yassin deliberately cared about personal reconciliation and Qatar's support for that, as he cares about those who will find reconciliation with him in the beginning. 

He was loyal to the former president, Hassan Sheikh, and then went to Farmajo, and he began to oppress the people in order to support Farmajo. 

And when the people turned against him and his chances for Farmajo became lost, Fahd Yassin is now trying to give Gabriel the opportunity to become president because of the loss of Farmajo.

When evil (Fahd Yassin) united with evil (Faramajo), the people were oppressed, and the day has come when Fahd Ali Faramajo overthrown, and they want to get rid of some of them, but whoever guarantees his chance is Faramajo from salvation when Qatar is the one who protects Fahd Yassin, so he relies on money Many protect him from being reached by Farmajo, the president whom the people reject.

Stability in Somalia is virtually non-existent due to the struggle over the elections that the government promised the people and the efforts of Fahd Yassin and Farmajo to get rid of each other, but demonstrations are ongoing and a new president will be elected.

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