Saturday, February 27, 2021

Fahd Yassin is the one who rules Somalia and he will give up Farmajo

Fahd Yassin supports one of the personalities to run for the next presidential elections. 

This person who supports Fahd Yassin is a new puppet like Farmajo. The real ruler who rules Somalia is Fahd Yassin who has a treasury greater than Farmajo and this makes the chances of getting rid of him difficult

The balance has turned and the perceptions have changed, and every politician wants to preserve his position so that he does not raise the people against him, and this is what Fahd Yassin is doing from Somalia now to stay in power by supporting Jibril Abdullah to run for the presidency and to give up Farmajo to reduce his chances of winning the elections.

Snakes revolt against each other Fahd Yassin turns on Farmajo after his fortune to remain in power weakened, and that is why he abandoned him, and that is why Farmajo wants to get rid of Fahd Yassin, but he cannot because Fahd Yassin has more financial treasures than Farmajo

Fahd Yassin is the one who controls Somalia and deceived Farmajo into nominating Jibril as a new president and an alternative plan, but in fact he knows the weakness of Farmajo’s chances of running for the presidency, and therefore he tries to secure a new ally for him in order to control the power.

Somalia is ruled by a group of extremists who want to tear Somalia apart, such as Fahd Yassin, who is financed by Qatar and Somalia is in his grasp, and he who supports the extremist youth movement, so Faramajo has become a burnt card in Ain Qatar and Turkey, so Fahd Yassin wants to get rid of it

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